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King Jimmeh

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  On 12/20/2010 at 4:58 AM, LittlePirate said:

I love animes where all you have to know is the basic plot and you can watch any other episode at random.


Otherwise, I LOOOOOOOOVE horror/thriller anime. Elfen Lied is kind of a given off that. The When They Cry series is my favorites. Higurashi is completed, but Umineko was cut off short, sadly. No one can make a better yandere face than these gals.




The actors in this were amazing at their crazy screams.


I couldn't watch that.


Show not only disturbed the hell out of me, it was super depressing. I watched the first four or five episodes to the first 'ending' or whatever (I still don't understand how the structure of that show was supposed to work, even after going on Wikipedia) and just couldn't go on.

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Yeah--the nail ripping scene was well known for making 80% of its followers squeemish. Umineko has some pretty severe scenes, too. Like being fed your family as a reward for passing the witch's test. I guess I'm a little sadistic?




Which is pretty depressing in itself, too.

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  On 12/20/2010 at 4:39 PM, MagicMagicPony said:

Mushi-shi? Anyone?


There is a live-action movie they made of it but they translated it to "Bug Master"


YES. Mushi-shi was incredible. I never finished the series, though I think I have it all on a massive external HDD of unwatched anime somewhere...


The OP - so good!


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Mostly movies;


The standard affair of Ghibli stuff; Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Return of the Cat!, etc.


I also like some of the regular violent and lesser-known stuff; Tekkon Kinkreet, Najica, Sword of the Phantom Master, Ninja Scroll, Tenjou Tenge, Naruto, Bleach, watched some Gintama and I'm considering either watching the entirety of D-Gray man or just dumping it off my HDD.


Pretty much if it has over-elaborate violence, powerups and other such juvenile eye-wideners, I like it.


I've also watched 26 eps of Gantz, but I still don't know how I feel about that series.. It has violence, beheadings, sci-fi, onionheads, raping dogs and those big stone whatchamacallits, but there's something a bit 'off' about all of it.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 2:25 PM, Pheermee said:

I recently saw Darker Than Black for the first time. Just watch Season 1. Season 2 didnt happen


I only got about half way through, but mostly because I was watching it as it was airing and the subbers took a long break for a while.


I usually love everything Bones does, but that series felt a little disappointing for me.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 4:38 PM, Pheermee said:

I am not aware of Bones. Enlighten me


BONES is the studio that made Darker than Black - pretty sure it was one of their original series, so not based a manga or anything.


Wolf's Rain (super depressing show) and Eureka 7 were also original series of theirs.


If you haven't seen Eureka 7, you must - it is an EXCELLENT series.


My favorite OP from the series:




BONES also did both Full Metal Alchemist adaptations, which were both very damn good.


Soul Eater is another of their adaptations and the ridiculous, but amazing, Ouran Host High School Club.


Basically, most of their shows are gold. Their latest show, Heroman or something, I watched a little of and couldn't get into - seemed aimed at much younger audiences, though it was kind of fun because it was supposed to be set in fictionalized America (pretty sure, what with the American Flag all over the place), which made for some humorous moments/views of Americans.


Hopefully they have a new show that hits it out of the park soon - they might already have something new coming up or airing, but I'm not sure, out of the anime loop and haven't found a good website/blog/source for that sort of stuff.

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Wolf's Rain never really appealed to me.


I HATED Eureka 7. I call that the "Renton Crys" Show. Cause he is crying EVERY SINGLE EPISODE!


FMA Is good stuff.


Soul Eater... I tried watching the first episode. I like the art style, but I hate the humor in it. After the Grim Reaper had his extended scene I turned it off.


And I don't know Ouran Host High School Club or Heroman.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 5:00 PM, Pheermee said:

Wolf's Rain never really appealed to me.


I HATED Eureka 7. I call that the "Renton Crys" Show. Cause he is crying EVERY SINGLE EPISODE!


FMA Is good stuff.


Soul Eater... I tried watching the first episode. I like the art style, but I hate the humor in it. After the Grim Reaper had his extended scene I turned it off.


And I don't know Ouran Host High School Club or Heroman.


BOOOO. Renton did get annoying, but he snaps out of it in the last third of the show. I feel like it's a common trope in anime - hero gets all downtrodden for a while and has to get out of the funk. I never like that bit, but I loved that show afterall.


I actually quite like the humor in Soul Eater, but I only watched a few episodes since I had trouble finding subbed eps.


Ouran is just ridiculous, homoerotic, over the top humor, but it's excellent.

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  On 12/21/2010 at 6:54 PM, King Jimmeh said:

Not really. It takes a few scenes from the series, but completely rewrites the story and background of the characters. It was awful, and it all made very little sense. Just stick to the series, and don't go near the film.


Such a waste of resources.


They should have just made a film that explored some new territory - the end of the series was completely left open for that.


Like with an older Renton - I would have loved to see that.

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Finished 3 series from this season:


Oreimo: Show had a great run. Little sister character is a hateful, evil creature. Side characters were awesome (Kuroneko!) and I hope this gets a continuation, since there's much more material to cover from the novels.


The World God Only Knows: Very atypical of manglobe to take on a production like this, but since the second season has been confirmed, we'll all have Elsie AND Haqua to play with next time!


Panty & Stocking: Fucking AWESOME final episode, with a goofygoofygoofy ending that seems to confirm a second season (YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES). Best damn thing I've seen all year. Well, second best (I can't quit u, Azu-nyans).

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  On 12/21/2010 at 2:25 PM, Pheermee said:

I recently saw Darker Than Black for the first time. Just watch Season 1. Season 2 didnt happen


Darker Than Black is probably my favorite anime series I've seen all the way through.


Here's a few of my other favorites:


Full Metal Alchemist


Samurai 7

Perfect Hair Forever


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My favorite series are:


Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Paranoia Agent

Welcome to the NHK

House of Five Leaves


Samurai Champloo

Ergo Proxy

Darker Than Black

Cromartie High


Cowboy Bebop


Unfortunately, I'm really picky about my anime. I've seen quite a lot, but I tend to drop things or just don't even bother. I've been looking for a good anime to watch, but that's where the pickiness comes in.

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Finished Otome Youkai Zakuro today. Ending was kind of a letdown considering the superior source material, but the show was still pretty good during the rest of its run.


Now if only J.C.Staff will quit dragging out the Croce de Pietro arc in Index (though it was its own novel, admittedly), we can move onto more pressing matters, like how awesome Accelerator is.


In other news, my favorite game/anime character EVER just got her ultimate mech:



I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Asahi!

Edited by mintycrys
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Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2: The Inspector. Based on the AMAZING second GBA SRW game (best SRPG available on a handheld). The mech is Lamia Loveless's replacement mech after srs DRAMA. She goes from cute pink angelic winged bow & arrow-type mech to that awesome melee bastard.


Even though you technically had a choice as to who could pilot it in SRW Advance, canonically speaking, it's accepted that Lamia is its pilot just because Axel Almer is usually associated with the Soulgain mech.

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