Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Overwatch and Mount & Blade Warband.
I haven't found ANY of the side missions fun in Mirror's Edge so far. Running through the world and picking up collectables is fine but, reloading missions multiple times (an ssd is necessary not to go insane) to hear the same audio, to get lost cause runner's vision would suddenly stop or tell me to jump to my death, constantly having no idea what I'm supposed to do. It's suuuper disappointing and I'm glad I'm using the Origin subscription trial thingy to play it.
Overwatch is Overwatch. I skipped most of the double exp weekend to play Path of Exile's beta for an expansion and I'm kinda sad I didn't get the genji skin throughout the event. I've been playing tons more Zen lately which is leagues less stressful than Ana. I don't have to worry about heals, I don't have to worry about the right time to nano since it's basically "did they use grav,blade,visor? Time to trance" and lastly I can actually protect myself vs trying to land sleepdarts, hitting noscopes and waiting till the right moment to throw a nade at the floor.
I've been playing warband with a lotr mod which has been pretty fun. It's was a bit hard to get into cause I didn't remember most of the controls/mechanics of the mount and blade games so I wasn't sure what was mod specific or not. I'm at the point where I would like to wrap it up but, I can't siege towns so I'm stuck waiting (AND LOOKING FOR) the ai to finally attack the enemy.