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I'm more interested in whether she and Jim ever patched things up.


They'll probably address that.


I'd say that it definitely helps that he personally came for her and stopped Tychus from killing her. In Wings of Liberty and the Heart of the Swarm teaser trailers, it's fairly obvious that he still cares for her somewhat.


EDIT: They both also have a common enemy in Mengsk. Even if you sided with Nova in Wings of Liberty, it's worth remembering that she's still at the Dominion's beck and call (as seen in the teaser trailer).

Edited by Vargras
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It looks interesting. Johnny and I have been talking a bit about the new units. The way I see it, Terran gets the (slightly) short end of the stick with the new expansion, but I have a feeling that's all likely to change in the next few days. As a Protoss and Zerg player who's not very good at either, I'm particularly curious to see if the Terran's new mines reflect damage back to friendly buildings as well, as that'll make for some interesting cheese possibilities with 6 pools and the like. Hell, even probes could do a fair amount of damage to buildings if they pick up a mine on the way and carry it into the enemy base before it explodes.


Other that that, should be interesting to see how it changes MP a bit. The mineral deny that the Protoss has is going to be clutch mid-game if you can tech out the unit, and I'm interested to see how the Mothership Core changes early attacks and rushes with its recall.


Only thing I'm not too excited about are the Tempest's 22 range and the Viper's Abduct, as both just seem to be able to reach a tad bit too far, but what do I know about balance anyway. I'm pretty sure they'll be fine.

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