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King Jimmeh

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Wally lost his way. Seriously though, I blame Trigger hyping up the twist. They're going to diminish the twist by doing this. Anyways...



Nudist Beach is mobilizing since Senketsu is evolving way too fast. Sensei and Going Commando seems to be preparing to intervene but someone new appears that nobody really knows about but due to her name, she seems affiliated with Nudist Beach. Knowing Going Commando, she might be a even more no nonsense sort of person. Mako for sure have tons of death flags on her and chances are good she'll die pretty soon or at least get her ass kicked (Mako is just way too strange so I won't put it pass her defying death flags) by either the new character or Ryuuko going berserk fighting the new character.

Satsuki herself in this current episode went kind of "WTF?" after Senketsu's second transformation. Knowing her, I bet she knows far more what a Kamui can do so her "WTF?" moment is real. It kind of drives home why Nudist Beach is mobilizing.


Another thing is Uzu. He is acting really strange and with his all seeing senses, I won't put it pass him for him seeing the coming storm. He has some role in the coming episode so it'll be interesting to see how that turns out.


Regarding Satsuki... I'm almost positive she is against her mother.



Honestly though, it can go anywhere. This episode proceeded faster than I thought it would be and it had a twisting preview for the next. However, the stuff regarding Ryuuko and Senketsu seems pretty set in stone. Something is inbound. I'll post something with episode 11 or 12 since I suspect it'll take both those episodes to resolve the twist. It'll be interesting to see where it goes.


In other news, I worked my way through the Patlabor OVAs in preparation for the movies (There is no third movie...). I expect typical Oshii. Venus Wars is also queued up.


Edit: Revision to something...


The new girl is not from Nudist Beach. She has to be affiliated with Satsuki's mom.


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From the TV special that just came out.
How can I put how excited I am...? I cannot. Lets just say that second season of Mushishi is going to be gold. Easily my AOTY if the special tells me anything. They kept the spirit of the original manga and first season. Might not be as exciting as say Kill la Kill or WOW like Space Dandy but it is so fulfilling. Peaceful.

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Kill la Kill resumed today. Sums up my feeling.



Now for some speculation which I feel might be wrong.


Ryuuko got defeated with Senketsu torn up. He'll most likely be incorporated into the Elite Four's uniforms for round two.
Not only we'll have a good chance for a round two with them and Satsuki but I have a feeling Mako might get another uniform if she does well...

Where does this leave Ryuuko? Nudist Beach.
If what Satsuki and Ragyo said is true... then being nude and being totally fine with it is also a way to be super strong. Might explains why Satsuki is so strong even without an uniform and why she has complete control over her Kamui... to a point. Oh Ragyo. Don't you dare touch my queen.

If Ryuuko get trained by Nudist Beach, she'll be on par with Satsuki. By default, I think she'll be strong enough to deal with Nui as well since if Nui is a seamstress, she is not in any way "Nudist" powered.

Then again... Trigger might pull something again. I didn't expect Nui to show up. At all. It made sense though since she is banned from the school. So she didn't lie. 


This will be good.


Now for Space Dandy. Initial impression is that it is alright. I think the English dubbed QT is better and shows more character. I'll be hanging around some more to see if it pans out. Dandy is much too sloppy which contrasts with the pursuit of him and his supposed importance.

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If you're not, you should be watching the sub version since they did kind of changed Dandy's character a bit with the translated lines.


Anyways... Kill la Kill part two is next week. Also YES. They're playing with this pairing.





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A Shinkai piece that might not depress the hell out of me? I'll take it. Warm my heart Shinkai. Make me believe that someday I'll cross roads with with someone.


Also here's an album regarding how Shinkai and his studio works. The final images are related to Cross Roads.



Gundam Unicorn later this spring.... Gundam Origin slated for next year. Can't wait. There is also another new Gundam series but eh... we'll see how that goes. It's on a separate timeline from anything that has been released so far.


What else... oh yeah. This was leaked a while back. So yeah, it is happening. It was dead for a while but it is happening.


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