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Everything posted by AcidCrownie

  1. Braves gonna jack the Phillies up. Awwww, yeahhh.

    1. TheRevanchist


      No, but the pitching was great! Good game.

  2. School is kicking my butt. 7 AM classes! Gaaahhhhhhh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      What kinda school has 7am classes? I've never met a prof who'd want to teach that early...

    3. deanb


      Same, ours start at 9am.

    4. Mal


      I avoid the morning classes that start before 9 am like the plaque. Its brutal to wake up that early...

  3. I'mmmmmm baaaaaaaaaaaack.

    1. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      *lock and barricade doors*

  4. Baltimore and Atlanta in the Superbowl, guys. May as well accept it.
  5. The sad thing about this politician being shot is that it'll be politicized before anyone even thinks of her condition. Or her family.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AcidCrownie


      Ha. Awwwwkwaaaard.


      Let's see if people still understand metaphor.

    3. HotChops


      OMG, I thought that image was going to be some red state/blue state map, but the crosshairs...


      back to what Acid was saying though, you have to forgive some people for looking at larger issues. Many people view this as a tragic example of the tea party/right wing getting out of control. Others might see this as an example of lone nutbags dragging a cause through the mud -- but with the possible widespread repercussions from federal law enforcement.


      It's a terrible t...

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It's the plot of Machete. Almost.

  6. It's cause you got two answers in a row. Get it: "You're on a roll"? :-P And I will hereby guess Zelda: Skyward Sword. Because I want to be wrong.
  7. Bwahahahahahahahahaha.
  8. EDIT: I moved this to playground. More fun for everyone!
  9. Back at work for the first time in a month (I work at a school.). Ugh, but great to be getting a paycheck!

  10. Well, for the second straight year in a row, the Jaguars imploded and lose out of the playoffs. Here's hoping they fire Del Rio. They need a new coach. And let's go Rams! I :heart: Sam Bradford. Such a great QB.
  11. So I watched the winter classic on Saturday... I'm enthralled now. Like, I wanna know everything. PS: I live in the south, so it's new to me. Don't judge me.
  12. I'm developing an acute case of Apathy Syndrome, but I can't bring myself to care.

    1. deanb


      Dunno, looks a pretty ugly case to me.

  13. I'm 6'2" (And still getting taller. At 21. I grew 2 inches this year.) Tallest person in my family before me was 5'11", so I'm a freak. Although, I think my grandpa's grandpa was 6'4", so I guess it skips like 6 generations or something.
  14. I had a dream last night that I was moving a thread and accidentally deleted the entire forum.

    1. Mudkip3DS


      Ah yes, the bad mod syndrome. The only solutions to resolve this are to:


      a) kill yourself

      b) resign

      c) Move your brain and accidentally delete it. Why? You gotta fight fire with third-degree burns!

  15. So I just called "Bros before ho's." on my best friend-girl. Except she's the bro, and he's the ho. Is that allowed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Showmeyomoves!


      Wait. If SHE's supposed to put bro's before hoes, wouldn't that make YOU the bro? So then there's no problem.

    3. D-K


      bro's implies both are male. You can't have 1 female when you call it brothers. Ugh, nintendo fans..

    4. Showmeyomoves!
  16. Hmmm, Championship Fantasy Football matchup. Start Brady or no? Think he plays much?

  17. AcidCrownie


    Yeah, one rep point to both. You went 20 total to 21 total.
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