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Everything posted by sixrocket

  1. I got urbanix before the pulled it from the store, activated the exploit a few days ago. Now, I can play PSP isos, homebrew, and emulators via it. Realistically, considering how much they charge for PSP games in the PSN store, I would recommend you do this. Wait for a new game with an exploit to be added.
  2. Zone of the Enders HD is coming out for the vita, heads up.
  3. Don't do it guys. Don't fall for Sergey's tricks. The game is a cashgrab created after the Day-Z hype explosion a few months back. Everything we've seen recently, even down to the screenshots and advertising material, is made up of War Inc assets and some custom zombie models. Sergey Titov basically gives a small European dev team around 20k, and tells them to make the biggest return on his money as possible. The game has already been shown to be incredibly P2W, and I'm experiencing the horror firsthand in Beta. He's feeding off of us. Don't fall for it. They claim the game has been in-dev for two years. In fact, the front companies have only been in existance for 5 months. http://www.se7enpoints.org/2012/09/why-warz-might-be-secret-dayz-rip-off.html Feel free to tell people that they should stay far, far, away from this game.
  4. I got into the beta for The War Z, everyone's favorite Serbian cashgrab. Want me to download it and report on how bad it is?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Wow, I had no idea this was going on.

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Any links where I can read about the controversy?

    4. sixrocket


      It's on a forum post I just made, but yeah.

  6. Resident Evil 6 is averaging around a 4-5/10 from paid reviewers. I am dying in my chair right now, eat it capcom.

    1. toxicitizen


      Based on the demo alone, I'm not surprised.


      I find it absolutely hilarious that IGN still managed to give it a 7.9, though. What a joke.

    2. VicariousShaner


      To be fair, a 7.9 for IGN is probably around one of the worst possible scores they could give a big name developer.

    3. Strangelove


      actually, its currently a 69(360) and a 77(PS3) on metacritic.


    1. SixTwoSixFour


      FUCK YES. Tell me it's Fire and Sword era.

    2. Mal



    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi


  8. Wargame is on a 66% sale, for all of those strategy fans on here.

  9. Wargame is on a 66% sale, for all of those strategy fans on here.

  10. Just finished a short Planetside 2 beta writeup and put that in the thread under PC gaming if anyone cares.

  11. Well, I'm in Planetside 2 guys. It's terribly unoptimized, so update those graphics drivers, and it has a tendancy to start rubberbanding a bit (not much recently), but it's quite fun. The game world is divided up into a series of hexagons. Bases are scattered across the landscape, providing spawning for players, vehicles, or aircraft depending on the facilities available. You capture a base by capturing and holding all of the subsidiary points inside of the base/outpost complex, anywhere from 1 - 6. After the base is capped, you can now use it to change class, spawn vehicles, or spawn air vehicles. [*]Controlled bases provide the entire faction with rescources. [*]There are 4 rescources available, each one used for a different classification of armor, weapon, or ammo needed to be spawned or resupplied. [*]Controlled rescources provide the bounty every 5 minutes or so, faction wide, so it's possible to idle for the rarest rescource, which is used to buy weapons, vehicle upgrades/sidegrades, and other benefits. [*]The rarest rescource also takes forever to earn. [*]Currently, the game feels like a neverending match of BF3 spread out across a massive landscape, between three factions. The light gunship, analagous to fighter/bombers, is cheap and plentiful with multiple roles to fufill. They are typically seen with machineguns stock, and rocket pods or AA missiles can also be equipped after one hell of a grind. These vehicles serve as a key part of the aircav, defending the lumbering galaxy dropships, raiding, dogfighting, and going on much-needed ground attack runs. It can hover. The Liberator is a 3 man mid-size gunship with pilot controlled MG guns, a secondary MG turret stock for a gunner, and a massive smartbomb launcher on it's rear. No matter what loadout you give it later in the game, it will devestate ground targets. The smartbomb launcher has 5 (YES 5) rockets per reload as TR, and it's perfectly accurate. It also accounts for the motion of the plane. Fun as hell. The Galaxy is a massive 12 person dropship, with 3 HMG turrets for air/ground point defence and the ability to deploy as a mobile spawner when landed. Troops can hot drop from it at any time, taking much reduced fall damage and allowing for quick insertions into enemy territory. The dropship is heavily armored, but it's speed and size makes it a juicy target for enemy fighters. [*]Ground vehicles so far are quite diverse between the factions, all of them having different weaponry and propulsion systems. This also applies to air vehicles, but the TR and the NC are much more similiar compard to the exotic weaponry and levitation that the VS use. Flash ATVs, one man vehicles that can mount a defensive weapon but are lightly armored and provide no protection Prowler Light Tanks, armed with light autocannons stock or a light gun depending on the Faction, and generally fast. Can mount AA missiles, making it the most deadly defense in the game. MBTs are pretty average overall, heavily armored and slow, but the TR get's a siege mode ability that allows for higher accuracy and a greater ROF. VS have hovercraft for all vehicles. [*]Infantry Classes Light Assault, a light infantry man equipped with a (soon to be) upgradable jetpack, a pistol, and a Carbine. Pretty average, but great for infiltration of bases. Medic, a revival/healing expert who carries a shield also, and uses a fully fledged assault rifle stock, meaning he has more firepower. The Engineer, who can heal MAX suits and vehicles along with base stuff, and can deploy a useable turret and bubble shield along with ammo. The Heavy Assault, who comes equipped with a shield ability (giving him more health for a short time), and packs a LMG, Pistol, and Rocket Launcher. The MAX, a heavy combat suit with a gun per arm. Slow and big, but powerful as hell. Treated as a normal infantry class, oddly enough. Can have Grenade Launchers, Flamethrowers, MG's, Shotguns, AT guns, etc. [*]Ground vehicles seem much less common compared to air vehicles, but considering the map size, that would make sense. [*]Any unlocks that arent Cert based (cert's are earned like skill points and work the same way, and can be used to upgrade MANY things along with unlocking weapon attachements) are unlocked via the rarest Rescource or station cash (both work), and take a LONG time to get. 2 days of straight playing according to some. Sadly, this is the only way to get new guns, AA missiles, Rocket pods, etc. [*]Spontaneous group actions may occur, and try to join them when possible. Just follow the vehicle/air convoy or check the map for the heaviest concentration of firepower. Loads of fun. [*]Try to find a good, out of game squad, and use TS3/Mumble. Much better than random people in game. Factions all are pretty unique, TR focuses on ROF and mag size among other things, VS on unconventional tactics and mobility, and the NC are pretty down to earth, using conventional heavy armor and equipment but with a bit higher damage and armor. All in all, as long as they don't horribly screw the game over by making it even more dependant on grinding or P2notgrind, it's going to be a great game.
  12. I uninstalled BF3. Client side hit detection STRIKES AGAIN.

  13. Shootan tanks to Space Jam.

  14. Yeah, the Iphone, when it launched, was very limited. That comparison doesn't work at all.
  15. I think it might have burst. Uber-casual gamers are turning more and more to smartphones and tablets, and consoles have been attempting for the last 5 years to draw in as many in the non-gamer demographics as possible. Will any of these people buy a WiiU, or a Kinect2, or will they just purchase the latest iPad or phone, content with the games available online? What do you guys think? Are we looking at a paradigm shift in gaming, once again?
  16. I think we should do a group session of APB reloaded, for CRIME BUSTING shits and giggles.
  17. I got a Vita a month or two back, and I have UMVC3 and Metal Gear HD for it, along with a few PSP games. I'm enjoying it.
  18. Dude, you found a BISON? That's super rare, and ammo is also really scarce. Anyway, Mal and I were hanging out near Berezino when we logged out. Want to play, Tomatte?
  19. I think VG made that little gem, I remember it.
  20. So: Mal and I raided Berezino, again, and now we have AK-74, three magazines 870, many shells Compass, map, Binoculars, matches, hunting knives, axe, other things of that sort, and quite a few other things. We also have a few water bottles, alice packs, and quite a bit of goodies for you Luft, including a Makarov and 4 mags. It seems that the north is a veritable goldmine for equipment.
  21. I'm lurking in the Day-Z channel, but not playing. Yet.
  22. Want to team up, Tomatte?
  23. sixrocket

    Day Z

    I posted a game plan for when we play again in the Day-Z part of the forum, I've got quite a few supplies for you guys. I logged out to the west of Berezino hospital. Also: if you have a knife... I have two books of matches.... And you have that axe... We can make this work. And no, the one east of Polana.
  24. Alright, I can equip most of you when we play again. I finished the raid on the hospital, got 4 blood packs, a morphine, 4 bandages, ammo, food, a canteen, two matches, a watch, and a 870 Combat Shotgun with Flashlight attached. So when we play this again, I say we head back into the hospital zone, grab the lower level guns for you guys and food/water, and we'll divy up the take from my ealier hospital raid. Sound like a plan?
  25. sixrocket

    Day Z

    Alright. I found the best spot to camp for supplies: The factory. I say we just all go there, hit it repeatedly and the hunting lodges around it, and then switch servers and do it again.
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