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Everything posted by slatz_grobnik

  1. Giant beavers almost ruined Christmas. This is not a metaphor. But it probably should be.

  2. Unlike Fallout: New Vegas, I'm bug free.
  3. Love it. Grew up on it. Still my favorite sci-fi hero. Who-related tattoos are on the possibility list. I'm a bit lukewarm on Smith. To his credit, he has a amazing naturalism for the role; off the bat he feels like the Doctor, and his choice to play a sort of mega-composite Doctor is interesting. Still, it's sort of like he sets the par. Also, with the way that Season 5 ended, I'm really looking forward to what happens next. Some of the best times on the show have been when there was more of an ensemble cast (2, 5), and the current group shows considerable promise. Waters of Mars is a...problematic episode. The point of it, basically, is to serve as an emotional counterpoint for another episode, Fires of Pompeii, but it kind of falls flat in that regard, for the same reason that falls flat: a lack of bravery on the part of the writers to pull the damn trigger after extended threats about it, a problem that, for its other weaknesses, old Who did not have. I'm not big on Tennant, but some of that is RTD's writing, and some of that is that I prefer a different kind of Doctor, and some of that is my irritation at dealing with people who were Tennant fans rather than Doctor Who fans. And yes, Pertwee is the Doctor. (Though, the idea of complaining about Rose, but then citing Pertwee...come on, Jo?) I used to consider Davidson my favorite, but after seeing some of the DVD releases with episodes that I haven't watched in ages, I'm compelled to give that to Pertwee, especially early Pertwee.
  4. I saw it, and I cannot remember a time that I laughed so hard. I doubt it's for everyone, but I though it was an impressive blend of high brow, low brow, and absurdist humor. It also helps if you've been involved in the theater. In regards to documentaries, I'd recommend "Cropsey." It's one of those shows that's probably better that you don't know what to expect when going in.
  5. There was a journalist and newspaper columnist by the name of Mike Royko. In most of his columns he wrote commentary or reported on a topic, but he also created a cast of characters to use as foils or to have someone speaking from a certain perspective. His most famous was Slats Grobnik, who remains Chicago's version of Everyman. I took it up in the spirit of his writing and our city, but merely using the same name seemed wrong somehow, so I changed a letter, more or less writing an extension of the mythos.
  6. Oh god not another one. Does it make it any better if I hate it?
  7. I'm inclined to give that to the 11th. OT: I seem to recall a 7th Circuit decision that suggests it might rule otherwise. If I remember an article that surveyed some lower court decisions on the general topic of the enforceability of software licenses, there's an extent to which that courts play things both ways - courts won't keep the license theory when a program owner tries to do something truly oppressive, as opposed to annoying.
  8. - Two Words: Vizima Confidential. A lot of games talk sandbox or having thousands of choices. While there are segments that collapse, The Witcher is one of the few games I know that has a few incredibly detailed, multi-faceted quests, with different ways to deal with it and none of this newfangled hand-holding. A lot of the choices are, for lack of a better term, meaningful: you're able to make informed character choices. - A lot of 'mature' or 'dark' fantasy...isn't. The Witcher is a lot higher grade (possibly if you excuse the playing cards, but there is at least some sort of vague, in game justification for how and why you get a lot of women to sleep with you). In a lot of ways, the motifs are more suited to a cyberpunk setting. But there's a lot of it that feels much more realistic than your typical game, even non-fantasy ones.
  9. To be clear, the Black Widow/Lady Killer perk of F3 (where your character got +10% damage against the opposite gender and seduction related dialog options), was split further into Cherchez La Femme for women and Confirmed Bachelor for men (where your character gets +10% damage against the same gender and seduction related dialog options). If you haven't heard the term used to refer to homosexuality...I don't know what to say. It's possible to rationalize it, but it's clearly the intent to function as means to set gender preference. As far as I'm concerned, about time.
  10. I think I was bawling at about the last half-hour of Persona 3. That I'm a maudlin drunk didn't help. I'm not proud to say, but I got teary at Halo 3's opener. It hit all the right epic SF notes for the Big Finish.
  11. Star Control II The remixes for The Ur-Quan Masters are a bit more hit or miss, but still good. Tropico 2: Pirate Cove The only game I could think of that I would play for the sake of listening to the music. System Shock 2 SS2 gets a special award for the sake of how well the songs tie in with particular levels.
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