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Everything posted by SkyGriever

  1. I just caught Destiny bug... Goodbye free time.

    1. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Is Destiny Bug some sort of pokemon?

  2. RIP Ali. The man for whom the acronym GOAT was invented.

    1. Mal


      RIP. I always felt bad for him due to his battle with Parkinson's. Dude had ways with words.


    2. Pojodin
  3. Ratchet and Clank is such a delightful game, specially amid all the gritty, dark stuff coming out.

    1. TCP


      Yeah I'm looking forward to playing it at some point. It's definitely the best game to come out this week.

    2. Mal


      It seemed to have taken everything good about all the games and redid the original game. The R&C games were always pretty decent and for the first one, I sunk so many hours into it. Glad it has a nice reboot/re-imagining.

    3. toxicitizen
  4. FFXV!!!!!

    1. Baconrath


      Stand By Me tho

    2. Pojodin


      It was a bizarre conference thing, but it was pretty cool.

  5. As suggested by Frosted, I created a recipes thread. Let's share some of your favorite ones there. http://forum.pressxordie.com/topic/2236-recipe-thread/

  6. This whole living on my own thing has really helped me develop my cooking abilities. Tonight, we dine carnitas!

    1. deanb


      Yeah, cooking is a thing between you n death, so you soon find you're not too bad at it. No Marco Pierre White, but good enough.

    2. Eleven


      I'm moving to the US next week! Although I don't think I'll learn to cook anytime soon. There is so much paperwork to get done and things to do, i'd be annoyed if I have to cook.


      Maybe after a few months.

    3. FMW


      If there isn't a thread for recipes, make one. I demand to have your Carnita recipe

  7. So hard to spend the holidays away from the family,specially the lil princess. Hope this is all worth it.

  8. So, I'm moving to the states! Washington here I go!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      If you mean T-Mobile (I can't think what other carrier has offices around here) then I work across the street from there. Live on the eastside if that's the case.

    3. TCP


      You guys can hang out and go for lunch!!

    4. SkyGriever


      Hehe no Faiblesse, not T-mo, but their offices are MASSIVE.

  9. So, thanks to my new baby niece I'm starting to watch MLP. Please send help, I'm really liking it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      didn't someone on here used to have a MLP icon and the thread had a decent amount of posts.


    3. CorgiShinobi


      Myself and Jack watched the show. I don't know if he still does, but I haven't seen an episode in a long time. I lost interest as it became more of your standard fare of weekly adventures.

    4. Mal


      I'm the same as Atomsk. I used to watch it but then my interest trailed off. Jack still has his Fluttershy signature.


      Applejack forever~ <3

  10. Majora's Mask New 3DS, Majora's Mask game and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate... I have to marry this woman STAT.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pojodin


      Wow! You certainly should.

    3. TCP


      But first, you should nail her best friend and/or sister. #doit

    4. SkyGriever


      Cowboy... they're not hot enough to risk it.

  11. I just had some spaghetti with chicken. I like to add some Serrano chiles to the sauce to give it a nice kick (helps when you're gf is Mexican and you've been slowly building a tolerance).
  12. Got the Majora's Mask 3DS!!! FUCK YEAH!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SkyGriever


      I will Malicious. Just that I preferred the MM3DS instead of the MH one. But I'll def get the game too.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      @Mal: I wanted the LE MH4 N3DS, but it was sold out and the GS I went to did not restock it.

    4. Vecha


      Congrats to those who got one...you lucky bastards...


  13. Did any of you guys get ACU? Any thoughts for someone whose favorite AC game is AC2 and are the bugs really as bad as the reviews say?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^Talking to someone in real life about the game that's what they said as well. With the balance being that guards are no longer nearly assassin-tier in their parkour ability like in the previous games.

    3. SomTervo


      The combat is brilliant. Nice balance of challenge but fun- very like the open world Prince of Persia we've always wanted.


      Unity is my favourite AC game. Except perhaps Black Flag, but I don't really count that. I prefer Unity to 1 or 2, it's really a natural and phenomenal development of those. The Riddle and Murder Mystery side missions are wonderful, as is the city and ambient events. Co-op is brilliant, too.

    4. SomTervo


      I don't get people (GOH) saying there aren't any new systems... The stealth is massively altered (still a bit flawed) and the combat has been overhauled brilliantly. Free running is the same with new animations and new inputs, so no change there. And co-op is a whole new mode... Like 3 of the 5 classic AC mechanics have been significantly changed

  14. Nintendo Network ID: Badeng1neer
  15. How awesome is it when parents punish their kids by selling their videogames? Scored a black Wii U with Mario 3D World and Wind Waker HD for just $200.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Yeah! Fuck that kid!

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Mister Jack, I think that taking his console is punishment enough.

    4. Little Pirate
  16. So, am I crazy for wanting a Wii U now?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. SkyGriever


      Thanks everyone for replying. Bayonetta 2, SM3DW and DKTF are on my list. Now question, worth it to wait until the dreaded Black Friday to get it or just pull the trigger now?

    3. Vecha


      I think it's worth it...was holding out on one till recently. Mario Kart is great...along with Smash and Bayonetta make it worthy.


      Wish the GBA emulator had save states like the SNES...and added to that multiple save states would be great. Thanks. lol

    4. TheRevanchist
  17. Yes I did, add my FC, it's on the FC thread. Settle it in SMASH!
  18. My 3DS Friend Code (finally): 4656-8223-3889! I have Pokemon X, Luigi's Mansion and Bravely Default!
  19. Need.... Smash Bros. demo.... AAAARRRGGGHHHHH.

  20. Just got the new slim PSVITA... I'm impressed. Even more impressed with the Borderlands 2 port.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TCP


      FDS is just upset because he has so few trophies! Lololololololol poor guy!

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I have the most out of my real life friends at least. But it is pretty worthless. Most games just aren't very fun to 100%.

    4. TCP


      FDS: saying you have more trophies than one other person isn't saying much at all!

      Also, some games are totally fun to 100%, others aren't.

  21. Guys, guys!!!! I love this song!!!!
    1. Mal



  22. Counting my blessings, my PS4 hasn't had any hiccups so far. Wish me luck (and btw, is Killzone beautiful or what??)

    1. TheMightyEthan


      It's gorgeous AND fun!

  23. I can't stop watching these trailers! Man this wait is unbearable... Btw, is it me or Rose is having some Bad Wolf eyes in those trailers?!?!
  24. Hey guys! My 3DS FC is: 3067-5456-3037. Add me!! Edit: I posted again but let me edit this too, new FC is 4656-8223-3889. Have Pokemon X, Luigi's Mansion and Bravely Default!
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