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2012 predictions


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I've heard the theory that the cycling represents a "renewal" in the world. So, instead of "THE END" coming in December 21, 2012, there will be something so life altering that civilization will essentially renew.


Supposedly it'll be a massive flooding of the continents. Not like we can't survive that, right super secret Chinese Noah Arks of the Future!




(Only good thing about that movie was the Queen's Corgis...)

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Bizarro is one of my favourite comics.


I've heard the Mayan Calendar was interpreted wrongly and the reset was actually in 2009 anyway. But who knows. There's a lot of bullshit surrounding the subject.


My personal prediction is that the world will continue on the downward spiral it's currently on. Maybe we'll have an apocalypse, maybe not, but it's going downhill either way. Just look at the shit going on this year ;). If the world ends in 2012 it's purely coincidental.

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There's people out there stupid enough that folks will commit suicide over it. Which will be a shame. (though it does get rid of the stupid people, the shame is when it's parents)


However on my own opinion, I think we're heading somewhere with 2012. I'm open to the idea some earth shattering event will happen. Especially with the amount of times "largest.hardest/coldest/hottest/biggest since records begin" has been increasing in occurrence the past couple of years. And just general shifts in political and economic thingies that I can't think of at 1am. There's riots in the middle east, the first world has no money, hardly anyone trusts their governments, there's nations getting close to getting nukes who maybe shouldn't. It's all a bit doomsday. There's definitely shifts happening (in more ways than way one) and I reckon it'll all come ot a head. What'll be interesting is if it ends good or bad.


Oh and most of this btw is attributed to "I've got a feeling in my bones".

So maybe nothing is going on and I might jsut have a really weird and very early osteoporosis.

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There's this hill in Israel and there's supposed to be a huge (but instant) battle there. The place's name? Armageddon (הַר מְגִדּוֹ‎ in Hebrew)


Neat, huh?


Isn't that where the word "Armageddon" came from as well? It's supposedly the spot where the event that will end the Earth will take place, right?

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There's this hill in Israel and there's supposed to be a huge (but instant) battle there. The place's name? Armageddon (הַר מְגִדּוֹ‎ in Hebrew)


Neat, huh?


Isn't that where the word "Armageddon" came from as well? It's supposedly the spot where the event that will end the Earth will take place, right?


Not totally. At Har Meggido the armies of the Antichrist will gather and God will destroy them simply by speaking. The Earth isn't completely destroyed and recreated until Revelation 21 (a couple chapters later.)

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Israel. The land of self-fulfilling prophecies.


The bible said Israel would exist in the end times (inhabited by "Jews who are not Jews" ironically enough). Well, the Romans fucked things up for them, so centuries later a group of Zionists decided to go to Britain. They proposed using their influence to pull America into the war (and this is even before AIPAC I believe), under the condition that Britain set them up with the Mandate of Palestine, as a Jewish homeland (which they had in mind already, having started to move European Ashkenazi Jews there decades earlier in a response to high European anti-semitism). The tanks rolled in, displacing millions of Arabs. Why? Because God said this is the land of God's chosen people. God's chosen people deserve this Promised Land. And who is to argue? Jewish people were massacred by Hitler, so guilt was high. Not only that, Americans at the time (and still for the most part today) were indoctrinated with Christianity, a religion based on Judaism, which views Jews as "God's Chosen People".


So there you go. Israel was not reborn due to God's will, but because of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Armageddon in Israel? Sure. I'm guessing the armies of the antichrist are from Iran. All they have to do is throw another Stuxnet their way, maybe do an air strike, and provoke them some more. Then Iran will attack Israel, who will respond with a nuke (God speaking), America will defend their actions, and prophecy fulfilled! Now Jesus Christ can come back, and the believers can be raptured, leaving behind all of the sinners who doubted God's existence!

Edited by R__
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So there you go. Israel was not reborn due to God's will, but because of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I'm going to preface this by informing you that I'm an atheist. But for the sake of argument, how can you be sure that it wasn't God's will that allowed the Jews to bring this plan to fruition? Just because it was directly accomplished by the hand of man does not mean it was not God's will that made it so.

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Using that logic, you could also argue that it's God's will for Gaddafi to massacre his own citizens. Hell, anything that happens could be considered "god's will" at that point.


Honestly, I'm having trouble making a response because my brain doesn't work that way. I can't see it from a Christian viewpoint, also being an atheist. I guess the best answer is that early Jews wrote the prophecies and later generations tried to live up to them, much like people make plans for their future and attempt to make those plans work.


Which brings me to another point... maybe all this 2012 stuff will result in the "apocalypse" simply because people make it happen.

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