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Excessive, early and excessively early DLC


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I can agree with that, with the minor caveat that I don't think consumers can know in most cases whether content was cut or not (as a separate issue from the fact that cutting content to sell separately is objectively bad, which I 100% agree with), and that I don't have any problem with online passes.

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I don't have a problem with online passes either, but the rest I agree with along with Ethan's remark about knowing exactly "how much" content really could have been cut from a game.


Now, I guess I could bring up that Nintendo technically does have content "updates," especially since today I received an email from Nintendo explaining about the new multiplayer fix for Mario Kart 7, but those are far and in-between to where it would be a stretch to say it's a common practice.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...



This is completely ridiculous. Not only is the DLC on the disc, but it's free so they don't even have the "justification" that they spent extra resources to make it and so need to charge extra for it. I mean, they're just restricting access to content at launch seemingly for the hell of it.


I don't even play fighting games and this pisses me off.

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Yeah, that's something Namco Bandai have done before with the Naruto and Dragon Ball Z fighting games as well. They released weekly free 'DLC' packs that were just keys unlocking characters and costumes on the disc.

I guess it promotes consumer good will 'look we are releasing this for free' but its still a shady practice. At least its not being charged for though like Capcom does.

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They have a content release plan. That plan is to release characters at a steady rate to give customers something new to do on a regular basis, reduce the number of trade ins and generally keep the game feeling fresh. With the characters already created you have two options.


1. Make people download the content, which will hurt those with bandwidth caps.

2. Put it on the disc and have people download release keys when you want to make the content available.


You just have to accept that the content belongs to the creator, if they want to drip feed it to you, then that's up to them. It's up to you if you want to support the practice by getting the game or not.

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Before that system I would of expected to have to fight to unlock them in game. Many hours can be had by doing that. Sure it can be (very) frustrating but it can be rewarding. Very rewarding to the tune of this after landing the final blow:





Full disclosure, I haven't played a fighting game in years so maybe they still do it but... eh. It would just seem odd to do both at the same time. If it is just drip feed, I would be insulted.

Edited by MaliciousH
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It's not as bad as the way Capcom did it since they aren't going to charge for it, but it's still a stupid practice that needs to be curtailed. In a worst case scenario, we could eventually end up with games where the last level or "true final boss" don't unlock for a month or two as a way of forcing people not to trade in their copies. Imagine if the Walking Dead game from Telltale was all complete right now but they still only released one portion of it per month just because. Free or not, it's still shady.

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What do you guys think of the Professor Layton games having a daily downloadable puzzle each day for a year after release? Is it less bad because it's for such a long time, and is completely separate from the rest of the game and not integrated at all? Does calling it a "daily download" make it seem more like a bonus and less like something you're missing out on?

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The Prof Layton thing sucks cos the DS is a pain in the ass to hook up to modern routers. Though the game is pretty complete without them, I'm to understand the daily downloads are only minor anyway. And they're certainly not a part of the main game.


Also even though I'm not much of a fighter fan, you gotta admit it does come with a precedent of you play the game to unlock new characters, not sit around waiting for the dev to decide to turn them on.

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Does calling it a "daily download" make it seem more like a bonus and less like something you're missing out on?


This is what I think it is. If it's included on the disc but locked then it seems like the content's already there, they're just withholding it, whereas if it's actually downloaded later then it seems like an addition.

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But they've obviously already made the puzzles or at least they'll have made them in batches of say, a week of content so by this logic you should get pissed off with them for not releasing all 7 puzzles at the start of the week.


I get that it's frustrating to have content so near and yet so far, but really so long as it is free (and in my opinion even if it is not) where's the harm in making you wait?

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That's why I said "seems like". I know rationally that it's effectively the same thing, but one makes it seem as though content is being arbitrarily withheld while the other makes it seem as though bonus content is being granted. And the manner in which something is presented cannot be entirely discounted. Think of the difference between telling a girl "Holy shit, I would love to fuck your brains out," and "Wow, you look great."

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What do you guys think of the Professor Layton games having a daily downloadable puzzle each day for a year after release? Is it less bad because it's for such a long time, and is completely separate from the rest of the game and not integrated at all? Does calling it a "daily download" make it seem more like a bonus and less like something you're missing out on?

That's actually kind of a nice bonus, as the game itself has a full amount of puzzles equal to the other games without the daily puzzles. Also the 3DS is a lot easier to hook up to routers than the DS was Dean, none of that crappy only WEP only stuff.

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Also the 3DS is a lot easier to hook up to routers than the DS was Dean, none of that crappy only WEP only stuff.

Yeah I know, though the WEP thing affects DS carts not just the console. And I don't care much for the 3DS either, DS is fine for me for now still (Well...phones actually edging a fair bit past)

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  • 1 month later...

I've been thinking about it, and I've decided that current DLC practices make me significantly less likely to buy games I'm only moderately interested in at or near launch. As soon as DLC starts rolling out I start thinking "well, I might as well wait until all of it's out so I can have the entire experience" and so end up waiting to buy things that I otherwise might have bought earlier.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm really tempted to pre-order because there's that smexy Gray Fox skin, sword, and art book if you pre-order from GameStop.


Japan has all five skins as retailer specific, though the MGS4 Raiden skin has been a promotional item in the last few days.



In the end I'll have to see where I am financial because you can guarantee all these skins can be purchased later.


EDIT: To clarify, the United States seems to only have three of the five skins, and all you UK types will get all the skins in the game. GameStop has Gray Fox, Best Buy has White Armor (carry more health items), and Amazon has Inferno Armor (carry more throwing weapons).

Oh, so you're the guy that actually cares about skins. Thanks for making pre-order bonuses a thing instead of something that should have came and gone. Edited by Deanb
To join to prior thread
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Oh, so you're the guy that actually cares about skins. Thanks for making pre-order bonuses a thing instead of something that should have came and gone.

Yep, I'm the sole reason and why Japan does this too. I'm such a sick puppy for ruining the industry. Now...











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