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  On 8/30/2011 at 12:08 AM, Jesus Christ said:

Just beat the third boss. I felt so smug when



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I think that the first and third boss are the hardest in the game depending on the situation. The first one is definitely the one I had to retry the most times, mainly because he's way too early in the game and nobody has enough augs to fight him correctly. Especially if you're doing the sneaky approach to the game as I was, and I wasn't carrying powerful guns at the time so I had to make him kill himself basically.



If I can give a suggestion that really helps out with the second, third and fourth boss battles it would be to

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Trust me it really helps.

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  On 8/30/2011 at 3:00 PM, Jesus Christ said:

I think that the first and third boss are the hardest in the game depending on the situation. The first one is definitely the one I had to retry the most times, mainly because he's way too early in the game and nobody has enough augs to fight him correctly. Especially if you're doing the sneaky approach to the game as I was, and I wasn't carrying powerful guns at the time so I had to make him kill himself basically.


Really? Every time he got close to me, I would just pop my cloak and sprint to the other side of the room, then go back to shooting at him. Wasn't that hard.

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It depends what you had invested in. You chose wisely for a useful aug. The same way I got lucky in the third and fourth boss because I had bought the electric-resisting skin [though at that point you have the majority of augs really] I was too focused on getting enough batteries and getting my hacking level up to get the cloak at that point so I had to beat him with a pistol that had no upgrades whatsoever, no items that gave me life besides 1 or 2 painkillers, and whatever I could find in the two rooms.

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  On 8/29/2011 at 10:20 PM, Enervation said:
  On 8/29/2011 at 5:08 PM, Maritan said:

Holy Shit, just finished pacifist walkthrough without alarms on "give me Deus Ex". This game is awesome.


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Do robots count against the Pacifist achievement?

No, they don't.

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  On 8/31/2011 at 11:18 AM, Hot Heart said:

Just got some very interesting information out of Sarif via my silver tongue...


I also have a silly question. I presume that because I'll be switching hubs, it's best to sell the vast array of weapons and ammo I have littered about my living room floor, right?



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  On 8/31/2011 at 12:57 PM, Vargras said:
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Ah. I'd got the message about the sidequests but

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Thanks! Much appreciated.


EDIT: While I'm here...anyone have anything to say on this?



I would have thought the social enhancer wasn't too necessary, but I guess it's useful if you're not too good at the conversation stuff.

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Now I've finished I've gone back through the thread



  On 8/25/2011 at 8:24 AM, Pirandello said:
  On 8/25/2011 at 8:02 AM, Vargras said:

Funny thing about that.



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Oh, and my preferred weapon is my 10mm Pistol. Silenced, damage and reload upgraded with AP modification. It pops helmets like balloons. I like playing it quiet and stealthy.

I fucking loved the turrets. The part with the lift

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  On 8/25/2011 at 5:00 PM, Vargras said:
  On 8/25/2011 at 8:24 AM, Pirandello said:

Oh, and my preferred weapon is my 10mm Pistol. Silenced, damage and reload upgraded with AP modification. It pops helmets like balloons. I like playing it quiet and stealthy.


Yeah, the 10mm becomes (dare I say it?) somewhat overpowered once you pick up the armor-piercing upgrade. I tend to play stealthy as well - typically carry the tranq gun, 10mm, combat rifle, crossbow, and heavy rifle with me. 10mm and combat rifle both have silencers on them (10mm is by far my most used weapon).

The 10mm is my preferred weapon throughout, but towards the end the ammo started to get really rare. Also it wasn't as good at popping helmets so I'd get a headshot but all it would do is alert the guards. Even welding helmets started to become effective against it. Actually towards the end it basically became "fuck the weapons you've used all game. You're using the plasma rifle now". I didn't, but the ammo laying about was pretty much "yeah toss your upgraded weapons now, they're now just hunks of metal you can throw". Slightly annoying.


My main weapons were the 10mm, stun gun, assault rifle and the silenced sniper I got at the start (which appears to be a pre-order thing so :/) Towards the end I also got the Grenade Launcher which was neat. As for grenades I mostly used EMPs and Gas. Especially as the gas was good against "don't kill them" targets. I did have the PEP n Heavy Rifle for a while. The PEP I never used, the Heavy Rifle I used now n then but it was pretty useless. tbh so was the Assault Rifle most of the time. It's a good "get out of my face" weapon in case you fuck up stealth though, but not much damage.




  On 8/25/2011 at 6:12 PM, Yantelope said:

I'm trying to decide whether to be all humane or not. I'm beginning to think this is going to be more fun just killing everyone. I didn't used to care about shooting every bad guy in the head in games but it seems to often these days you get punished for it.

I'd change my stance on what I'd do depending on if they were shooting at me or not. And how "army" they looked. So Derelict row was mostly tasers and takedowns. later on they'd get a 10mm to the head. Also when I realized most folks had pocket secretaries on their bodies I didn't just sneak past everyone when I could either, cos otherwise I'd screw myself for later.



  On 8/26/2011 at 1:41 AM, Pirandello said:

So, several things this time around:


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Yeah the ending is a bit of a bummer. I saved and went with all the endings.

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  On 8/27/2011 at 9:21 AM, Hot Heart said:

I think my proudest moment was when I tried to take a guard out at a distance with a tranq dart but missed. He started looking to see what it was, thus disrupting his normal patrol route, allowing me to sneak past once the other guard had moved.


Great success!

Ha I had a few like that. I'd miss with the sniper, they'd turn and look at the bullet hole, meaning they just lined themselves up for a shot. There was also a fun time towards the end at the WHO, two guards talking then go separate ways. Guard that stays closer to my position stops and takes out a cigarette. Damn I wish I was streaming then. "Smoking kills" then a bullet passed through his brain.


The AI was pretty dumb tbh. They'd rarely check the open vents (I think I saw one do it. A couple did throw grenades into them though) and they only ever went to last known location than scouting the area. Though maybe they get smarter with "Give me Deus Ex".


  On 8/30/2011 at 10:05 AM, Hot Heart said:

Ugh, that first boss was a pain. My cackhandedness with a keyboard did not help either.

I see tons of people say this but I got the first boss, expected something a pain in the ass. And all he does is run in lines. He's piss easy. Drop down remote charges and pump bullets in him when he's running at you or dazed. The columns provide tons of cover too. Unless you've stupidly stripped your backpack of all but a 10mm/stun gun (in which case there's weapons in the side rooms) he shouldn't be hard.



So yeah Human Revolution is pretty damn awesome. Definitely a game with repeat playthroughs. Here's hoping for some more in the future. My only big issues is I have a feeling I'll never be able to finish Deus Ex now. There's still Skyrim to come but I'm thinking that my GOTY choice is currently in the bag.


It was a pretty damn fine game. The stealth worked quite well. The areas were fantastic. You could go explore a shit ton, and it was all nice n 3D. I kinda disliked the loading of areas in Shanghai mind. It would have been awesome if it was one continuous area. The game did fall apart a bit towards the end. Especially with the zombies. And the above mentioned lack of ammo for early/mid-game guns. But other than that all very fun. Also gfiven I'm playing FFXIII at the moment I would say that I think the "codex/datacore" thing (can't remember the name atm) would have been better if you came across info scattered around. There was also ample refrences to various odds n sods too without being too "nudge nudge, we're a game" type "humour" you see these days.


Fun. I shall look forward to being able to afford it.


edit: Just saw Thursday post in the "Games you've bought" regarding mission 1.

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I beat the last boss in what is probably the cheapest way possible



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I defeated final boss by:


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  On 8/31/2011 at 3:51 PM, Deanb said:
I see tons of people say this but I got the first boss, expected something a pain in the ass. And all he does is run in lines. He's piss easy. Drop down remote charges and pump bullets in him when he's running at you or dazed. The columns provide tons of cover too. Unless you've stupidly stripped your backpack of all but a 10mm/stun gun (in which case there's weapons in the side rooms) he shouldn't be hard.


This is as bad as "Works fine for me". :rolleyes:


I didn't have remote mines. I was lucky to have grabbed a stun gun on my way there. Plus, he took a heck of a load of combat rifle bullets. Took me about five attempts all told but still a nuisance. Especially since his machinegun is so powerful and there are explosive barrels around the outsides where cover is. And cover's no good once he's marched right up to you. :angry:


Besides being crap at using a keyboard quickly while under pressure (which is almost everything: movement, sprinting, switching between weapons/grenades) my problem was more that I hadn't really settled on a playstyle, so I had no real useful augments. I imagine I'll be better prepared (and upgraded) for any future ones.

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Yeah, I went stealth, long-range. Although it can be a bit tricky, the tranq rifle does have its uses (like my fluffed shot creating a distraction, hehe). At first, I was kinda regretting it but I probably would have fared worse with a stun gun at the start...



Just got my stupid self into a tight spot (like, four-patrolling-guards tight) via quick-saving before checking I was all clear. Had to dive into a bathroom in the middle of the room and close the door, before the guards surrounded the whole area in an alarmed state from spotting a guy I'd rushed in and knocked out (it was a trap!). Eventually, they calmed down but I was still stuck there! Of course when I opened the door, it attracted a guard. Fortunately, I had already purchased the cloak augmentation (just the first tier as well!), and activated it at just the right moment when he was checking around. That cloaking really saved my bacon (Americans read: saved my ass).


I probably could've loaded an older save, I think the previous auto-save was 8 minutes before, but then I wouldn't have had a story to tell. :P

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  On 8/31/2011 at 6:22 PM, Jesus Christ said:

I beat the last boss in what is probably the cheapest way possible



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I played so much today that I had to stop just now because I was actually getting a bit sick of it :lol:

I'm 14 hours in (in Hengsha) and so far I'm loving the hell out of it.


I think so far my biggest disappointment is the music in Hengsha. The soundtrack is great overall. Very subtle and moody.

But for Hengsha I was hoping for something more... memorable.


Something a bit like this :D


Probably won't be able to play tomorrow, though. Like, at all. :(

Got class early in the morning, class in the afternoon and class in the evening. And another class early friday morning, so I won't have a lot of free time after my evening class...

Though it's a bit fucked because normally there are work periods before or after the classes, so thursday is normally my busiest day. But since this is the first day, most classes won't have the work periods, so I'll be stuck with 2+ hours holes in-between. I'll probably end up coming back home between each class, which is about a 30-40 mins subway ride both ways. -_-


If my laptop was powerful enough, I'd install Human Revolution on it and find a quiet spot in the school library to play between classes :lol:

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