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There's no need for save importing. Deus Ex has a history of deciding which ending elements of the previous game are canon. It kinda sounds like MD is doing the same thing so they could easily just decide that Malik is alive and have her show up. Similarly, Paul could die in the original game (in fact, I assume he died in most people's games considering how unclear the game is about saving him even being an option) yet he's alive and well in Invisible War.

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Aww yeah, woke up to my key from GMG in my inbox!


Edit: the reviews are in and it's apparently a pretty good game. Better than No Man's Sky!

That was never in question. Although, the main negative point seems to be the story, which is a little disappointing. HR was similar and I was really hoping this one would be an improvement in that area. Hopefully it'll at least go into conspiracy stuff a bit more. The lack of that in HR was my single biggest disappointment from the game.

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Well, it doesn't have to necessarily tie into the original's plot directly (although I wouldn't mind if the D Project was more relevant to the plot). Just have some of those X-Files-y elements in there and I'll be happy. Like, that one side-quest from HR that delves into Jensen's youth and origins where some MIBs show up at the end. That was pretty much where the game peaked for me in my first playthrough. I just want more of that kinda stuff.


Also, the review thread on NeoGAF is a glorious read. Apparently, reviews scores are looking pretty low! Also, one benchmark at absolute max settings (including AA) had poor numbers on a 980 Ti or something, so it's a garbage port. Because recommended specs = ultra settings, obviously! I honestly can't tell if it's dumbasses or console warriors (it's GAF so it could go either way), but I fucking love it! Either way, cancel your pre-orders while you still can!

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Heard a few more disappointing things about the game since.


-Prague is the only hub. It sounds like you go on missions in other locations but there are no other hubs, which is a huge bummer.

-Seems the game ends very abruptly. Like, just when it starts to get good or something. It sounds like Jim Sterling might have been on to something a while back when he had a source telling him the game was basically artificially broken up to be a trilogy or something along those lines.

-Finally, and this one I'm taking with massive amounts of salt because reviews seem to indicate otherwise, but someone on GAF claims to have finished the game in ~12 hours while playing mostly stealth and doing like 90% of the side-quests. I feel like something else has got to be going on here since reviews report playtimes of 20+ hours. Like the guy didn't explore at all or missed a whole bunch of optional content without realizing it. I remember a similar claim about someone beating Dishonored in like 6h before launch (which is definitely doable) but it ended up taking me something like 20 hours on my first playthrough. So, I don't expect this to be true in my playthrough considering my playstyle.


On a more positive note, the devs confirmed that they are tracking your decisions in this one. So, should they make another Deus Ex (and if point #2 is true, they better fucking do and not take another 5 years to do it!), they intend to do a save import. Which, honestly, to me kinda gives more credibility to the broken up into a trilogy bit. Seems kind of unavoidable if they intentionally broke up one story into multiple games.


I'm still hyped as all hell for it and I fully expect to love it, but I'm going in with adjusted expectations now. Which, honestly, is probably for the better.


edit: Oh and the season pass sounds... not worth 30 bucks.





•Two new story missions: “System Rift” and “A Criminal Past” 

•The “Assault” and “Tactical” packs, which include various weapons and items 

• 4 Praxis Kits 

• 5000 Credits 

• 5 “Booster Packs” and 20 “Chipsets” for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach




Wtf at all that garbage? Praxis kits? Credits?! Those two missions better be fucking meaty, like, Missing Link meaty (5+ hours and a completely new location) because if they're like that Tracer Tong mission you got for pre-ordering HR then holy shit, what a fucking ripoff.

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From what I've heard Prague is pretty Prague sized. DXHR only had Detroit and Hengshea, rest of the game was all areas you got shipped to by Malik (unless you let her die like GOH) and honestly they were pretty decently sized, given we've gotten more disc space to play with I imagine those are scaled up equally too.

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Is the hub area bigger, at least?  If it's bigger than the previous game then I can excuse only having one.  Otherwise that is a huge letdown.


Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot to mention it but it's supposed to be larger than the hubs in HR, with different districts and changes in atmosphere (I assume kinda like when you went back to Detroit in HR and suddenly the place was rioting). I don't know to what extent, though, so I'm not getting my hopes up on it being crazy huge or anything. Honestly, my main issue with the one hub thing is that to me Deus Ex is supposed to be a globe-trotting thing. It's disappointing to hear that your time in other places is going to be inevitably limited. But like you said, I can live with it if it makes up for it by being a really good hub.

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I wonder how, exactly, they'll retcon the end-of-game choice in Human Revolution away. I guess that it will turn out all three buttons will blow up Panchea as well as send out a muddled message from Darrow, huh?


I just don't know if my Jensen could deal with his choice of a fully augmented future being ripped away from him.


And what the hell happens to the Eliza AI? Is she the same as DAEDELUS in Deus Ex? I did like that she was named 'Eliza' after the old chat program, though.

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I wonder how, exactly, they'll retcon the end-of-game choice in Human Revolution away. I guess that it will turn out all three buttons will blow up Panchea as well as send out a muddled message from Darrow, huh?


I just don't know if my Jensen could deal with his choice of a fully augmented future being ripped away from him.


And what the hell happens to the Eliza AI? Is she the same as DAEDELUS in Deus Ex? I did like that she was named 'Eliza' after the old chat program, though.


I assumed the destruction ending was the one that actually happened but I guess they could mix them all together again, although that would kinda suck. Jensen survived, obviously, but IIRC we know that Sarif did, too. Not sure about the other people. I picked the destruction ending, so it works out for me if that's the one they went with. :P


I'm kinda bummed that now it's close enough to have the hour countdown on Steam it's showing it won't come out until 6PM on the Tuesday which is kinda balls. That's like most of the tuesday gone by that point.

Isn't that the usual store update/game unlock time for your region? In my case, the game seems to unlock at 1PM, which is the normal time for game releases. Wouldn't mind an unlock at midnight tonight, though. For the first time in fucking forever, I'd actually be able to play all night.

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As much as shitting on Valve is fun (and usually deserved) these days, I don't think this one's on them. Pretty sure unlock times are entirely up to the devs/publishers. There's been a few midnight unlocks that I know of, they're just kinda rare for some reason. Unlocks at store update time (which would be 1PM in my timezone and, I think, 10AM in Valve's) are very much the norm. It's probably due to something very simple like that's the default unlock time for all apps and most devs simply don't bother to change it.

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