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Everything posted by DarkMalice

  1. They'll do that. I can feel it. Meanwhile, us first-year adopters will be stuck having to carry around a permit so we can travel with our miniature yachts that double as video game devices.
  2. I don't understand this move! Are they trying to alienate everyone that's already bought this thing? Seven or so months ago the 3DS launched, and now they tell you that you can't play every game announced for it. You gotta pay more money to buy an extra slide pad attached to an inflatable lifeboat so you can play. Meanwhile, everyone without a 3DS is just gonna wait until they make a redesign with the second stick already built in.
  3. Did...you explode or something, Strangelove? Are you alright?
  4. So the general consensus seems to be that Chie will be the one to main with. NO COMPLAINTS!
  5. Meh. That's what happens when you let things get to you. Trying to call out the "pro-hate Nintendo/3DS" hipocracy is kind of silly since any portable would be criticized if it was in its position. Example would be that if the Vita came out next year and the only "must have" title in consumer's eyes was Persona 4 at release or until the holidays.....yeah, that would be a problem. He goes on to say that the 3DS has great games because he bought so many, but unfortunately, that's his opinion and not the general consensus.
  6. http://www.siliconera.com/2011/08/30/atlus-teasure-website-is-for-persona-4-the-golden-for-playstation-vita/ I will love this device. I will love it with all my heart. There will be nothing stopping me from buying this device. Not even my death.
  7. 4382-2124-3917 Will add everyone on this list.
  8. So, it looks like the 3DS price cut is already going on in Canada. Found that Costco and Futureshop have them for 170 already. Picked one up, but the bastards didn't have Ocarina of Time. Right now, I'm just using it as another Netflix machine. Anyone have any Nintendo E-shop suggestions while I wait for Zelda?
  9. I find it soooo weird how this device, a next generation hendheld, is now the same price as a DSi XL. Makes me wonder really how many people out there really just think a 3DS is just another DS iteration.
  10. Lordy I cannot wait! I'm gonna buy the shit out of that game
  11. I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot! Had cancelled my preorder yesterday from amazon.ca cuz I said fuck waiting til next week for it to ship to my house when I could pick it up today. Turns out neither my closest Walmart nor Blockbuster are stocking the game. EB Games and Best Buy are way to freaking far. Meaning I gave up the pre-order bonuses for nothing
  12. I think you're getting confused with third birthday. That started out as a phone game. This was always meant to be part of the Fabula Nova blahblahblah series. However last year they had a change of heart and wanted to make this a series on its own and thus we got type 0. But yes it's been in conceptual stage since 2005. Actually, both Agito and 3rd Birthday started out as cell phone games but were both moved to the PSp back in 08 I think. They were tired of waiting for phones capable of handling those games.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/user/squareenix#p/u/0/TqnlicsHiuI Thought I'd update this page with this. Release date: October 13 Will surely get it for the Vita if it goes DD
  14. gplus.to/DMB4237 I'll add people later on today.
  15. I see. So you can see all the people in all their circles but not the classification. Gotcha.
  16. Just found the option that turns off ability for others to see your circles.... although I don't know if that just means see people in the circle you've been put it. So you could be right. Also, were you the one that gave me the invite, Faiblesse? If so, thanks.
  17. Haven't added any people yet so I can't really tell the full scope of the thing. So far it looks like Facebook with the ability to isolated your feed to certain groups of friends. That'll pretty cool until the awkward moment when someone asks "Hey why aren't I in your circle of close friends" and then have to explain how their "existential" status updates are just crowding my feed.
  18. If anyone's interested, just found this on gametrailers http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/fun/gaming/3681414/games-for-gratis.html Get a puzzle game, Men of war, and what I believe is the paid version of ArmA 2 for free
  19. The buddy system for three team deathmatch works so well. Really promotes teamwork.
  20. Alright finished a round of deathmatch and was loads of fun. If anyone wants to join me and my brother, I ll be on as long as it doesn't crap out again
  21. It's pretty unplayable right now from what I've experienced. The sign in issue, haven't found one competitive match yet, and it keeps on freezing when me and my brother are playing co-op. I'll try once more to see if maybe it's getting better
  22. I'm pumped! Takes so long to get into a match in Uncharted 2. Hoping they speed up the process this time around.
  23. Whoooooo! Can I have my fancy car, huge house, and hot wife now? No? Awwwww...
  24. Legaia 2 was actually the first JRPG game I ever played, and it made me a fan of RPGs. One of the greatest battle systems I`ve ever had the pleasure to play. Then, I played the original, and I went "HOLY FUCKING SHIT this is awesome". Sure, I preferred Legaia 2`s presentation since that was a PS2 game and the battle system wasn't exactly like Legaia 2 so it confused me for a good couple hours. But, the story of a world condemned by a powerful mist was a better than Legaia 2's. Both were fucking epic games though, but I was pissed because I never finished Legend of Legaia (scratched disk). Need to find a new copy somewhere. I'm just hoping it gets put up on the Playstation Store so I can geek out. P.S. Legaia 2's opening is still my favourite opening of anything.
  25. I'm in, but I have none of you on PSN Add Dark_Malice if you're interested Just tell me who you are on here so I don't get all confuzzled
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