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King Jimmeh

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Been watching Kara No Kyoukai movies. Apparently another combination of Type Moon and Ufotable like Fate Zero. After this I'm starting to realize that Type Moon has a hard on for strong females protecting pretty boys. At least this main character is a good detective I guess.

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I backed it. I just cannot back away from getting the BD, artbook, lineart book, a film reel cut and OST for a Benny. I have confidence in this project since many of these guys worked on stuff I love like FLCL and TTGL. I wonder if they worked on Gunbuster and Diebuster since they were from GAINAX.


Edit: I'm also hoping for a Sucy cut.

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So after that Phil Fish video I posted, and the fact it's highly rated, I decided to break my rule of not watching all-girl cast animes and give Nichijou a try [since it apparently doesn't matter they're girls in terms of the comedy].




edit: 3 episodes in and this show has won me over. Like I suspected the humor doesn't center so much around romantic antics. This is like the kawaii version of Daily Life of Highschool Boys. And the principal won me over.


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Alongside Nichijou I've also been watching Hyoukai. Very good animation and if you like moe/kawaii girls then look no further than primary female character/hinted love interest.



I'm really enjoying the show. If you've ever seen Brick [the movie] then you know that the combination of detective/noir an high schools can do wonders and this is no exception. While much more PG rated that I would hope [no violence though a bit of blood] the detective protagonist won me over. If you're looking for something to watch it's pretty to look at and has that Cowboy Bebop-esque style of different arcs.

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Sorry it was late. And yeah do take it, but not because of the moe but because of the detective aspect. It's weird. It's like Gintama in the sense that over-all it's light hearted but the mysteries themselves get serious and the detective itself is pretty likable in his "I'm very serious" aspect. I also like that he's not perfect and can be toyed with as the recent arc I watched he was basically played. That's the sign of a good character imho, flawed.



edit: just watched newest SNK. [episode 17]




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Honestly, just play the one that I linked awhile back. The guy added durability to the blades (You can swap out for new blades) and limited 3DMG. It certainly adds in a new difficulty element to the game. Before you could just spam the hooks to climb Titans.


And Hikki, we're playing that shit if it ever get a server.

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I actually never finished Nichijou... but yeah I liked it a lot as well. Lucky Star is decent as well. It definitely helps that it panders to folks like me.




You also may need some eurobeat to bring with you. Classic Japanese songs can help as well... well shit. I might like this anime more than I thought I did and I wasn't a super fanboy like a good deal of people were back when it aired. Also Wally, you might want to enhance the experience with some Haruhi if you haven't watched at least the first season. Broadcast order of course.

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to be fair i thought it was weird to watch Nichijou at first.


If somebody loves that show and wants to watch another similarly hilarious skit show, I HIGHLY recommend Daily Life of High School Boys. It's not so much moe as it is hilarious skits, and the voice of Gintoki voices one of the three main voices. The animation is not as good and after having seen this I gotta say that Nichijou probably has better animation and over-all skits. But still highly recommended as before Nichijou this was my favorite comedy. Also less moe/kawaii stuff and more humor and parodies.



I'm gonna give Lucky Star a try but from what I hear Nichijou and Azumanga Daioh seem to be over-all chosen more as favorites. Can anybody give me a heads up on which of the two I should watch if I had to choose?




edit: Jesus I just started the first episode of Lucky Star and I can see why guys would find it weird if you watch this. Nichijou had moe eyes but these bitches. THESE BITCHES. Their whole look is a bit TOO moe. I've heard to not judge it based on the first episode so I'll give it at least 3 episodes before I decide whether I like it or not. Though I was hooked on Nichijou after one.


edit 2: no I tried. I really did. I can't. I'm not one for cringing but the character designs are TOO moe. It's not even the humor's fault. Just the looks. But I'm already averted towards moe and big eyes and that's all these girls are. Call me shallow but I can't. I'll give Azumanga Daioh a try instead.

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The designs and the discussions were too moe.


I can't go from this


and this



to this



don't get me wrong. Nichijou also had its dance in the opening song but it almost seemed like a parody plus the characters design weren't overly sexual kawaii. More like little girl kawaii. And like I said this is too good


dat animation

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Well to be fair, Lucky Star is said to be a high point in the cancer that is killing anime. I have a love-hate relationship with it. Also Wally, if you cannot get through Azumanga then you are lost, child, LOST. However, fear not since a band of like minded individuals has formed a fellowship to save animu. It is called...


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Salvation is upon us (me?). I can have badass and have cute girls doing cute things without over sexualization. Go take a look back at Little Witch Academia and please find me a panty shot. You can't because of


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Going back to one of my top anime that you all know and love...


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Besides most of the OVAs and perhaps that scene above... you'll be hard pressed to find an super sexualization moment. Hell, you also won't find a panty shot. If what I heard is true... there was a production delay since there was a minor spat about including those type of fan service. The good side won with a compromise (The OVAs).


While I can watch and enjoy moe moe kawaii ecchi-u animu girlu anime, I really prefer the stuff that are not that. With that all said I might be gearing up to watch Madoka.



Urobuchi directs this though and you know how he is...


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I fear.


And now this:


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Production IG will always be my bro, I hope, since I said the same thing for GAINAX but their good talent jumped ship and formed...


I'm going to show this gif every time I mention Trigger.

Hard to say where GAINAX stands now but last I heard and looked, it wasn't good. Madhouse... they're a hit or miss with me but I do recognize them as being good. Looking at my sig/avatar, Rozen Maiden right now is done by DEEN. So far so good. So far, so good. Faithful to the mango.


Lastly. Wally. It may look moe but shit happens in Madoka. From what I gather, it is somewhere behind Higurashi, so no murderous batshit insane moe moe girls but something seems to happen. Madoka stuff get flinged around me all the time so I'm potentially spoiler filled so no hints from me. 

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Attack on Titan. It is so blatantly obvious Mikasa has a thing for Eren. Eren just doesn't show it in return. The fandom is just taking it to the extreme. Eren cannot resist Mikasa because have you seen HER ABS? Its (should be?) canon that Mikasa is fucking ripped for a woman.


Take it from there...

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