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King Jimmeh

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Can't stand the rBBBSoS.gif?

Also you must have missed the CGI shitfest that was episode 4 but maybe Toonami aired a fixed version.


I think Kill la Kill is solid. Still though, you'll be still chasing the high that was Gurren Lagann. Hard to beat what I think is one of the anime of its decade.


Nah, Nudist Beach was the epitome of how tongue-in-cheek the show was about its nudity. Though, there were two scenes with Aikuro that worn thin because of the slow-mo and increased lens flare. Like I get it, it's being comically dramatic, but I don't really want to be staring at this guy's glowing pink junk for 40 seconds during his explanation.


Can't help but feel awkward when at the ending everyone ended up in a big...


naked pile of friends and strangers to cushion Ryuko's landing.


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I don't know if any of you like slice of life series (god knows there's an overabundance of them) but I kept hearing about one in particular recently and decided to try it out.  It's called "Himouto!  Umaru-chan."  The main character is Umaru Doma, a high school girl who is beautiful, popular, kindhearted, good at sports, at the top of her class, and generally considered perfect by everyone around her.




However, when she goes home to her brother's apartment after school every day she becomes such a lazy, freeloading, otaku piece of shit that she literally transforms into a chibi version of herself.




Unlike her refined, carefully cultivated "outside" persona, the "inside" Umaru is a spoiled, selfish brat who lazes around all day, contributes absolutely nothing to the housework, and throws tantrums to get her brother to buy stuff for her.  A big part of the series so far is also Umaru trying to hide her true otaku self from her classmates, which gets complicated sometimes because her transformation is quite literal and causes her to get mistaken for a child.  It's pretty amusing, but I'd be lying if I said that part of me doesn't also want to slap the shit out of her.  Still, it's one of the more creative approaches to the high school genre that I've seen so what the hell, I'll see where it goes.




I also appreciate that fanservice is kept to a minimum.  Six episodes in so far and not a single panty shot to be seen.

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Watching Sword Art Online on Netflix. It is so much better than Sword Art Online II, which I've been watching on Toonami. I mean, I've always heard how the first is great and II is watch at your own risk, but it's like night and day.


Yeah.  And really it's just the first part of the first that's great, the second half is not as good.  I actually liked the GGO first half of 2 better than the second half of the first.

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So I've got to agree with Ethan on Sword Art Online. Granted I haven't seen the very beginning of SAO2, but the second half of the first series felt very bare bones and out of place. There were barely any characters and the relationship drama was kinda... odd. Not that it didn't have its moments, just I don't know what to make of such drama as a focal story point.

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So...how about that Shimoneta?




Hahaha...I swear it's not what it looks like.  What about that episode where they make a vibra---Er, I mean the one where they hunt for por---Uh...the one where that one girl tries to ra---Ahhhh....


Hey, that Fuwa is pretty cute, right?




Ha ha ha haaaaaaa.....

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I've forgotten just how fun Hellsing is. Sure it is probably at the head of cringe worthy memories of the early 2000's anime fans but whatever, we have (mostly) grown up now this shit is just funny and fun. This entire series is insane. You got butlers, vampires, zombies, Nazis, church feuds, cats or some odd mix of all of the above.

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The original Hellsing series actually didn't have any nazis or nazi cats at all.  It was one of those situations where they started the show too soon, caught up to the manga, and had to make up their own clunky ending because Hirano Kohta is a lazy sack of crap.  The original series isn't nearly as good as the revival series, which is 100% faithful to the manga because it was actually being finished by that time.  It did have some nice music, though.

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This week's chapter of My Hero Academia said that there's a "huge announcement" next week...


And a production company called Toho (which animated the recent Umaru-chan series) registered a web domain for My Hero Academia just a few days ago...






This is looking pretty good!

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I just watched Summer Wars after meaning to for ages. It's a odd, cute and fun movie. The premise of it is odd enough that I'm not sure what to make of it but it's entertaining and I think it is worth watching at the very least. I suppose I can say that it makes me feel optimistic like a younger self would've felt again?

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So that One Punch Man, good stuff.


Yeah I'm someone who got into One Punch Man at Episode 2 of the anime. To be completely honest, when this was just manga, I never had anyone properly explain what the series was about. "Oh, it's this really strong guy who only needs one punch."


Well that sounds boring.


But that's the point! Saitama, the main protagonist, is bored because he's so powerful. He's a parody of the superman archetype. Maybe if more fans explained that early on, you'd have more fans.

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I'm going to relive the Eclipse twice with watching the Berserk anime series and OVA. Impressions so far: my Guts voice and what I'm hearing is totally different. Make sense since Guts is older in my head. The OP is... odd but the ED is quite nice, especially the visuals. This is going to hurt again.


The new series is totally not going to suck.

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