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Things gamers do/say that piss you off


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People who leave sticker gum from pricetags on the gamebox.


Bad trolling. Not successful trolling or good trolling but really utterly terrible trolling.


Entitlement of the wrong kind. E.g. Cracking a console or game and then expecting to play online. It's an either or.


This is my biggest gripe. Forming an opinion without trying something. It's as absurd as saying a city doesn't exist because I've never been there.


Generalising. All the trees in a forest aren't the same. Sometimes not even 50%.


Falling for advertising and then blaming the product. Adverts are just doing their function. Exceptions for terrible ads.


Celebculture for devs and pubs and elevating them to god status.


Culture-bashing on both western and eastern sides.

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I'll just note down the ones I agree on then add my own.

  • Eurgh. People who throw all the guts away are ARGH. We put our PSone games in a CD holder thing, still kept the boxes in the cupboard.
  • I kinda disagree on things being too easy stuff. If the "normal" plays like easy mode then they have a right to complain. Normal should challenge you time to time. Unless they'e someone who wants a challenge and should be playing all their games on Hard then yeah, hate on em.
  • I think assumptions are healthy. Assumption without anything to back it up other than say "it's game type X, it'll suck"
  • Can't say it pisses me off, I play on PC or PS3. Most folks on PS3 are quite, and most folks on PC are guys I know, or in general all "gg"
  • The JRPG stuff is another thread of it's own. You're dislikes can generally be attributed to many other genres too.
  • ARGH. Yeah I dislike folks who don't put stuff in the right cases. My housemate does it all the time. It's why I own KOTOR twice.
  • heh, shogunistic :P I'm with Ethan, I don't see why we should be fine with sexism in games.
  • I don't mind the term casual, it's a perfectly valid and quick to use description. It's the folks who misuse it and use it the same way others would use "leper"
  • Pachter, now he's a guy who knows how the games press works.
  • I don't think it's the gamers fault if the store uses crappy sticker glue.
  • The celeb status of certain developers is just a reaction to the fact most devs are kept in the shadows and so anyone who comes out n chats n talks will get pushed up more by the media. It's mostly an issue with devs/pubs/media. They need to work on it a bit.


Now for my list:

  • Console gamers
  • Lawyers
  • EA employees
  • People that don't play JRPGs
  • facebook gamers
  • nah only kidding


  • People who only stick to one genre or gametype. Get out of your comfort zone a bit more. At least give the demo a shot from time to time. Might find something you like. And if you don't step out time to time, then STFU.
  • People who take what the games press or PR tells them at face value.
  • People who make gaming a kind of class war. Sneering on mobile phone gamers or facebook gamers and the like. So they don't play the same games as you? They're still gaming.
  • People who will automatically dismiss any report or research paper that so much as suggests that gaming isn't good for you. It's a sedentary activity that can also expose you to a lot of violent action. It's not perfect. Oh and there's no known long term affects yet.
  • People who carry on paying for XBL.
  • People who carry on paying for XBL after it's price increase.
  • People who from a particularly strong opinion and "knowledge" on a game without playing it due to one of their favourite writers having that opinion. Oh and refusing to ever play said game to actually back up their opinion.



Because it was a bit off I thought I'd mention the Fallout 3 RPG thing here: I think it's because they're primarily a shooter fan, so it's the first "shooter" they've played with those elements. They'll probably only play New Vegas, Stalker and Borderlands. Oblivion, despite to us being pretty similar, probably wouldn't be their cup of tea.

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  On 3/11/2011 at 1:34 PM, Deanb said:

I don't think it's the gamers fault if the store uses crappy sticker glue.


You can remove it though. Fortunately it's not a problem today thanks to buying games online. But this is a problem for older games and if you're trying to find games from years ago. People could have removed the stickers if they were keeping it in good condition for 10 years or so.


  On 3/11/2011 at 1:34 PM, Deanb said:

  • The celeb status of certain developers is just a reaction to the fact most devs are kept in the shadows and so anyone who comes out n chats n talks will get pushed up more by the media. It's mostly an issue with devs/pubs/media. They need to work on it a bit.

I agree it's a problem with the media. But it can easily be changed.

I'm going to go a little off here so bear with me.


Actually the thing is people need to stop thinking that games reporting is journalism. No offence to those employed in it. But it is specialist reporting and consumer reporting. Not journalism. No one in the world has a life or death issue coming from the sales of games. Trying to equate gaming with mining is retarded. A consumer hobby report is similar to reading car magazines or yacht magazines. It isn't hard-hitting 'journalism'. I do honestly wish people stop confusing the two. If you really try to go with games news from the journalist angle you obviously will have fewer things to report. Things like games studies reports, cultural impact of gaming (not things like 'pink DSes are now popular' 40% of the DSes sold are pink. Report follows at 10pm).



  On 3/11/2011 at 1:34 PM, Deanb said:

  • People who only stick to one genre or gametype. Get out of your comfort zone a bit more. At least give the demo a shot from time to time. Might find something you like. And if you don't step out time to time, then STFU.
  • People who take what the games press or PR tells them at face value.
  • People who from a particularly strong opinion and "knowledge" on a game without playing it due to one of their favourite writers having that opinion. Oh and refusing to ever play said game to actually back up their opinion.


I think I was trying to say some of those points really. But being on an iPhone at work doesn't really help. :)


I've got another gripe that I've just remembered. Just because gaming is catching on, please do not try to 'gamify' everything. I know some of those idiots from SF who've been going on about the whole Gamify thing. Their conference was the worst things I had the misfortune of attending. Some of the things they said made me cringe (it was just an hour long presentation as part of a whole day of conferences). At least the ARG crowd understands to an extent how to incorporate gaming elements.

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  On 3/11/2011 at 10:27 AM, Thursday Next said:
Take for example, Dean and Ethan, both good guys, get on well enough with them on the forum, but I actually flinch any time either of them mentions their piracy habits

I'm not offended, but I am a little confused: have I ever actually mentioned my own piracy habits? I thought I'd been careful not to, to only speak in theoretical terms.


Oh well, I'll break my rule: I pirate to demo, but that's the only time I ever pirate (I know you don't agree with this justification either). Furthermore, I only pirate to demo in two situations: 1) there is no official demo, and I'm still on the fence about the game, even after reviews and word of mouth has come in, or 2) there is an official demo, but I didn't like the demo, and I've heard that the final game is better than the demo shows.


In situation 1 I'm not going to buy a game I'm on the fence about without trying it, so either I pirate it or I don't buy it. In situation 2 I've already decided I didn't like it based on the demo, but I'm giving the full version a second chance to change my mind. In either situation the pub/dev stands to benefit because in the absence of the piracy I'm not buying the game (at least until a future price drop), but the piracy may get them a purchase out of me.

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  • Fanboys who whined and whined about Square-Enix betraying Sony for going multi-platform.
  • Moron's who complaing about Dead Space 2 not being a horror game cause it doesn't conform to what they want exactly in a horror game.
  • Idiots who call themselves gaming experts then proceed to call Dead Space 2 A GAME THEY HAVEN'T PLAYED, as scary as Resident Evil 5.
  • Idiots who called Dragon Quest X being on Wii as 'the end of the JRPG'. I'm serious Archotic actually said this, DESPITE NOT EVEN BEING A FAN OF DRAGON QUEST. I remember it so well because it was so fucking stupid to say.
  • People who dismiss Nintendo games as 'kiddy crap'
  • People who say 'all game reviewers are corrupt'
  • People who say they are getting out of gaming because of how awful its becoming! OH NOEZ CALL OF DUTY IS SELLING A LOTZ, MY HEART IT BURNS.

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  On 3/11/2011 at 4:49 PM, excel_excel said:

  • Moron's who complaing about Dead Space 2 not being a horror game cause it doesn't conform to what they want exactly in a horror game.
  • Idiots who call themselves gaming experts then proceed to call Dead Space 2 A GAME THEY HAVEN'T PLAYED, as scary as Resident Evil 5.


*head explodes*

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-Kids on M-rated online gaming. For example, playing Black Ops--I can't freaking stand kids with a goddamn mic on that game. I'm so telling your mom that you said the 'f' word. And shouldn't you be in a bed? It's a school night.


-The 'I'M A GIRL GAMER I NEED ATTENTION NAO' attitude. A lot of girls play games now. Having a vagina shouldn't earn you special treatment. How you play the game itself is what really matters. In fact--your gender shouldn't be an issue at all in gameplay. For example:


I was on a random TF2 server. There was only one other girl there. I generally keep my mic off when I play MMO's unless I'm with people I know (like you guys here on Gappoi for example). So I'm listening in on the mic chat, paying attention to spy shouts and whatnot. A girl playing a pyro is literally just standing there with her pyro idle and going on about how so few girls play games and that she feels special for playing this game for a year. So when I go up and hit her with my bonesaw, she finally gets off her ass and starts playing. She's not very skilled, so whenever I run into her I usually manage to needle/bonesaw her before she can get a chance to get close enough to set me on fire. (Element of surprise is huge for a successful pyro attack) So she throws a huge fit and asks her male friends to 'boot that guy, he keeps taunting me after kills. Dude, I'm a girl, give me a break." I kid you not, that is word for word what she said. So being a smartass, I pop on my own mic. "You mad?" Everyone else on the mic just roars with laughter. "Ohhh, dude, Sarah, you have competition, now." So instead of standing there she tries to chase down my medic each time. I have never seen a girl so pissed off that there was another girl in her server. Eventually she got a mod to sign in and boot me.

This just makes me feel she's not in it for the game itself so much more for she wants attention. I was having fun in that server despite her attitude, and actually getting some good competition out of the other players. I have met other girls on other servers, and I'm actually pretty good friends with them and a couple of them can beat me and everyone else into the ground with their gameplay.

You should EARN your respect, not automatically assume your tits will get it for you.


-Basic trolling. If I hear this I usually just turn off public chat/mic talk.

Edited by LittlePirate
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As far as the JRPG argument goes, I haven't really enjoyed many JRPG's, but holy molasses Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest IX (not to mention Pokemon) are both amazing. CT and DQIX address pretty much every complaint I've heard about the genre - both have brilliant stories, touching side quests, compelling combat (CT moreso), interesting characters, and immersive settings.




Things that bug me -


-When console gamers bash the PC ignorantly. Or just ignoring the existence of the PC in general.


-Heck, any console-bashing. It's just stupid and a waste of time.

-Pirates bug me. Not the rational, need-to-demo-a-game pirates, but the people who comment on articles and just say "People still buy games/music/movies LOL?!?" And then proceed to complain about the game or developer when they're not even paying for their games...


-The 'I'M A GIRL GAMER I NEED ATTENTION NAO' attitude. A lot of girls play games now. Having a vagina shouldn't earn you special treatment. How you play the game itself is what really matters. In fact--your gender shouldn't be an issue at all in gameplay.


When my wife and I play Left 4 Dead online, it's hilarious how many guys go out of their way to baby her, even though she is usually better than them.

Edited by p4warrior
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  On 3/11/2011 at 3:13 PM, Strangelove said:
people who ONLY play japanese games and hate games from every other country. We have a few people like that on kotaku. Theyre all irritating.


Oh, god, and they are the worst. Fucking longass rants EVERY DAY. At least you can usually spot them by their retarded usernames.


- People who use Armour Lock in standard slayer games of Halo: Reach

- Everything about elitist PC gamers (usually it's stuff like 'K&M is so much better. DUUUH.')

- Whiny ass kids on their headsets during online games (and ones that play music or sing too)

- This is more of a pet peeve, but people who spell 'lose' as 'loose'. Dumbasses.


EDIT. And more recently (sorry, another Reach thing), because this happens way too often, people who just do nothing in Firefight matches. Seriously, what the fuck are you doing?! Your presence has scaled the enemies up and you're not helping. Just fucking go offline if you're not gonna be playing. I must have had one each game the other night.

Edited by Hot Heart
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  On 3/11/2011 at 7:49 PM, Hot Heart said:

- Whiny ass kids on their headsets during online games (and ones that play music or sing too)



It bothers me to no end when someone feels like they have to entertain us with their "latest hit." Sometimes it feels like I'm playing online with the dude who plays guitar on campus, whether to attract women or to share his talent.

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Kids on Xbox live who squeal or moan without end into the mic.


Gamers who smoke and game at the same time constantly. It's just gross. Only applies when I'm around.


General gamer ignorance. This is most likely a subset of my loathing for the unacceptable ignorance of humanity in general, which is in turn one of the cornerstones of my misanthropy.


Gamers who like FFXIII. But gamers who like the story and characters in FFXIII are even worse. ;)


Gamers who think MGS or FF games feature interesting characters and deep explorations of philosophy. Note: these games may be better in Japanese, though I really doubt it.


The casual sexism, homophobia and racism in videogames and exhibited by many gamers. Some of this is likely inartful trolling, but a lot of it is real.


Finally, the word salad that passes for writing Brian Ashcraft often posts on Kotaku.

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There's a few things... I really hate how "linear" is the new buzz word. "Oh I didn't like that game, it was too linear". 95% of the time, you ask these people what their favorite game of 2010 was and they'll tell you Mass Effect 2. Look at that God damn level design.

Similarly, I hate how it's sooo cool now to hate on JRPGs. Yeah, Final Fantasy XIII was a very well received game last year, as were most of Square Enix's major releases, so shut your piehole and go back to Call of Duty or whatever you kids are into these days. :angry:

But most importantly, this whole West vs Japan thing. Unless it's a very Japanese game, like Persona, I rarely think of where a game comes from. West games are so inspired by Japanese games (and vice versa) it's sort of a moot point these days.

Except I do try to support Western Canadian developers, of course. B)

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I can't believe I forgot this:


Fanboy arguments about number scores.

Taking number scores seriously.

Referencing to number scores.

Casually glancing at number scores.


  On 3/11/2011 at 11:12 PM, Mr. GOH! said:

The casual sexism, homophobia and racism in videogames and exhibited by many gamers. Some of this is likely inartful trolling, but a lot of it is real.



  On 3/11/2011 at 7:49 PM, Hot Heart said:

- Everything about elitist PC gamers (usually it's stuff like 'K&M is so much better. DUUUH.')

Everything about PC-ignorant console gamers. Usually it's stuff like "I can aim as fast on a pad as you can on M/KB."

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I can't believe I actually forgot about this.


Sales talk. I mean sure if you're sincerely interested in sales fine. But seriously most gamers don't have a clue what sales figures mean. Currently all consoles are close to 50M or in the case of the Wii 70M so that means they're all successful. The Gamecube had issues because it sold around 20M. We don't have problems of support these days since all platforms have sales which means developers need to focus on consoles equally (unfortunately it means sometimes PC gets the shaft because they're trying to appeal to the 100+M closed platform holders, but there's plenty of good PC exclusives too and some indies are better suited for the PC than PSN and XBLA. e.g. Torchlight. It doesn't mean don't release or don't play it unless you'll play on the PC. Wider releases are good, but certain platforms are optimal for certain games).


So unless someone is truly genuinely interested in sales or is an investor [[i've stock in MS, but I prefer the Playstation platform amongst consoles for Multiplatform games (PC is the first preference (with a few exceptions)).]]don't bring it up. You're only making yourself seem stupid. Most people who bring up sales are just annoying. I know it's trollbait at times, but really they shouldn't be talking about what they don't know about.


No one needs to worry about support for the platform they own at the moment. If you do own all games though look at gameplay videos and see which platform leads and make your decision [LA Noire seems to be PS3 from the footage, not to mention it was once an exclusive not published by Rockstar, DNF is obviously PC though platform-wise looks like the 360 and so on) . Deus Ex has the best philosophy currently (hopefully TH4IF follows that. Maybe Rage next.

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  On 3/11/2011 at 8:06 PM, Atomsk88 said:



It bothers me to no end when someone feels like they have to entertain us with their "latest hit." Sometimes it feels like I'm playing online with the dude who plays guitar on campus, whether to attract women or to share his talent.

It's always some black guy listening to rap for me.

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  On 3/11/2011 at 8:06 PM, Atomsk88 said:
  On 3/11/2011 at 7:49 PM, Hot Heart said:

- Whiny ass kids on their headsets during online games (and ones that play music or sing too)



It bothers me to no end when someone feels like they have to entertain us with their "latest hit." Sometimes it feels like I'm playing online with the dude who plays guitar on campus, whether to attract women or to share his talent.


As far as I'm concerned this is an inherent design flaw with making games with open voice chat.

If it wasn't this it'd be something else, like some guy shouting racial slurs.



  On 3/11/2011 at 6:39 AM, Johnny said:

Also, everyone who bought Modern Warfare 2. Seriously, fuck that shit.


This was supposed to read a bit more tounge in cheek than it actually ended up doing, and I'm pretty sure that's the reason behind the one -rep I got on it. It was not supposed to be offensive towards people who actually liked MW2.



  On 3/12/2011 at 6:55 AM, Johnny said:
  On 3/11/2011 at 7:49 PM, Hot Heart said:

- Everything about elitist PC gamers (usually it's stuff like 'K&M is so much better. DUUUH.')

Everything about PC-ignorant console gamers. Usually it's stuff like "I can aim as fast on a pad as you can on M/KB."


And along those lines, I'd like to clarify that I'm not defending pc gamers getting all up in the face of console gamers for no reason, but it's equally annoying the other way around.



  On 3/11/2011 at 10:27 AM, Thursday Next said:

NOTE: Dean, Ethan, Johnny, I'm not going to patronise any of you by claiming no offence was intended, I'm well aware that you may be offended by my comments. I'm just being honest so let me add here that I do respect all three of you for being honest, not just about the piracy, but of your opinions in all things on the forum, I just don't agree with you on some points. :)


That'd be fine, except you can be honest without being a dick about it. You make it seem like you're not even trying.

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  On 3/11/2011 at 3:46 PM, TheMightyEthan said:
  On 3/11/2011 at 10:27 AM, Thursday Next said:
Take for example, Dean and Ethan, both good guys, get on well enough with them on the forum, but I actually flinch any time either of them mentions their piracy habits

I'm not offended, but I am a little confused: have I ever actually mentioned my own piracy habits? I thought I'd been careful not to, to only speak in theoretical terms.


Oh well, I'll break my rule: I pirate to demo, but that's the only time I ever pirate (I know you don't agree with this justification either). Furthermore, I only pirate to demo in two situations: 1) there is no official demo, and I'm still on the fence about the game, even after reviews and word of mouth has come in, or 2) there is an official demo, but I didn't like the demo, and I've heard that the final game is better than the demo shows.


In situation 1 I'm not going to buy a game I'm on the fence about without trying it, so either I pirate it or I don't buy it. In situation 2 I've already decided I didn't like it based on the demo, but I'm giving the full version a second chance to change my mind. In either situation the pub/dev stands to benefit because in the absence of the piracy I'm not buying the game (at least until a future price drop), but the piracy may get them a purchase out of me.


Apologies, perhaps I infer it as you tend to argue pro-piracy (in some situations), and "Hypotheticals" are in my experience often confessions by another name. :)


@Johnny: Don't think I was "being a dick", I just didn't sugar coat it. There's not much point pretending you and I get on when we don't is there? Doesn't mean we can't be civil and have to resort to name calling does it?

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  On 3/12/2011 at 2:24 PM, Johnny said:
And along those lines, I'd like to clarify that I'm not defending pc gamers getting all up in the face of console gamers for no reason, but it's equally annoying the other way around.


Yeah. I mean I'm pretty much just saying 'fanboys' I guess.


Why can't we all just get along? ^_^

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