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"Meh" endings (obvious spoilers)


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I absolutely despise "meh" endings, and by that I don't mean that I'm saying "meh", I mean the developers are the ones saying "meh".


You know the type of ending I'm talking about. The ending that lasts probably about 3 minutes, gives an extremely half-assed and hasty attempt to conclude the storyline, and most of the time ignores subplots, characters, settings, etc., and makes absolutely no attempt to to truly tie up the game.


I've posted several times I've been playing BioShock. Well, I finished today and the "ending" completely disappointed me and brought down my opinion of the entire game by a couple of notches. I got the "evil" ending (which I was working toward), which goes on to make the protagonist into a painfully one-dimensional cartoon villain. Implying that the player took over Rapture AND is expanding to take over the world? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? It's just...GOD. The "good" ending is, naturally, on the completely other side of the spectrum complete with rainbows and heartwarmth and all kinds of stereotypical bullshit.


HALF. ASSED. What bothers me the most is not only the fact that the game spent so much time telling a story and building a setting only to completely shit on it and ignore it altogether for the ending, but what bothers me is the fact that so many games do this. I HATE IT. It's extremely obvious they have these studios have like ten bucks left in the budget by the time the ending gets made, but what they completely and utterly fail to understand is that the ending of a game is arguably the most important part of one, because they're literally the last moments that the player will take away. And if those last moments are absolute shit, guess what? They won't think very highly of the game even if the rest of the game was what people would consider "good". I'd much, MUCH rather have a good, proper ending to a game if it means that the beginning or the middle will suffer for it.


You have no idea how much bad endings piss me off. I honestly feel offended when I see crap endings like the one in BioShock, because I feel like I spend well over a dozen hours in the game, inventing my time and attention into something the developers worked on, only to have them turn around and say "OK BEAT THE GAME. GET THE FUCK OUT. WE'RE DONE. GOOD NIGHT". What the fuck? Do these people not respect their own work? Do they honest to goodness feel like they did their own work justice by having such a completely flat conclusion? I feel cheated when I invest hours upon hours into a game and see the developers just not give a shit as to how their own story concludes and it makes me feel like I just wasted my time.


I really hope you guys get as pissed off with shit endings like I do so we can vent together on games with shit endings and how developers suck for bait-and-switch storytelling. What say you?

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hmm. I've probably seen worse endings but Zelda: Twilight Princess's ending really just pissed me off. The ending bosses were fucking epic and then


after Ganondorf turned into a massive monster and after you beat him he seemingly kills Midna and you basically battle him on horseback with Zelda (who was pretty badass in this game).


After you beat him, Ganon is dead and the sage animal thingys are there....


Link runs over to the castle Midna might be dead.....OH! wait no she's not. Midna is there in a sexy princess form alive and well and says "Am I so beautiful that you have no words left?".

next scene. at the twilight mirror, you say goodbye to her cause she has to go to the twilight world, only you won't see her again :( OH NO. Hold on. Actually then its implied that you may see her again. That was it.


just compared to the epicness of the other Zelda endings......so poor.

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Recently, it was Killzone 3's ending.



Basically, somehow all the ISA forces can survive to a point where four people are on two small space fighters. They're in the middle of a Helghan fleet that is cannibalizing itself. Stahl orders his troops to take out them out, or as he says, "there's only fucking two of them!"


You, easily, take out his personal elite cruiser's hyper drive, and so he begins to land on Helghan. What's this? The space fighter Sev is piloting has a nuke? Hey, lets fire it at Stahl's crippled ship! What's the worse that could happen?


Oh, the nuke took out all forms of life on Helghan. -_-



In spoiler tags in case you still haven't gotten around to it.

Edited by Atomsk88
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Recently, it was Killzone 3's ending.



Basically, somehow all the ISA forces can survive to a point where four people are on two small space fighters. They're in the middle of a Helghan fleet that is cannibalizing itself. Stahl orders his troops to take out them out, or as he says, "there's only fucking two of them!"


You, easily, take out his personal elite cruiser's hyper drive, and so he begins to land on Helghan. What's this? The space fighter Sev is piloting has a nuke? Hey, lets fire it at Stahl's crippled ship! What's the worse that could happen?


Oh, the nuke took out all forms of life on Helghan. -_-



In spoiler tags in case you still haven't gotten around to it.



They'd better not gloss over that in the inevitable sequel. Sev killed probably millions, if not billions of innocent Helghan civilians with that one incredibly ill-advised tactic. If he shows up in Killzone 4 with a clear conscience and the ISA are still played up as heroes after that, I will be seriously pissed. If, however, the story treats it as the horrific war crime it was, then the Killzone plotline has a chance to greatly mature.


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the Killzone plotline has a chance to greatly mature.


I've always found it odd that such a balanced back story has such a one-sided viewpoint. I mean the Helghast were driven from their sister planet of Vekta and forced to live on the inhospitable Helghan.




The Helghan counter attack in Killzone 1 and are repelled.


Having fought off Helghan's counter, the ISA invade the Helghast's homeworld in Killzone 2.


In Killzone 3 the Helghan are trying to recover from the death of their leader and drive off an invading force.




To be honest, I'd quite like to play as the Helghan in KZ4.

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That shouldn't be surprising. It's not like history paints a pretty picture of Germany's past. History is written by the victors. Helghan and Helghast are portrayed in the game like Nazis in WW2 movies right until the 90s down to the accent (at least films had a flimsy excuse of using British stage actors). People forget what effect the first war and economic depression had on Germany.

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That shouldn't be surprising. It's not like history paints a pretty picture of Germany's past. History is written by the victors. Helghan and Helghast are portrayed in the game like Nazis in WW2 movies right until the 90s down to the accent (at least films had a flimsy excuse of using British stage actors). People forget what effect the first war and economic depression had on Germany.


I don't find them to be like Nazis. I think they are painted much more like Soviets. The "impossible to invade because the homeland is inhospitable" thing. The names are all Russian-y. Like Orlock, Volari, Stahl. The language looks vaguely Cyrillic. Not forgetting the questionable foreign policy.


Like I said, it has the potential to be ambiguous and balanced, I wish they would capitalise on that.

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The names are not what makes it like the Nazis but rather ironically enough the backstory. Didn't helghan lose a war? Yes the names are more ccp. But the imagery is there, the performance is there. 3 was most definitely like a movie from the 50s.

I guess one could argue that it's generic USSR-German bit. Stahl though is a very German(Prussian iirc) family name.

The Helghan logo isn't very Russian either. Basically they've fused them. At least it's better than the Russo-American Mercantile from Buck Rogers. They do have an interesting backstory which isn't utilised. Helghan-Vekta crisis does have a hint of partitioned India too with earth taking the role of the British. It's inspired by modern history nonetheless.

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The end of 95% horror movies and games. There are exceptions, but this a problem intrinsic to the genre.


Yeah, I was about to say that it would be easier for me to list endings that don't suck.


We also need to clarify what constitutes the "ending" of a game. Does that include the gameplay of the final hour or so, the end boss (if one exists,) or is it simply the cutscenes after the final boss?

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The end of 95% horror movies and games. There are exceptions, but this a problem intrinsic to the genre.


Yeah, I was about to say that it would be easier for me to list endings that don't suck.


We also need to clarify what constitutes the "ending" of a game. Does that include the gameplay of the final hour or so, the end boss (if one exists,) or is it simply the cutscenes after the final boss?


Anything that happens after the final boss. The conclusion, rather.

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