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Damn all you people and your nice rigs and/or gaming spaces.


I don't have a camera, so I'll describe mine for you:


It's a simple college desk, with a right-hand space for the seat. The left side of the desk has a multitude of drawers, which I usually use to stuff random crap in because I didn't bring a lot with me. Sitting on top of the desk are a multitude of papers from classes, my hooked-in iPod Touch (1st generation), 3 knocked-over cans of coke, and a sports bottle with my uni's initials on it. Along with it are my keyboard, mouse, modest LCD monitor (it has smudges in several places and doesn't reconfigure very well if you try to adjust it), and my two speakers, which I don't know when I got. In front of my right speaker is a pile of red envelopes from the New Year's past, my dorm keys, and my phone.


To the left of all this, on top of the drawers side of the desk, is my rig. Which is a tower case of varying colors, and is missing the top cover.


Here is a rudimentary drawing of what it looks like from a front shot:



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This is where I spend the most ridiculus ammounts of time. The smaller of those monitors is about to be replaced by a nice (and goddamned expensive) LCD TV. After that my only remaining purchase for my media area is a nice pair of speakers. :D


And this is my couch on the other side of the room. The purpouse of my upcoming TV purchase is to watch movies from pictured couch.

Those drop-down blinds allow me to make the room very dark even during full sunlight.

Edited by Johnny
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StaySICK you win the Neat & organized award.DukeofPwn you win the 2nd place Neat & Organized award!



Ha, the only reason my entertainment center is neat and organized right now is that we just bought that stand and got it set up in the last week or so. I really love it, I'll have to get better pictures now that my camera's battery is charged.


I haven't put a picture of where my computer is, because well, right now its a mess. :(

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  • 3 months later...

Erectin' a Picture!


Extra points if you can name all the games/movies on the desk.



I know this was posted in fucking february but I feel the need to point out the copy of Sonic Adventure 2 battle for the Gamecube on the top of the pile. Not sure how I still recognize that case but that was truly the last great Sonic game.

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I know this was posted in fucking february but I feel the need to point out the copy of Sonic Adventure 2 battle for the Gamecube on the top of the pile. Not sure how I still recognize that case but that was truly the last great Sonic game.


I Love you. So hard.


I can only hope it'll get a better treatment than the PSN/Live Arcade release for Sonic Adventure 1. Charging extra for the "DX" version? Wow Sega...

Chao Gardens need to make a comeback.

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See...I have super crazy nostalgia for that game but it's honestly been years since I've played it...I'm not sure how well it holds up. I'd like to imagine it's still fantastic but...w/e if it comes out on PSN I'll gladly pay 10$ for some nostalgia and trophies regardless of how well it holds up.


Thinking about it I've never actually beaten the single player but I sunk so, so much time into the multiplayer.

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Multiplayer was great, I also poured in more than 200 hours with friends racing against each other. Even though I don't have a memory card anymore I popped the disc in and played some the story a bit, always fun, of course the things that will never hold up well were some of the character animations and voice de-syncs, lines are cheesy and somethings are laughably bad. The fun factor is always off the charts though! Seeing the new Sonic Generations trailer where it showcases "City Escape" has me pumped up and feeling like playing SA2B again.


What about RoF and FFXIII? if they have trophies? I don't own FFXIII, but some friends on PSN have trophies of it, RoF also has trophies and oddly enough the custom music playback option.

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