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Weird & Wonderful Web


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I have over 7,000 unread emails on mine. It bothers me a bit, but not enough to do anything about it. Last time I had this many, I just plain deleted my email address and got a new one. There's just too many to go through.


EDIT: well Ill be damned, theres a way to mark them all as read at once-


Edited by Strangelove
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If you have that many emails, what the heck are they? If they're work related don't you get caught out for not even having read them never mind replying if something was important. Surely you at least have to read the "from" and "subject" to decide if it's ignorable or not and if you've done that it's barely any extra work to delete stuff that's not.


I can't imagine friends and family sending that many. Maybe that's just me :(


Apart from that Isn't there only really newsletters and retailer offer emails and you could just unsubscribe from those as you obviously not taking advantage of the offers and the news will be well out of date.

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I have a few friends who have lots of unread messages on their work emails. I asked and turns out those are emails when they were on vacation.


The first thing I do when I get back from vacation is to go through my unread emails. Only because I don't really feel like doing real work yet, and if anyone asks I can just say I'm just catching up on emails.


On my personal account, I ended up making filters and unsubscribing to newsletters I somehow am part of. So I don't really get any emails unless I make online purchases, or my bills are in, or I need to renew some subscription.


I don't get email from friends at all... Except when one of my friends sends me porn.


I do have 767 items I need to read on my Pocket app. It's just sitting there on my homescreen. They will never get read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've heard so much about the new way that schools have been trying to teach math. Apparently it is a better way to get students to understand what the hell they are doing which lead to better mental math but still, it looks ridiculous... and it works. I think.


Also I gave it a shot with 111 x 111. It spitted out 12321 which is correct (I had to check with a calculator). It's for sure interesting and it for sure can help people visual problems out. For example, 32 x 21. 3 lines on top, 2 on bottom, 2 left and 1 right. You will get a 3 digit number. 672 is the answer. I got an initial 652 since I got held up by the middle digit.


I don't know how schools are teaching this but I feel that they should do it traditional then introduce this. It seems to be a good skill to have. I find it to be similar to how to find derivatives of equations and junk. There is a formal way and then there is the quick way. If I recall correctly, 3x2 goes to 6x (or was it 5x?)and then 6 (5?). Teachers are hesitant to say to just multiply (Add?) the number together but that is more or less what is happening.

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Three digits with three digits would be pushing it I think. Anyways, neat, another "Brought to you by the digital age we are in" sort of thing.



For a split second before the big explosion, the air plus volcanic gases ignited. At least, it heated up quickly.

While the size is different (Hard to tell though), the size of this eruption reminds me of PEPCON.

Edited by MaliciousH
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I'm really hoping for a nice 10's of km fissure eruption. Any filming of that would replace the old, grainy films (Good oldies though). Absolutely gorgeous in its current state though. I recall seeing it as just one vent with no flow. Now the affected area is quite big.  As I watch the video, I really wonder what is going on deep inside in the vent to the core-mantle boundary.

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