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Didn't see this thread so thought I'd start it. Loved the story/universe of the first game, uncovering what the chimera were, the cloven, hale and the alternate WW2 setting really did it for me.


The second one's story felt like a let down, to me it went from an alternate ww2 and then suddenly transitioned into halo. The few things I did enjoy about the SP were the grims and the radios. The 60 player competitive multiplayer felt rather bland/crowded/hectic and never really caught hold of my interest but, 2's greatest strength is probably the cooperative multiplayer. It was the mode I spent the most time in and enjoyed the most.


As for 3 I'm glad that the SP is going to feel more like one, Capelli wasn't a very interesting ally during 2 but, hopefully things have changed since then and I hope the multiplayer coop makes it in/has been improved.

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I never played the first but a friend and I got hooked on the co-op beta for the second. It was actually quite fun when playing with a bunch of people who had no idea what they were doing. I remember one instance where I was a Spec Ops all by myself, fighting backs dozens of the charging zombie dudes (grims, I presume) and the flying robot things for ages and right before I would've died my friend shows up as a Medic and makes everything alright. There were quite a few times where we were left keeping the team going.


So, yeah, we wound up playing co-op in the full game a lot. I had gotten really good at Spec Ops while my friend was a prolific Medic (we usually fought for top spot on the leaderboard). I think the mode worked really well in terms of the classes, scoring and overall design.


I tried the campaign but it just didn't interest me. It started off pretty dire in that underwater base or whatever and even included some annoying pseudo-platforming. The bit in the woods was pretty atmospheric (the cloaked dudes were dumb though) and I think I just got bored with it shortly after that.


I haven't really read anything about the third but if it has a similar co-op mode I may grab it at some point.

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I was actually severely underwhelmed by Resistance. I never thought the graphics looked that great when it was sort of the Playstation 3's "Halo" (prior to Killzone 2) and the debut PS3 shooter, and never understood the buzz around the game.


Still, I bought it when I bought my PS3 because it seemed like a must-have title, but I don't know, I just didn't really enjoy it. I played through the entire campaign co-op with my roommate at the time, and never really found myself enjoying it, just wanting to finish the damn thing.


Multiplayer I also really disliked - the characters felt too small and moved too quickly for my taste.


I'd like to give the second game a shot at some point though, just in case the third one turns out to be amazing. I heard the PSP entry was quite good, too.


P.S. - Sorry for hating like a hater.

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Felt too small? Eh? That's a weird one.


How much did you experiment with the weapons? To me, the draw of Resistance was that it was as close to a first person Ratchet and Clank as we were going to get. And the 2nd playthrough weapons were awesome, too. And the balance of the chimaera powers vs the human powers (well, infinite sprinting I guess) in the MP. Very well done game.

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The comparison to a first person Ratchet and Clank with the weapons is a very interesting comment. I never looked at it that way, but I guess it makes sense.


I wonder if I would have enjoyed the single player more, had I played it one-player instead of co-op. You would think it would be the reverse in most cases, but I may have not been able to take in the entire gameplay experience as well as I should have.

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Didn't see this thread so thought I'd start it. Loved the story/universe of the first game, uncovering what the chimera were, the cloven, hale and the alternate WW2 setting really did it for me.


The second one's story felt like a let down, to me it went from an alternate ww2 and then suddenly transitioned into halo. The few things I did enjoy about the SP were the grims and the radios. The 60 player competitive multiplayer felt rather bland/crowded/hectic and never really caught hold of my interest but, 2's greatest strength is probably the cooperative multiplayer. It was the mode I spent the most time in and enjoyed the most.


As for 3 I'm glad that the SP is going to feel more like one, Capelli wasn't a very interesting ally during 2 but, hopefully things have changed since then and I hope the multiplayer coop makes it in/has been improved.


Aaaaa I can't finish the first Resistance! I'm stuck in a hospital like area where I met the long arms and legs creatures, I killed all of them and when I met with most of the platoon I felt a moment of relieve, but they quickly get slaughtered and I have to fend them by myself, I always died there.


And I have a habit not to play the sequel before I finish the first one (unless it's an unrelated sequels like Final Fantasy series) so I still holding myself back from buying Resistance 2.


And now there's Resistance 3 on the horizon, I have to finish it quick.

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Resistance 1 seemed decent when I played it at a friends, but I got Resistance 2 with my own PS3, and while it was failry enjoyable, mostly in the multiplayer, I really didn't enjoy it that much. Still not finished it, though I'm most of the way through.


The series just feels really directionless to me. Like "o here's an FPS exclusive for the PS3 so that people buy it", rather than, "let's make an interesting and unique series to make the most of the PS3's power" which is what most other PS3 exclusives are that I've experienced. Not hating on the game itself really, just that it seems more like a bland placeholder than a great series.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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I really enjoyed the first one, the sequel was really fun too, though I didn't like that I couldn't carry a full arsenal. :P Still, both are really good games, I haven't played any of them online, but the coop in 2 looked pretty cool.


I've also yet to play Resistance Retribution, played the demo, but since I couldn't get used to the controls I haven't gotten the full game yet. :P

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