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Post Your Gaming Area


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So what does your gaming area look like? Nice n neat with a sofa in the middle. dinky dark area with towers of empty energy drink cans against the wall.


Here's mine





There's a mini-fridge next to the PS3 I keep topped up with water.

Top shelf is games/Blu-Rays, middle for movies n bottom for books. I need a bigger shelf :P

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Erectin' a Picture!

My area is simple, yet it looks like a clusterfudge. Over there on top of that green cube is my Slim PS3, topped by my ghetto keyboard and a controller. To the right is a DJ Hero turntable stand/carrying case and while my 360 is not present, I do play it, it's just in another room. The tv to the left of the PS3 is actually my "HD" TV, for some reason it gives me 1080p through component cables. You also see a desk with a PC, the thing is pretty old and barely alive, I rarely use it. Behind the monitor is my crappy modem and neat router. The cable mess under the PS3 is the setup for the headset on the desk, it's a 5.1 Dolby Digital headset, it's pretty sweet even though it's a mess to set up. Fun Fact: Inside the green cube lies my Wii!

Extra points if you can name all the games/movies on the desk.


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Whoa caveman! Impressive! What's that to the left of Assasin's creed? It looks like a tin box, but can't figure out the game. I spot an old phat PS2, neat! Hellsing poster? +5

It does leave me wondering though, where do you sit to do comfortable prolonged gaming? I see a Coca-cola chair, but i can only imagine it might get uncomfortable around the third hour.

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What's that to the left of Assasin's creed? It looks like a tin box, but can't figure out the game.


I'm pretty sure that's the Fallout 3 Collector's Edition lunch box :D


I used to have one, but then I sold the game and everything that came with it :(

Except for my soundtrack that came as a pre-order bonus from gamestop :tophat:

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Well here's my desk:




Left monitor is used for my PC, right monitor generally has my 360 hooked up to it, but I move my PS3 over when I'm playing something on that.


Then there's the TV area:




It has the other 360, the one my fiancee uses, the PS3 (when it's not on my desk), and the Wii hooked up to it. Rock band components are kept in the Rock Band box beside my desk, which you can see a little of in the lower-left of the picture.

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Whoa caveman! Impressive! What's that to the left of Assasin's creed? It looks like a tin box, but can't figure out the game. I spot an old phat PS2, neat! Hellsing poster? +5

It does leave me wondering though, where do you sit to do comfortable prolonged gaming? I see a Coca-cola chair, but i can only imagine it might get uncomfortable around the third hour.



That's the Fallout 3 Special/Collector's Edition Lunch box :P




You can see part of it reflected on my TV :P






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Alright, I have quite a few pictures, as I wanted everyone to get a good view of what pretty much constitutes the entirety of my living quarters.


















I don't own the furniture, so come September I'll probably have a completely different set up. One wall of my room is pretty much a window, so that's why it's so bright, even with the blinds closed! The upper right shelf is a bunch of books for college, and etc. I do have some manga volumes, but hardly noticeable. I've been really getting into purchasing movies, so that's why the current generation of games shares shelf space.


I've got all my handheld stuff piled with the GameCube games, along with the few player's guides I own. There's even my A.A.S. degree, if you were wondering what that black folder thing is. Oh, and I have a Blue Bird because while I said I had a Red Bird, well, I didn't open the package yet. After contacting Rovio, I'm waiting on my Red Bird.


Notice how I have Helghast Edition stuff now too!


As far as the rest, including where my Wii is located...












The last one there is the living room in my apartment where everyone shares stuff. The Samsung HDTV is mine (yes, I have two HDTVs), but the home theater system is a roommate's, along with the external hard drive.

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I'm curious as to what poster or whatever you have on your wall :P

In my room, the Twilight Princess Club Nintendo poster. I have the other two that came along with the Zelda poster pack, but for high quality posters, I like to use frames. If you're talking about the Tron: Legacy - Daft Punk poster, that's the one in the living room.


I actually have three poster in that closet that have been rolled up for months. Our landlord/contractor is anal about hanging anything on the walls. I'm using those adhesive hooks, but even they have a problem with those! I don't know why as they come off clean and easy. :scratch:

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I'm meaning hte one under your shelf/above desk. I assume there's soemthing there that's been scrubbed out cos your PS3 is half invisible in a couple of shots. As if a photoshop brush got a bit too close to it.

There's nothing there. :lol:


I see what you mean though, as it's really white. That would be because of the light from the window, like, three feet away. If you look at the fourth picture with my GameCube, PS2 (and etc) games, you're not going to know more than half of the titles because of the light shining onto the cases.


If I were going to hide a poster, I'd take it off rather than spend time in Photoshop. :P

Edited by Atomsk88
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