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Everything posted by Baguette

  1. You're not going to come out one day and say "You guys, my name isn't Bryan" are you?
  2. Do I need any of the new DLC to join?
  3. I always thought Jammies ego was sarcasm.
  4. Damn it. I'm busy at work uhh watching psych.
  5. Did you finish off the moneyball blocking him from farming kills?
  6. Then why are you getting the rage mail?
  7. I got a family Christmas card for the people who no longer live at my house. I put their picture up on the fridge. Thanks Stewarts Family!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mintycrys


      Merry Kurisumasu Stewarts Family!

    3. StrifeROKs


      You might go to jail for a Christmas card from Sindo

    4. TheMightyEthan


      That's a risk I'm willing to let Bags take.

  8. You're just as dumb so I guess
  9. and water still gets on the floor.
  10. Baguette


    At the bottom of the index above the user list, you badmin
  11. Unless I can magically get off at 1pm, it'll be impossible.
  12. You could try Country Story, that's what my sis plays.
  13. I tried on of the DS Harvest moon that decided that moving should only be controlled by the stylus so I decided fuck that.
  14. I was currently playing Rune Factory 3 but stopped for a while due to having too much other games on hand. It's A LOT easier than 1 and 2 due to dying in the dungeons no longer gets you a game over and magic is incredibly strong in this game. Also, Summer is a total bitch with it's tornadoes and keeps wrecking my crops.
  15. Oh c'mon DK, you must have heard jizz in my pants.
  16. I'm only scared of snipers because mints scares the shit out of me.
  17. If an assassin is able to run up into your face and kill you when you're a gunner, you are clearly doing something wrong. I don't think the assassin can one shot a gunner in the face at any point in time if he's at full health.
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