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King Jimmeh

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Watched Pluto, it was okay. I'm not too invested in Astroboy stuff so I imagine a bunch would pass me by. Felt like it was leading up to something that just never came, like it was sort off trying to say something, and had the trappings of that just..without anything behind it, or lacking in conviction in attempting to say anything.  Like you had the persia war/BORA fact finding mission as analogous to WMDs in Iraq. Nothing really to be said about these super robots still being puppets to kill other robots.
I dunno, just...empty. 

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Blue Eye Samurai, a billion times better. Still thinking about it a few days after and half tempted to run through the whole thing again.

The title character is half-western half-Japanese in a time of intense xenophobia which drives a mission of revenge. 

The characters are great (and some great voice actors too; including Randal Park, George Takei etc), the animation is gorgeous and scenes just look pretty as hell. It's got no fear in throwing a few musical curveballs (including the For Whom The Bell Tolls as heard in the trailer, as well as the odd Kill Bill track). It's not one for kids; strong violence and peaches


Really my big thing is Abijah Fowler is voiced by Kenneth Branagh but is clearly Brendan Gleeson.


They've put the first episode on YT if you wanna watch (though err, not much point unless you have Netflix in which case you can watch it there...)



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