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Question: As a total n00b, what are the cheapest tactics to use?


Like I said, you don't really need to worry about tactic at this level. That being said, to answer your question, the cheapest tactics are called "cheese". Basically, it's rushing to a very specific build so that you can attack your opponent before he's ready. I can't tell you of any specific one because I never bothered learning any, but know that they are very high risk tactics. A good player will be able to hold his own against a cheeser and once it has failed, the cheeser is at a significant disadvantage. There's almost no coming back from it.


To give you an idea, there's a pretty good youtube series called When Cheese Fails. It's two guys casting replays of games where cheese was attempted and failed miserably. It's pretty damn funny.


Here's the playlist for the first season 

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Question: As a total n00b, what are the cheapest tactics to use?


Don't let anybody tell you cheesing is anything but hilarious and effective at all levels. MVP cheesed something like 70% of his games in one GSL and is often called one of the best macro Terrans there is. Also, cheesing is pretty much the only thing you see in high ranked multiplayer games (2v2 and up).


That said...



6-Rax All-in

10 - depot

12 - barracks

depot when barracks is done

16 - orbital command; stop building scvs, queue up 4 marines in barracks, drop mules as often as possible

@750 minerals - build 5 more barracks

queue up 3 depots with one scv while barracks are building

push out at exactly 6 minutes. You should have 12 marines. Rally your barracks to one of the marines.

Continue mule dropping and supply depot building, but this attack should do enough damage to end the game.


Two-Rax Reaper (aka 8/8/8 Reaper) (HotS only)

8 - depot, cut scv production, send out an scv to proxy

8 -  when depot is done drop a proxy barracks immediately, then a gas. Put 3 guys on gas as soon as it finishes.

When barracks is done, build another one and start your first reaper. Rally both barracks directly into the opponents base. Start building SCVs again but only when you have extra minerals; prioritize reapers.

Whether or not this build works depends entirely on how well you control your reapers. Target fire units first, then SCVs, and pull weak reapers back to heal. I think this is one of the funnest builds to both do and defend against right now.



7 pool

Fun fact: the timing on a 7 pool is about the same as the timing on a 6 pool but you get a queen earlier and have an extra drone.

6 - drone

7 - pool

6 - drone

7 - drone

8 - overlord

rally your hatch to the enemy base and make 6 lings as soon as your spawning pool finishes. Bring a drone with the attack if you're playing against a zerg and build a spine crawler on their creep. Continue spamming lings with every larvae

@150 minerals - queen (spam larvae)

Keep an eye on your supply, you'll need an overlord soon after the queen

When you've decided your attack has succeeded/failed, go back to building drones.


Baneling Bust (ZvT build)

13 - gas

13 - pool

when pool is done, build a baneling nest immediately and start spamming lings.

Queen @ 150 minerals

Keep your lings at the enemies natural expansion. Morph 6 of them into banelings as soon as you can.

When banelings are done, target a supply depot on the terran wall with them. When the supply depot goes down run your zerglings in, kill any marines he might have, and wreck havoc on the mineral line.


1-Base Roach Rush

14 - pool

14 - gas

Roach warren when pool is done, queen.

~18-20 - build 2-3 overlords (roaches take up lots of supply)

Spam roaches when warren finishes and attack when you think you have enough of them (7-`12 should work).


12-drone rush (this absolutely totally works; i've done it quite a few times)

Once you have 10 drones and about 100 minerals, build 2 geysers, spawn two more drones, and then cancel the geysers. This should leave you at 12/10 supply. When you have 150 minerals, send all your drones to attack, and build 1 overlord behind it. Get a drone when the overlord finishes. Attack the opponents workers and don't let them build stuff. All your opponent has to do is select all their workers and a-move them into yours. 99% of people WILL NOT do this. They will panic and try to micro and fail hard. Some guy on TeamLiquid got into platinum league doing this.



I'm actually terrible with protoss, so I can't help you much here. I'm sure you can find the 4-gate or cannon rush build online.


Oracle rush

- Pylon

- Gateway

- Cybercore

- Stargate

- Oracle. Send the oracle to the opponents mineral line and attack the workers.

Some people say this isn't cheese. We call them high diamond league Protoss players..

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Yeah, cheesing is a legit way to play. Anyone that says otherwise is just butthurt.


That being said, there is a big difference between MVP doing it and some random dude in bronze doing it. One is a thought out strategic move, the other is just not good enough to win otherwise. 

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Ha, yeah I was actually talking with a friend of mine last night. He used to play a lot of 2v2 and was telling me what their main plan was. It was pretty much a cheese.


His teammate would rush to speedlings and attack the front of one base to distract while he sneak-warped a bunch of units in the corner of the other base.

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  • 1 year later...



OH GOD, YES!! I kinda feel like the wait for this one was much shorter than it was for HotS.


Also, it's standalone. I understand why but meh. It better integrate with the old client for those that are already up to date because I don't want two completely separate installs/programs just to have access to all 3 campaigns.

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  • 6 months later...

Just finished Heart of The Swarm, man I'm so pumped up for third and final act of the story. So good. They should make some kind of RPG out of this. Or better yet - an animated movie. That opening cinematic is the coolest shit ever.

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  • 3 months later...

Coming November 10th.



I see I said the same thing when I posted the last trailer but man, this one feels like it came much faster than HotS. My anticipation and excitement for the series being higher at the time probably had something to do with it. I haven't really paid much attention to SC2 the past couple years. Not sure if I'll be getting this one at launch, though. I definitely want to play it but I might hold off a bit if I don't have the time/desire to play it right away.


Although, now that XCOM 2 has been bumped to 2016, I'm not sure what else there is for me in Nov. 

Edited by FLD
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