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There was a deal on in Chips or whatever of two for £XX. This looked like it could be fun, I'd never heard of it. Thankfully the sting is partially removed because the other game was Timesplitters :D

It's a hack n slash. I'm not much of a fan, definitely not back then. I might maybe have a fair shot at it this time around, wonder if it's worth doing for summer.

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I almost bought Too Human on day one, but luckily the shipment to my town was delayed so I rented it from Gamefly instead. Dodged a bullet on that one.


As far as games I've actually bought, this one is the only one that comes to mind, but I'm sure there are others:




It's not terrible but I lost interest in it very quickly, around the first boss.

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See, I played the shit out of Fallout 3 (on 360, so no mods), sunk something like 300 hours into that game between all my characters, but I just can't seem to stay interested in New Vegas. The weirdest thing about that is that I actually like New Vegas better than Fallout 3, but for some reason I can't keep my attention on it. I managed to beat it once right after it came out, but I skipped a lot of the side stuff (partially on the assumption that you'd be able to continue playing after the end) and then both my attempts to play it again have petered out at about the 15-hour mark.

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GTA IV Complete. I really only wanted GTA IV by itself (waiting for it to be on sale for $5) to check it out, but then the Christmas sale came and they only had the complete version for $10. On a whim I bought that, assuming I'd at least like the base game.


Too bad the entire thing ranges from "meh" to "bull". Should've waited to get the base GTA IV and be disappointed with just that instead of paying $5 more, hating the whole thing, and having more "game" that I'll never touch.

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I honestly don't understand all the GTA IV hate, I fucking love it.


I didn't like it specifically because of the performance issues on my PC. The stuttering made it impossible to enjoy, and I only got 5 or 6 hours into it. It also didn't really alleviate any of the issues from the previous games, such as poor shooting/movement mechanics and having to replay 5-10 minutes of the game if you mess up a mission at the very end. I did like the city a lot and the driving was solid. Story seemed like it was pretty cool but didn't get to finish it unfortunately.

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There are different types of difficult; there are games that are just broken, and there are games that are legitimately challenging. Also, I've found extremely hard games that give the player a chance to continually retry the challenge with no or little penalty are much more enjoyable while still retaining their difficulty. Super Meat Boy, VVVVVV, and Bit.Trip Runner come to mind as recent examples, so I'll go with those.

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