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Everything posted by hatch

  1. well we used to have a n00b_pwner but not anymore
  2. haha pony is taller than me. oh well suicide is painless~
  3. do carcassonne or catan have live mp? I was under the impression one or both did not, if they did and enuff ppl here have it I would be up for getting it and playing
  4. when I come back I am going to be bad at this game sorry folks
  5. so what's the happs w/r/t this game since I been gone.
  6. blink 182 makes me feel nostalgic as heck whenever I hear them, today I was driving around and heard "first date" and sang along to it like a motherfucker. I never would have said they were my favorite band when I was in middle or high school but really I can't think of too many singles of theirs that I didn't really like aside from the sappy ones like adam's song or miss you I think my fave concert was the toadies who I saw in deep ellum which is like the artsy or stabby district of dallas depending on who you ask. I saw them with a band called BABOON and I think they prefer to be referred to with all capitals and I thought they were bad but everyone else seemed into them so w/e. supposedly it was gonna be the toadies last show which was true for like...three months and that isn't even including shows that the burden brothers played (who I would actually want to see more than the toadies at this point). after the show I nearly passed out, the next morning I did (six staples in the scalp w00t) and almost got stabbed contributing to the artsy/stabby rep deep ellum has. thank you for reading
  7. I'll probably be in minnesota then or at the very least not in dallas
  8. my team is better tha nboth of your individual teams
  9. predators fans are maybe the worst fans in the league who also somehow get a team which is better than the fans deserve
  10. oh god I had never clicked on portal up there
  11. We already have that... his example has the last three pages of the thread which for a popular one is much more useful than your example showing the first three pages
  12. only about one in four second round picks ever play 100 nhl games, maybe one in ten fifth rounders so it's possible they'll get someone to play in the pros but not likely. I'm guessing wisniewski wasn't dying to stay so the isles figured they would need to pay him even more to keep him and I don't know that any bottom-tier team should spend $4 million for a 27 year old top four defenseman
  13. he's making $3.25 million this year and is a ufa at the end of the season so I'm guessing the isles had no desire to re-sign him and figured they'd get something instead of nothing for losing him. it is basically management's way of sayiing "yeah come back in 2011 fans"
  14. hockey is the one sport where I cannot cheer for any other team, when the stars don't make the playoffs or are eliminated during the postseason I just stop watching
  15. as I understand jobs are down for most engineering fields but there are fewer engineers entering the market every year so it's about the same as it was a few years ago during "good times." it seems to me most people either had something waiting for them on graduation or are still looking
  16. dude from princeton with the same degree as me also had trouble finding a job...cool beans feeling very good about my job prospects
  17. same but I do notice more electrical engineer job postings than aero/mechanical when I look
  18. if I ever got bloodied by mike vernon or chris osgood I think the only escape is death
  19. the avalanche have players I don't hate these days like stewart and stastny but on the other hand Every Colorado Avalanche Fan What Exists
  20. wait what things are starting to make sense for me or are they. I think I just realized something but to make room forgot l'hopital's rule
  21. fwiw like four people just gave me all their points
  22. have you considered: it is the only way to read posts from legends such as hatchc2.
  23. kool kats post in new vegas fyi all brave souls should ask for access to new vegas
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