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Everything posted by Harri

  1. Realistically, if you had superpowers, you wouldn't be doing good, as there is no evil to match you. No, you would be a villain and just rob banks. Hence is why us PXOD-ers are all villains.
  2. ...I might actually buy it at a later date. I'm actually interested in the SP, and I do like the idea of co-op. I hope co-op has class implements in it. However, that's if battlelog actually works.
  3. The King's Speech District 9 Toy Story Trilogy Shaun of the Dead Hot Fuzz LOTR Trilogy Ghostbusters The Road The Hurt Locker The Room Evil Dead 2/3 Fistful of Dollars The Dark Knight Memento Primer
  4. No ezio I do not want you to dive into the water.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      At least he can swim. Curse you Altair...

    3. CorgiShinobi


      Having a ring finger is crucial for swimming.

    4. Enervation


      This correlation shows an almost 100% relation between possession of a ring finger and ability to swim.


      Ergo, you must be able to swim in order to have fingers.

  5. Harri

    TAY Podcast

    I would like to clarify why there wasn't and never will be a podcast. I owe an explaination. It was partially my fault, where I wasn't coordinating everyone, and I do admit I fucked up in that. But even when I passed the organization to sixtwosixfour, no one responded. We honestly couldn't have all the chat regs make up a podcast, and people didn't respond to the PM's or steam group, or the forum thread FFS. It essentially died because not enough effort was put into it. People said sign me up, and didn't do anything active. I theorize that people were cool with the podcast, but didn't actually want to invest time/effort into it, like they actually wanted to do it. However, with all these new members because of our good friend masterdex, we can start anew. If anyone's interested with doing another podcast, we can arrange things. PXODcast sounds nice, no? Full integration with the main news site could make it happen.
  6. Which dean, huh? Sporkdean or deandean?
  7. don't worry, Windows 8 is rumored to play xbox360 games. I will be a very happy asian if that happens.
  8. All random all mid no creep kills no recall.
  9. Should I join speech n' debate? It's the best in the nation but...

    1. madbassman39


      yes. If anything you don't like it and quit, or you can put it on your resume and it looks very impressive

    2. deanb


      ELI British: What is Speech n Debate. Google suggest it's a play/law. I doubt those are things to go on a CV.

    3. madbassman39


      Speech and debate is when you take up issues and present an argument for/against. You get points on how you respond and present yourself along with the facts that you can research. Its an interesting thing to watch

  11. I think this thread just got moved to event planning >_>.
  12. Hm. We should shoutcast that. Would be great.
  13. I don't usually talk, but when I do...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      I'm sorry, were you saying something?


    3. Luftwaffles


      But when I do... verbal diarrhea.

    4. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      *sips Dr.Pepper* I'm listening pal :>

  14. I don't usually talk, but when I do...

  15. a YOU SHOULD. Better have it finished before ME3 comes out so you can import. There was some Cerberus armor you could wear in ME2, but it didn't look nearly as good as this stuff. I never liked the premade armors in ME2, because even though the bonuses were nice, I couldn't see my broshep's face, and that makes a big difference.
  16. I wish ezio functioned a bit like old snake gameplay wise, with not as much of a tendency to go free running and stabbing, but rather taking a more passive approach with bombs and new gadgets. Instead, altair would fulfill the free running and roaming segments.
  17. I don't know. I mean, I love world war 2 shooters, and I love the russian theatre in games, but I really don't like realistic shooters where I have to move slowly and have long respawn times for someone I didn't see snipe me/I ran from cover and got shot by a guy in a corner. I know you're supposed to use teamwork, but what's the point on pubservers where it's a pain in the ass for people to move together?
  18. What have I done?

    1. Johnny


      Destroyed us all.

    2. Pirandello


      Oh, the humanity!

  19. Welcome everyone who came in here through MasterDex's link! Post a bit on the forums, and stop by chat for a bit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excel_excel



    3. RockyRan



    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Yeah, stop by chat: steam://friends/joinchat/103582791432056037

  20. What I would like to see in CS:GO is a single player campaign. The one that turtle rock studios developed (CZ deleted scenes) was actually enjoyable. However, I'm also interested in how they'll handle the console versions.
  21. Prince of Persia 2008. Loads of untapped potential that could have been fixed.
  22. Gamebold is the best I've used. All you need to do is download the bios along with it. http://getandroidstuff.com/emulator-roms-android-download-v127-nesfc-snessfc-gba-mdgenesis-emulator-thousands/ http://slideme.org/application/gameboid
  23. I just bought quake one and having a blast playing through it.
  24. Teenagers disgust me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strangelove


      So youre NOT a pedophile? Cool.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      He wouldn't be a pedophile if he was into teens(and not a teen himself).




      The more you know!

    4. SomTervo


      That's a pretty rank article. "Gerontophile". Still, good to know.


      Also... Why do you hate them Harri? It's not like they're all exactly the same.

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