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Fave Game Reviewer and site...


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So, who's yours? I normally don't give a crap about reviews. I've played a ton of games which "only" got a 6-7 and I enjoyed it immensely.


At the same time, I played a couple of GOTY contenders and fell asleep. Or at the very least, didn't even want to finish it.


I do listen to some reviews. But I only listen to ones that I know come from someone whose gaming tastes are a bit similar to my own. I find that doing that, and having a few sites you go read reviews for are way better than going to Metacritic.


It's either that or I read user reviews that are well-written. I honestly value the user reviews more than the editor ones. As long as it's not a fanboy-driven mess.


Ok. One reviewer/editor whose reviews I actually like a bit is Tyler Wilde from Gamesradar. Genre? FPS or something similar.


I find that we tend to nitpick and have the same preferences. Not everything of course. But I find that I generally agree with what he has to say.


You guys? Whom and what site? :)

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I like Gametrailers, because even if their opinion differs from mine (they like it and I don't, or vice versa) they still provide the kind of information I need in order to tell if I will like it. So even though I don't always agree with their conclusions (especially the numbers at the end), they're still immensely helpful to me in deciding whether I'll like a game or not.

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Giant Bomb. They're the most transparent gaming site I've ever come across, and their staff members are equally hilarious and insightful. My favorite member of that site is a toss-up between Jeff Gerstmann and Ryan Davis (but Dave Snider is also excellent as the resident PC guru).


My second favorite would be Game Informer, specifically Dan Ryckert. That guy is awesome.

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Well first I' go for myself. I'd much rather play a game and figure it out myself, I know my tastes well, we match up.

second it's mates opinions n such

Then like Ethan, and as mentioned in the GT thread, I'm quite keen on GT's video reviews, because while the review may be garbage and the score useless it does show you what the game is like, much better explaining the various pros n cons of it.

Then RPS Wot I Think, but that's because the more niche games only tend to be covered by then, and they're funny. So not so much for the review, but the lulz.

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Yeah Giant Bomb sounds like a good call.


My favourite is probably either Keiron Gillen, John Walker, or Jim Rossignol- the site obviously being RockPaperShotgun.com.


I've literally been reading their reviews since I was about 9 or 10, specifically Keiron. Great guys. Quintinn Smith is becoming a possible favourite though.


He's been featured on Kote a couple of times actually. This one specifically was great; where he takes the goddamn hilarious satirical piss out of Rocksteady but still gives a relatively insightful article. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/02/01/batatat-arkham-city-5x-bigger-than-asylum/

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Brian ashcraft's reviews are so kawaii that i forgot to eat my pocky!



I actually have never read Ashcraft review something. Aside from J-Pop things, Idols, etc.


Has he actually reviewed a high-profile game?


All I remember is he tested the comparison between 3DS and DSi.


I hope he review love sim games or Strategy/dating sims like Sakura Taisen or Stratefy games like Super Robot Wars series.

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