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Most Anticipated titles for 2011?


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In no particular order:


Dead Space 2 (already have it pre-ordered :P)

Marvel vs Capcom 3


Deus Ex: Human Revolution



Portal 2

Crysis 2

Resistance 3


Elder Scrolls V

Diablo III

Duke Nukem Forever

Gears 3


And I don't know if these will be released in 2011:


Devil's Third


Shadows of the Damned



I may be missing some, but that's my list so far, this year I managed to buy at least 1 game per month, not so sure about next year, specially since I plan to invest a lot on my new PC and I also hope to increase my anime collection :P

Edited by MetalCaveman
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In order of appearance


Dead Space 2 (PS3)

LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)

MvC 3 FTW (TBD... probably PS3)

Bulletstorm (TBD..probably 360)

Homefront (360)

God Eater: Burst (PSP)

Brink (360)

Portal 2 (PC)

Team Ico HD pack (PS3)

ESV: Skyrim (PC?)

Uncharted 3 (PS3)


Gears of War 3 (360)


hopeful appearances by:


Catherine (PS3)

The Last Guardian (PS3)

Batman: Arkham City (PS3)

Infamous 2 (PS3)

Darkspore (PC)

Twisted Metal (PS3)

Mortal Kombat reboot (TBD)

Torchlight 2 (PC)



Deus Ex: Human Revolution (TBD)

Crysis 2 (PC)


LA Noire (PS3)

Hunted: The Demon's Forge (TBD)














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I wonder how they're going to do it. I think they honestly might just make Shepard an asshole.


I think that might be what they consider to be canonical in Mass Effect, since that's the default Shepard in two.



Though I think that the bigger of a dick you are, the harder the harder the game will be for you.


Alas, another conversation for another thread.



You do understand that they're going to include the crucial decisions from ME1 in an interactive comic book on the PS3 version, don't you?


I'm just curious what decisions they'll include because there's a lot of decisions like that in ME1, some big, others not so much.


I friggin' hate the default story branch for ME2 -- council dead, Wrex dead, Udina in charge of the council -- WTF is up with that?


Back to the main topic though, my most anticipated games of 2011 are Mass Effect 3, Batman, and Elder Scrolls V. Here's my dilemma though -- I'm broke. I've got to stop buying and renting games. I'm really going to try not to buy any games in 2011 until the fall. I've got soooo many games and XBLA games right now, I need to play those more before I buy anything else.

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I friggin' hate the default story branch for ME2 -- council dead, Wrex dead, Udina in charge of the council -- WTF is up with that?


They want you to go buy ME1 so they make the default path the crappiest one possible.



I thought as much the other day as I was playing it. I think you're right.

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Actually, so what happens in Tuchanka if Wrex is dead? Who is in charge?



His brother, Urdnot Wreav I believe.


And Wreav sucks imo. I love Wrex. He reminds me of Chewbacca. In the first Star Wars they made him out to be some big, bad Wookie, but by Return of the Jedi we know he's a big lovable furball.


[Mass Effect 1 spoiler below, highlight to view]

I was so upset when Ashley shot Wrex during my first playthrough. I felt so guilty, like I could've prevented it -- which of course you can. ;)

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Mostly just TR9.


ME3 a bit but I'm wary it'll keep going the same direction as 2 and I'll be mildly disappointed again. DA2 also a little bit, first was good but nothing amazing IMO (maybe it was just all the mediocre DLC that left me bitter).


And if this new engine turns out to not be a piece of crap, Elder Scrolls 5.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm currently dreading May and June (Damn you surprise-attack EA).


I think I'll skip my list of anticipated titles since it goes to like 40 games...

Most anticipated for the year is El Shaddai though since I know I'll either enjoy it or find it ironically amusing and that's going to be good entertainment plus I like the visuals. And HoMM 6 which I hope would give me good memories like HoMM 2 and 3 and not 4&5 (though they were still enjoyable 3 was special just like how Civ 3 was special and Moo2 was special).


It would've been March but I've decided to drop Retribution, Homefront, Move Heroes and Apocalypse till they go down in price.


As for May well there's Witcher 2, Brink, LA Noire, DNF, and El Shaddai and June already had Infamous 2, Red Faction: Armageddon (June 3rd here) and now Shadows of the Damned (same day as infamous 2) and Alice: Madness returns (the week after).


I know November is going to be crap on the wallet too thanks UC3, ME3 etc. I'm not too hyped for Elder Scrolls 5. Not to mention Zenimax priced the game like how Activision prices Modern Warfare. I've spoken to some etailers and they say RRP is £56 something here (would've been 55 but VAT). I think they feel like they should charge a premium for the game.

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Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I'm not actually 'eagerly anticipating' anything beyond ME3...and maybe Arkham City.


I'll probably get LA Noire, The Witcher 2, Deus Ex: HR, Gears of War 3, Uncharted 3 and inFamous 2 as well some others I've forgotten right now but I don't feel as excited as I might have been before...


Not that I'm saying anyone in here is actually thinking 'OMG I CAN'T WAIT' about (all) their choices.

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