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innernet pet peeves


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  On 8/20/2011 at 10:34 PM, Baconrath said:

When people go on and on about story in video games it makes me want to shout "Go read a book or something!" I mean, yeah, it's important to many games, but if this is the medium you go for storytelling I feel like you're doing it wrong.


Edit: Bacon dwells in the house of flawed logic.

I feel exactly the same way, or at least as long as video games continue trying to tell their stories in the same way that films do I will continue to feel the same way. In a medium defined by it's interactivity, why would I want the story told to me through non-interactive film?

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  • 2 months later...

My biggest pet peeve at the moment is one that I see on blog comments and in this very forum:


"[Developer] would have made [game] much better if it hadn't been for [publisher]."


It pisses me off. No, BF3 would not have been multiplayer only if it weren't for EA. The absolute ruler (one step shy of JR) of EA's "Games" (i.e. not EA Sports or The Sims) is Patrick Soderlund, the former CEO of DICE. He's the one who calls the shots, he's the one who says whether or not we need to go after CoD or we need singleplayer, or going Origin exclusive is ok. So, if EA did not own DICE, he would still be in charge and all those things (barring Origin) would still have happened.


Further, EA exec level staff do not sit with the devs saying "Hey, you know what would be great? Drop the inventory from Mass Effect!" they may say that they want the next ME to be more accessible, but it's up to the devs to implement that.


I understand why people say this. I know you love DICE and Bioware and so on, and that you want them to be infallible. Because of that it's easy to say oh they would never have done this were it not for their evil overlords and point your fingers at EA, but that's not how it is. Sometimes DICE make shitty decisions not because they are forced into them, but because they think it is a good idea at the time.


So please, no more "BF3 single player sucks because EA forced DICE to do it." or "Bioware added in multi-player to ME because EA demanded it.". These companies are all extinct. They are studios of EA, EA can no more force them to make a shit game than you can "force" your hands to draw a shit picture. If your picture is shit your hands are as to blame as your head.

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I thought I had mentioned this, but could not see it. And it's not limited to the internet, either.


NEWSFLASH: 'Wherefore art thou?' does not mean 'where are you?'


Do not use phrases from Romeo and Juliet if you don't understand them. Juliet is not asking where Romeo is (she already bloody knows!), it is a lamentation about why he had to be a Montague and her a Capulet because of the feud between the two families.

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  On 11/15/2011 at 12:31 PM, Hot Heart said:
I thought I had mentioned this, but could not see it. And it's not limited to the internet, either.


NEWSFLASH: 'Wherefore art thou?' does not mean 'where are you?'


Do not use phrases from Romeo and Juliet if you don't understand them. Juliet is not asking where Romeo is (she already bloody knows!), it is a lamentation about why he had to be a Montague and her a Capulet because of the feud between the two families.

This one drives my wife absolutely fucking crazy. Every time she hears it she goes on a huge rant about how "wherefore" doesn't mean "where" it means "why" and you people need to learn English you dumbass motherfuckers!


Well, maybe she doesn't swear that much, but the sentiment is definitely there.

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I got a couple, one of which is not necessarily related to the internet but still annoys me nonetheless.


1. Half-assed use of anaphora as a cheap attempt at strengthening an argument. I've been guilty of this myself, but the past few months I've realized just how lazy it is and have tried to not use it any longer. No, repeating the same damn little phrase at the beginning of every sentence for the next 10 sentences doesn't make your argument well-written. It's lazy, extremely transparent, and requires absolutely no thought in using whatsoever. You're only wasting my time and turning me off from whatever argument you were trying to make. Stop it now.


2. Lameass acronyms with words OBVIOUSLY chosen to make another word the writers OBVIOUSLY wanted. "S. M. A. R. T.", "S. T. A. L. K. E. R.", "F. E. A. R.". How about "S. H. U. T. T. H. E. F. U. C. K. U. P. Y. O. U. A. R. E. N. O. T. B. E. I. N. G. C. L. E. V. E. R. I. T. '. S. A. N. N. O. Y. I. N. G. ,. O. V. E. R. U. S. E. D. A. N. D. O. B. N. O. X. I. O. U. S."

Edited by RockyRan
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You mean like how the Coalition for the Liberation of Itinerant Treedwellers is an offshoot of the Liberate Apes Before Imprisoning Apes movement? ;)


But yeah, that bugs the crap out of me too, especially how it seems that lawmakers absolutely love to do it.




kim pine gif.gif

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I too find "Backronyms" irritating. Here's some more to wind you up... http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FunWithAcronyms


James Bond's "S.P.E.C.T.R.E." was always a favourite of mine. SPecial Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.

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  • 6 months later...

"I wholeheartedly agree."


Fuck you. Stop saying that.


And I know Thursday Next already mentioned it, but I HATE when people blame publishers for a crappy game or a game they just don't agree with.

And yes, this is about EA. Publishers buy/hire developers because their previous games sold a lot and they want a cut of it. They have no reason to change a formula that worked.

And yes, this is also about Bioware. Yeah, I agree about Dragon Age 2 to a certain extent, but despite the crappy ending, ME3 was a great game.

If Bioware fails, its all on Bioware. EA has nothing to do with the quality of it. Maybe EA force them to push out DA2 and thats why it reused so many dungeons, but everything else was Bioware's artistic choice, which a lot of people disliked. The backlash againt Bioware and EA as a whole has just been ridiculous. Maybe I dont see it because Im not an old school elitist PC gamer that cummed every time I played Baldur's Gate. Time goes on, get with it or move on to something else. Shit, theres even people that hate Dragon Age Origins because it's not like Bioware's old stuff. Fuck those guys. Fucking hipsters.

As far as Im concerned, EA has supported stuff like Dead Space, Rock Band, Battlefield, Alice MR and Mirror's Edge, so I really appreciate EA a lot. I also dont game online, so I dont give a shit about an online pass. So many gamers just act like such little bitches nowadays. Its sad.



And yet the swallow the jizz that is Diablo 3's always online crap and try to defend it at every chance they get. Hypocrites.

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People that think the people that hate say...ubisofts UbiDRM are same folks that lap up Diablo 3 when it's likely they're on unconnected venn diagrams. Or the "why whine, you'll buy COD anyway *cites kotaku's crappy screenshot of COD-hate steam group*" guys. There's something like several hundred million gamers, it's not some huge hivemind some seem to want to make it out to be. I will point out I don't think that it was Biowares choice to knock out DA2 so quickly, especially since DA:O took like 9 years or something. Nor do I think it was Biowares choice to turn a bunch of MMO n RTS studios into Bioware studios. So there are a fair few Bioware-related things that get put at EA's feet.(though if you wish to discuss further, there's other threads)


I will say when a publisher absolutely does something cruddy they should be called on it. i.e "deep sales devalue IPs, we're not Target like Valve"...two weeks pass..."75% off on Origin!!".

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I hate the word noob. I also hate pwned. They just bug me. Yes I'm not good at a game, no don't insult me with your gamer words, they don't make me feel better.


Also I hate when I browse game forums for help and the answer people give is "don't get shot" or "don't die". Oh is that what I'm supposed to do? I thought the goal wasto collect as many bullets in my brain as possible.

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  On 6/24/2012 at 1:25 PM, Hot Heart said:

YouTube comments in general but particularly:


'[Celebrity] sent me.'


'Thumbs up if [celebrity] sent you.'


Oh! Double hate score if it's from Reddit! I read the site myself, but when I go to Youtube I don't need to see the first 2 pages of comments saying stuff like "thumbs up if Reddit brought you here."


A lot of Redditors seem to think they're in this special little group that no one knows about. I think of it as "a secret club of millions."

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  On 6/24/2012 at 8:42 PM, fuchikoma said:
  On 6/24/2012 at 1:25 PM, Hot Heart said:

YouTube comments in general but particularly:


'[Celebrity] sent me.'


'Thumbs up if [celebrity] sent you.'


Oh! Double hate score if it's from Reddit! I read the site myself, but when I go to Youtube I don't need to see the first 2 pages of comments saying stuff like "thumbs up if Reddit brought you here."


A lot of Redditors seem to think they're in this special little group that no one knows about. I think of it as "a secret club of millions."


Thumbs up if reddit brought you here!!!!!11!!1one1!

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  On 6/24/2012 at 8:42 PM, fuchikoma said:

A lot of Redditors seem to think they're in this special little group that no one knows about. I think of it as "a secret club of millions."


Sadly, that's why I stopped visiting the site. Except for the picture sub-reddits because no one is that serious over there.


I have one. lmgtfy.com.


I got to stackoverflow 'cause I was looking up something for work and saw this on a comment. A few others commented on how that's not helping or whatever. So like the great procrastinator that I am I endeavored to know more about the use of lmgtfy on stackoverflow, and after an hour, found that it was apparently banned as an answer, so people just leave those links on comments.


The stupidity of that response... imagine searching for something on google, and found a link to a question exactly like yours. Then the answer is lmgtfy.com. I just did that!!!


And in the process of researching this I was also reminded that I really hate when someone asks a question on a forum, then posts back and says "nvm. fixed it." without any explanation how / why / what the hell happened...

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