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Freaky Stuff in Games

Little Pirate

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Ever have a game that just made you want to hide under a blanket because one part of it was just too freaky? Or needed to have a friend get you through that level? Did a game ever give you nightmares or phobias?

Post them here.


I'll give a start by dipping back into my wee self as a seven year old. In Lands of Lore, you have to find your way through a maze that happens to be a spider spawning ground. I couldn't play through it without freaking out. The same goes for the underground ruins with snake-people.

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In Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, there is an underwater cave that had a giant slaughterfish. I hid in a crevice and just waved my sword around like a ninny until it was dead. I wasn't going in that hole until it's body floated up.



Huh, I YouTube'd it. I have to honestly say I've never found that area. But then again, my character is so hideously overpowered even on maxed difficulty that he could probably one-shot most things.


God weapon mods. I can't stay away from them. e_e

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Super Mario 64. when I was around 9, I think so anyway. The first Bowser Star door had a picture of Princess Peach that would morph into Bowser as you ran towards it. For some reason that freaked me out as a kid, I have no idea why. And the Big Boo's Haunt world always scared me with that spooky atmosphere...and don't ye tell anyone about that! :bun-throw:

Edited by excel_excel
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One of the more... atmospheric... levels in the Thief series:



You needn't say any more. I remember first time I saw a mummy I thought I had just imagined it. A figure stepping out of a doorway and going down an adjacent hall. I figured it was my imagination.


I'll never forget opening that cell door and just striding on in, and this grotesque shackled figure turning round to face me, and just making the most horrific noise you've ever heard.


I ran, and I ran, for a looong time.


Plus I'm pretty sure games gave me my fear of general underwater stuff. The bit where you kill the tentacles in Half-Life, then when you jump down the hole you go straight down through crazy tunnels and fall in a pool of water. I've had nightmares of that happening before. Doesn't help if you know there are Icthyosaurus' in the game :P


EDIT: Also, completely and utterly off topic, but:




See that statue in the background? I had nightmares featuring that thing for three nights after seeing Black Swan. One of the most fucking disturbing images I've ever seen. It doesn't even do anything!

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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I used to get freaked out by those things that crawled up your screen in Duke Nukem 3D. The sounds of the eggs hatching and that moan freaked me out too.


Indeed, for a quintessentially pulpy experience Duke 3D was actually pretty disturbing. Even the naked ladies who were all trapped up in alien spawn/egg things. As a 7 year old or so that was some fucked up shit.

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When I was a young kid and trying the first original Biohazard (Resident Evil) the first encounter with the zombie really make me jump.

I don't buy the game until sometimes later (read: a couple years later)

Edit: Adding video goodness. Edited by Gigawings
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While I personally didn't find it that scary, my brother and his friends (who are adults in their 20s now) were pretty much scared when this game came out some 10 years ago.






I loved playing it at night. It has some awesome sound effects. It's a shame that this game's probably even more forgotten than American McGee's Alice. (The Studio is now EALA of the infamous LMNO game).


The Game's Producer Brady Bell also famously produced Trespasser: Jurassic Park (which also was somewhat ahead of its time).

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It is easier on the PC to try and release something like that at least via indie sources since DD for some helps them get away without being officially rated. Titles like The void, The Path, etc aren't scary but have a good haunting atmosphere.


I'm amused by the number of 'I'm so scared that I can't play Amnesia' videos that youtube has :). It isn't that scary but the atmosphere in that game is really nice.

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