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Starcraft 2


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Has anyone played this yet?  Mine should be arriving later today (I prefer to have discs cause I'm weird like that).  I'm stoked.  Although I might have court tonight at 6, and if so won't get home till like 7 or 8, in which case :(

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There's not really anything in the box.  There's the disc, a quick-start guide ("insert the disc to install the game"), a couple of WoL and WoW trials, and a zerg-themed notepad, which is a little nifty but ultimately kind of weird.  The box itself is nice looking though.

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lmao, I automatically read phrase "requires more minerals" in the Protoss interface voice.  Guess I know what race I play as the most...


Yeah, I play Terran so I wasn't 100% sure what the Zerg phrase is.


Arg, missed the post and the WoL sale!


Seriously, it's still $40? Jesus, Blizzard.


Damnit, GOH! I quoted you SPECIFICALLY so you wouldn't miss it! Don't you check your notifications?! 


But yeah, just got home. INSTALL FASTER, DAMNIT! Also, I'm confused. What's the point of still including guest passes for SC2 and WoW? Both games already have Starter Editions. Guess they must've printed a shit load of them years ago and are stiil trying to get rid of them. 

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Why is it stupid? Expansions require their base game because, wait for it... they expand it! 


Seriously, though, I always find it weird when an expansion doesn't require the base game. I get that it's to make it more accessible and I guess it makes sense for something like, say, Shogun 2 where Fall of the Samurai was a completely different setting and it's not story-based. But for something like this, it makes no sense to skip the first one.


Unless you're only interested in MP, I guess. In which case, you can still buy WoL and play it online without HotS so it's kinda moot.


edit: Almost forgot. Just played the first four missions. Holy crap, it's awesome! And as is usual with Blizzard, the cutscenes are absolutely fantastic. 

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Yeah, it's the most fun rts campaign I've ever played. There's just so much variety to the missions. And being able to unlock permanent upgrades instead of having to research them every single time takes a lot of the "work" out of it.


The original was a great game but I played through it and its expansion last year and holy shit all missions are the same: build a base, build an army, kill all the motherfuckers. It got really old after a while. Only reason I stuck with it was for the story and my insistence to not just read a summary of it. I did end up using cheats to finish the last 3 missions of Brood War, though. Holy fuck, those were hard

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Well I used the cheats in an act of desperation. I refuse to just read the story and I normally also refuse to use cheats to get past a difficult part (that one's mostly stubborness). But I had to be realistic. There was no way in hell I was ever going to beat those missions on my own. First, I am not korean. Second, even with the cheats, I had to rebuild my entire army like 5 times during the very last mission.

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I used cheats for the missions that don't allow you to build a base because I suck at keeping dudes alive so it was easier to just make them invincible, I played the rest of the game normally except for a couple other missions were the enemy didn't give me enough time to build an army. :P

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