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30 + More Days of Gaming


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Viva Pinata and Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise. I'm hesitant to admit to them because at first glance they look like shitty little kid games, but among people who've actually played them they're pretty well regarded games.


Also The Sims series, like Johnny said.

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Day 4


I don't think "guilty pleasure" means a game that you're hiding or ashamed of. In the more literal sense, it can be a game that you enjoy for guilty reasons.


For example, sometimes when I'm really pissed off -- like when I get a costly traffic citation -- I'll play GTA IV and do things that would make hardened killers feel squeamish.


I think the game I'd list as my guilty pleasure is Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 for Xbox 360. The game is so delightfully silly. In fact, I really suck at it. In fact, I kinda suck at all RTS games, but I just like to watch the little people fight and build.

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Is it even really possible to hide your games these days. Smartphone n handheld games must be about it these days. Console games have trophy n achievements that'll track all your moves. And on PC Steam does pretty much the same. Even more "screwed" if you use stuff like Raptr.


Well, you could always use different accounts? :P



I took it less as "hiding" what I play and more about what I don't advertise playing.


But as Dean said, the moment you start a game on Steam/360/PS3/whatever it shows it there, unless you mean like, "Hey! I'm playing *insert game here* right now!" :P



Day 4


I don't think "guilty pleasure" means a game that you're hiding or ashamed of. In the more literal sense, it can be a game that you enjoy for guilty reasons.


For example, sometimes when I'm really pissed off -- like when I get a costly traffic citation -- I'll play GTA IV and do things that would make hardened killers feel squeamish.




In that case it would be Crackdown I guess, it was always fun to blow up everything and everyone in that game. :P

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I really don't have one. I mean, if I feel uncontrollable about getting/playing a game, chances are I don't have the game.


Though I'll say this, Pokemon White (and Black) does come off as a guilty pleasure at my age. I really only got White because I had offline friends, and you guys, to talk about Pokemon. Otherwise, it would feel weird as a grown man to indulge in the game. Like, I haven't hidden the fact I'm playing Pokemon to most of my associates, but I do kinda keep it to myself when I'm playing in front of them.


..except on Facebook! I linked to that YouTube video Excel put up of the Gym "Last Pokemon" Battle music.

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Day 3. The Neverhood. While very popular with people who have played it, I think more people need to experience this.


Day 4. COD Black Ops, Hear me out - I constantly rant to my friends about how cookie-cutter games piss me off, and people need to be more creative etc etc. The typical non-COD rant. Yet I play the hell out these games. Black Ops is the latest to make me eat my own words. I will in fact attempt to hide my status of playing these games. So I guess that makes it a guilty pleasure.


I liken it to peanut butter. You could get all fancy and make a sandwich, but sometimes you just gotta use a spoon and screw the detail and depth the bread provides.

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Day 05 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)


I dunno who I'm most like, but I'd like to be someone like Nathan Drake. Someone cool. Or maybe one of the drivers from Gran Turismo 5 :P someone who can drive an awesome car.


Conker or Auron, because im always drunk

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Do my people in The Sims count? :sherlock:


I dunno, it's hard to think of someone I'm like because like Johnny said most game characters do extraordinary things. As for who I'd like to be like, probably Shepard. I want to fly around in space.

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Day 5


Tali'Zorah (nor Rayya, vas Neema, vas Normandy)


On the surface, I have little in common with Tali. Where I feel empathy for her is in her constant struggles: forced to live in a suit, strict cultural expectations, challenging sex life.


I especially feel like I relate to her bleak future. There doesn't seem to be plausible happy ending for Tali and the Quarians. In ME2, Tali frequently expresses a growing frustration stemming from her exposure to the rest of the universe. Her life seems to be getting worse every day.


In a Sci-Fi future where technology provides comfort, ease and longevity, Tali's life is the total opposite. I believe that behind that mask is a person on the verge of collapse, violent rage, or both.

Edited by HotChops
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OK, a lot of catching up to do here.


Day 01: The first gaming experience I remember is playing Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt at my cousins' house.


Day 02: Hmm it's kind of hard to pick one. Sam Fisher is a pretty good shout, he's heroic but bad-ass at the same time, you feel bad-ass when you play as him and his suit is an iconic image for gamers. The same could be said for Master Chief actually. I also love most of the party members from the KOTOR games, particularly the two droids.


Day 03: Definitely Shadowrun (the recent multiplayer FPS). It got average reviews and not a lot of people played it but it gives TF2 a run for it's money when it comes to my favourite multiplayer experience. If only Shadowrun had received even half the post-release support that TF2 did. Even so I still pop it in from time to time and it never feels stale, it's criminal that it was over-looked.


Day 04: I don't think I play any games that I personally feel bad about playing, but I do sometimes exercise a bit of caution when discussing what games I play with non-gamer friends. Even though I find that if you bring up Pokemon with anyone my age they'll immediately be overcome with nostalgia and show as much enthusiasm as a regular gamer, showing too much knowledge can make you look weird, for example. To be honest though, whilst I maybe won't advertise the fact I play games like Viva Pinata, if one of my friends were to see me playing it I'd happily tell them I don't care if it looks like it's for kids because it's a great game, and if they tease me about it for a little while then who cares, if I wasn't able to give or take a bit of friendly abuse with them they wouldn't be my friends in the first place.


I do sometime feel guilty killing civilians in games that let you do that but that's more about my actions than the game itself.


Day 05: Toad (from the Mario series). Just another mushroom in the crowd, but with the potential for greatness. That greatness probably won't involve go-karting, throwing vegetables at timid people or joining two plumbers on a murderous rampage to save a princess, though.

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Alright, catch up time.


Day One: If my first gaming experience came from my desktop PC then it would have been either Chip's Challenge or Jet Force (I think it was called that). If it was at my neighbours, then it was either N.A.R.C. for the NES or Pac-Man for the Atari 2600.


Day Two: Favourite characters in terms of personality are too hard to pick. Naked/Solid Snake, Aigis from P3: FES, and Tali from Mass Effect are up there, along with some other characters from various RPGs.


Day Three: I think Loom is underrated. For a point-and-click adventure title, the interface was really creative at the time of release. You hear about old Sierra and Lucasarts adventure titles in articles and conversations, like Space/King's Quest, Monkey Island, and Full Throttle, but I've never heard much mention of Loom.


Day Four: Among friends, I don't have any guilty pleasures for gaming. I intend to get Pokemon Black/White at some point, and the only people I'd probably keep that hush-hush from is my brother and sister-in-law. They don't "get" a lot of things seen in Japanese games (character stereotypes, the animation) and when they see me playing them I'm often asked enough questions that I feel like I'm under interrogation.


Day Five: Anyone can share certain traits with game characters, but I can't think of any that I could relate to as a whole. If I could be any character I guess I would choose Shepard from Mass Effect. On top of saving everything from destruction and getting the girl in the end, which would make being just about any RPG character interesting, Mass Effect has space exploration and landing on uncharted planets.

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Day 4: Guilty pleasures...don't know really....Yeah the Smackdown VS RAW series. I suppose all wrestling games. I fell in love with them when I bought WCW/nWo Revenge after it got a favourable review in N64 magazine and with the exception of the wrestling games Acclaim made I've enjoyed them all to an extent.


Day 5: Shepard in Mass Effect mainly cause he takes no crap from anybody. Its a quality I'd love to have!

Also Wario. He just rocks

Edited by excel_excel
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