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  On 4/21/2011 at 8:30 PM, Mr W Phallus said:

Ninja Gaiden (Black) is probably the hardest that i've given a proper go at. Even with Ninja Dog mode it wasn't much easier.


Afterthought: I've never completed a Halo Game on legendary either.


Halo:CE was a cakewalk in Legendary on the PC. I suppose it was balanced for the Xbox controller. Also, the difficulty seemed artificial; the only real problems came when I didn't get a checkpoint for 10 minutes at a time.

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If I leave out broken games then the hardest game I've ever had a proper go at is probably Super Mario Bros 3. I'm not one of those gamers who thinks that a game has to be smash-your-head-against-the-wall-hard in order to be fun though.


*Edit* - Yeah, I've always thought of Legendary as hard enough to be challenging but not hard enough to get frustrating, which I think is the perfect place to be. There are a few parts in each game that get pretty damn hard, but on the whole Legendary is quite fun.

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  On 4/20/2011 at 7:38 PM, AgamemnonV2 said:
  On 4/20/2011 at 7:07 PM, excel_excel said:

Day 36 - A game you bought on a whim and you wish you hadn't. WE GOTTA TIE! Between Fallout 3 and Red Faction Guerilla. Not terrible games but I got bored of them very easily

Did you try out mods for Fallout 3? That helps significantly.


It....was the PS3 version *ducks tomatoes* it was a cheap special edition with the cool lunch box....I was young what can I say!


Day 37 - the hardest game you ever played. Well the one I actually enjoyed and finished was Super Meat Boy. That was so hard at times but so addictive....

the game that was so hard that I lost the will to play was Demon's Souls. Seriously...where is that game anyway?....its not on my shelf!

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Day 35 - Scariest game was Silent Hill 3. I played each SH game in the dark after the rest of the house was asleep, so the mannequin storage room in the mall scared the living shit out of me.


Day 36 - I think its turning out to be the Witcher. It was on sale on Steam, I heard some good things, and its an RPG. It just took me 6 straight days to download, transfer to a playable PC, and then it wants to me to update the game by downloading half of it again. Then I hear it has the click-once-and-watch-it-die kind of combat that immediately made me think of Diablo. I haven't played it, but it is causing me too many headaches that I regret purchasing it digitally.


Day 37 - Hardest? I don't think I've got past the first level of Revenge of Shinobi on the Genesis, same with Ghosts 'n Goblins for the NES.

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I bought a Gamecube with Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, Warioware, Smash Bros., that jet ski game and Worms Armageddon/3D/whichever it was and 2 controllers for £10 from a friend.

Then there's TF2. £6.99, 309 hours logged so far.

Steam gave me Portal for free.


Oh and finally there was Bioshock and the Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition (the one with every all the main Zelda games uo until Majora's Mask) which I borrowed from friends...indefinitely. :lol: Classic not-quite-theft-but-still-really-amounts-to-theft friendship abuse.

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Bought Half-Life Platinum Pack for $30 or so at a swap meet when it was still new, and it probably turned out to be the best overall value. Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift, and Team Fortress Classic.


As far as dirt-cheap games, I bought Metroid Prime for $8, Mass Effect for $5 (Steam sale), and the original UT for about $4.

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  On 4/22/2011 at 4:01 PM, MetalCaveman said:

The Orange Box for $10 That's the best one I can remember. :P


^That. Easily.


As for the hardest game I've played, easily F-Zero GX. I played that damn game so much I beat all the story missions on Very Hard and all the cups on Master.

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Halo 1. The game's weapons are trivialized by the fact that the pistol was the deadliest weapon in the game. The assault rifle, the needler, the shotgun, etc. These were all weapons you just carried to go along with your pistol. Couple this with Halo 1 PC's terribad netcode and then the sniper rifle and rocket launcher were also equally as useless. Of course I suppose it was not as bad as vehicles on the map (jumping on top of a vehicle or getting tapped by one instantly killed you). They so did not balance that game for competitive play.


Also, yes. I am aware of the irony that MLG was born out of Halo 1 (and then, embarrassingly, Halo 2). That should probably tell you what I think of MLG.

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