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PC Gamepads

Mister Jack

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I didn't. It came up as a standard controller on the PC. It even worked in Linux!


Of course it did. Everything does. In fact, you are less likely to deal with driver installations and shitty 3rd party tools on Linux than Windows.


I use Saitek P2900's. They're wireless, and have 6 face buttons. I must admit the D-pads are starting to go after 2 years of hardcore usage. I use them on a computer specifically dedicated to emulators. They were cheap, and get the job done.

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  • 1 year later...

Looking about it seems to be an issue with the chipsets on PCs(specifically Nvidia and AMD). If you have a PCI USB card you could try plugging into that. Also a switch on the back should be in "LS" not "DP" if that means anything to you?


Also can try this: http://code.google.com/p/x360ce/downloads/list Which may or may not work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 I had bought for FFXI some years ago, and had been using that to play games on the PC the past few months. It was mostly cutting it, but it was annoying the way it would butt heads with games that use the xinput standard. The profiler should have accommodated me, but when I tried to use it in Borderlands it resulted in some wacky controller behavior. Rather than have the buttons flipped (turning the profiler off and letting the game incorrectly translate my control layout), I put up with the awkwardness until yesterday. I lucked out and found someone selling an F710 for $25 on craigslist and jumped on it (and also a silver Dualshock 3 he was selling for $30). It works flawlessly, and has a switch on it so you can choose to use it either as a Rumblepad or as a 360 controller (automatically disabling the profiler). I'm still not crazy about the 360-style triggers, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.


Re: DS3 on PC (even though it's a year old)

I also have issue with the way the third party software I tried to use nested itself in my OS and refused to leave. I can't remember now if the culprit was joy2key or motionjoy, but I couldn't get rid of traces of it until (for other reasons) I re-installed Windows. It wouldn't have been that huge of an issue, but when my DS3 is dying I usually plug it into the laptop nearby to charge it while continuing to play, but with those drivers on there the laptop would take control of the DS3 as soon as it was plugged in.

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I just ended up buying a 360 Madcatz Street Fighter stick off of ebay. I bought the cheap one but one that had been modded with Sanwa parts by the seller, so it ended up costing somewhere between the regular and TE sticks. Works pretty well with my PC, and now I have a stick for my 360 too. All in all, I'm happy.

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I'm using a Logitech F310 - like a wired DualShock 3, no tilt, no rumble. Analog triggers are flat, but stiffer than the Sony ones so they feel more finely controllable. Great d-pad, just like the Logitech RumblePad II I used to use. Before these, I'd use Saitek pads, but I really prefer Logitech now. If I had the choice at the time, I'd probably have gone with the F510 since it has dual vibration feedback, though TBH I haven't encountered any PC games with nearly the nuance there that I'm used to in consoles. Mostly buzz vs not-buzz.


Oh, and these new pads have a switch to toggle DirectInput (typical Windows games) and XInput (new games that want a 360 controller.)

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