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Nerd War!


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God damn you Dean, you've already got me beat.


The nerdiest thing I've done is probably Magic: The Gathering.

The nerdiest thing I still do is probably my board games fandom.

For example, I own the recent and excellent Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game by Fantasy Flight, which takes a whole evening to play. Please note that this is completely unrelated to the 2002 game "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame".


Summarized excellently by Robert Florence over at RockPaperShotgun

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Do you collect these, or build them? I'm trying to figure out if it is an action figure or a model kit.


It's Warhammer 40k. Tabletop war games thing.

That's my Tua ..Shu'va iirc. (Or Crisis Suit X88 in English) It's a command unit, act's as your head guy. In some matches if he dies you lose the game.

The Tau generally use long range weaponry and have a motto of "For the Greater good". They're the youngest of the races. They also have "Kroot" who are a race they brought into their empire, but I never had any of those. Had an Etheral though, hardly used him.

It's an old picture so my naming may be wrong.

Also the paint job isn't too great.


It spun off into Dawn of War series on PC which is a very good RTS. Very fun.

Oh and they're very expensive, so I don't collect em anymore :P

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Nerdiest thing I ever did was probably be the Gamemaster for Star Wars RPG and Call of Cthulhu RPG in high school.


Nerdiest thing I do nowadays is either play video games or my collection of sci-fi/fantasy novels. Or maybe the various board game nights I attend, although we keep it to Risk and Avalon Hill games ratehr than WH40K, which I only played as a con attendee back in middle school.

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I've only ever DM'd D&D.


I've played: D&D, Vampire The Masquerade and The Requiem. Werewolf the Apocolypse and Werewolf the Forsaken, Changeling The Lost, Shadowrun, Rifts, another Palladium game involving mutants / super heroes, and yes, I've tried LARP V: TM. I have a number of friends who are quite serious about larp and are card carrying members of the Camarilla, the official White Wolf live action group / fan club thing. I couldn't get into larp... too confusing.

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I'm embarrassed to admit that I did this too in junior high and high school. :( I GMed two different tabletop RPGs (both being sci-fi/cyberpunk).


One was for a cartoon my girlfriends and I watched and the other one was basically a Neuromancer/Blade Runner universe ripoff.

Considering that RPGs are pretty much one of the most fun things you can do with a group of nerd-friends, why the hell would you be embarrassed to admit this? :scratch:

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I regularly play pen and paper RPGs and sometimes GM them (I'm currently a GM Storyteller for a World of Darkness Werewolf campaign set in Japan).


I used to play Magic: the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh!, the former I stopped because the community was full of assholes and because it cost a lot of money, the latter because it cost a lot of money.


Oh, and I RP in an MMO as well with some characters. Those are about the nerdiest things I do. I'm guessing I'll start collecting nerdy stuff when I get a job (like collecting toys figures).

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