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Cracking Joints


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I crack my joints when they feel like they need to be cracked, which is all the freaking time with my fingers and toes, occasionally my elbows and knees (sometimes my knees crack on their own too), and even more rarely my neck and back. I can't think of ever having intentionally cracked my shoulders or hips though, and my ankles only very rarely. I usually crack my wrists once in the morning when I wake up, but then they're set for the day and I don't have to do it again.

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I crack my knuckles especially in winter. I don't want them to get too stiff. My ankles, knee and heels crack every few days or so. I don't try to do that. Due to some habits I picked up in my late teens and early 20s my jaw also cracks once in a while. While being quite flexible I can't quite crack my back. I can however like a monkey use my feet like my hands. Grab stuff with it and write too if I decide to give effort. My big toe sometimes seems like it's evolving into an opposable thumb...

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I crack my fingers (both joints of course) and my neck all the time, and some of my toes and my back a lot two. Twisting around 180 degrees can attract some odd looks though. (As I typed this my shoulder cracked unintentionally, it clearly wants in on the action)


Whilst it won't cause arthritis, cracking joints can wear down cartilage and build up nitrogen (some gas anyway) in your joints, so it's hardly good for you. It releases some chemical when you do it apparently, which is why it feels so damn good.

Edited by withoutphallus
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While we're on the subject of body-parts. Just curious how many can roll their tongue? (It's a dominant genetic trait so you either have it or you don't).


I can. My sister can, niomi can, by mum can, my dad I've never asked.



My brother can't.


We'd joked for years he was adopted, we don't so much now. My mum's too old to know what a "dominant allele" is and my brothers too retarded to understand.

We're just kinda hoping it's a case of him not putting any effort into it.

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