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Everything posted by AcidCrownie

  1. Look at Dean's screens up there, and you'll see the quotation mark to the top right. On the title banner. Tap that and it'll have a dropdown menu for extra stuff.
  2. The greatest thing Pizza Hut ever did is the P'Zone. followed closely by online ordering.

    1. c hoertjes

      c hoertjes

      The P'zone was great in theory but they really dropped the ball when it came to execution.

    2. Bouchart


      Ugh, I hate Pizza Hut passionately. Last time I ate there, about 8 years ago, I fell sick.

  3. I know. It's such a radical change. I hated it at first, but borrowed it a month or so ago from a friend, and really really loved it.
  4. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. I've lost 5 pounds.

    1. Sindo


      You take a shit?

  5. Miami's out of the playoffs... :'( Still calling ATL and BAL in the Superbowl. Said it since the beginning.
  6. This as well. PC version. Bought for the upcoming Steamplay/Mac version.
  7. Well, after much searching (Four Gamestops in a 1 Square Mile area didn't have it.), I finally found Burnout Paradise for the 360. I looked for the Ultimate Box for awhile before realizing that it was never released for the 360.
  8. Jags win, in the playoffs. Tebow's first start. Miami still in the hunt. And me looking to upset the 1 seed in fantasy playoffs. Three weeks left. It all comes down to this.
  9. And I'm with Mudkip. The Dock on a Mac means that everything is instantly accesible. Through either the applications folder, or through a launcher. I use my desktop as a dumping ground for files that I need quick access to. As for my desktop, I just cleaned it off (It had 2.1GB worth of stuff on it), and currently only need my P90x videos, so there they are.
  10. --wiki There is that when it "would not be in the best interest of the armed forces" clause, so maybe they loop-holed around that. I'm sure there are similar situations, though. Let's just chalk this one up to government ambiguity.
  11. huh? Under DADT, to come out as homosexual mean getting discharged, so no they weren't allowed to say they were gay. To date, just under 13,000 troops have been forcibly discharged under DADT. They were only subject to dismissal if they caused conflict in the ranks. My cousin had this come up when he was serving in the Marines. A buddy of his "came out". A few of the guys took offense to him being around, but they were moved to other platoons/areas before any major stir happened. Lots of the guys ragged on him and carried on in the typical brochacho way, but the gay guy handled it all in a way that didn't cause conflict, so no action was taken. (Although, to be realistic, he mostly likely had a sharp eye looking out for him at all times.)
  12. Well, that's the thing. They were allowed to say that they're gay. DADT is (read: was) just a way of avoiding conflict within the ranks. It just seems like it was a pointless thing to worry about, seeing that the mindset of military guys isn't going to change. They're still going to be "picked on" to use grade-school terminology.
  13. I don't understand politics. Don't ask/Don't tell was put in place because of discrimination. And now 15 years later, it's discrimination? Make up your mind.
  14. Somebody should've warned him about the lead poisoning.
  15. Pink comments in the cornfield? I really really really wanna approve them, for some reason.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Knifington STRIKE

      Knifington STRIKE

      It'll say "Comment approved by ___" just like when someone promotes a comment.

    3. Baguette


      You make it sound like all my comments are ban worthy.

    4. Knifington STRIKE

      Knifington STRIKE

      That particular one was, apparently.


  17. Lucky. I want a copy of Civ 5.
  18. I..... I..... I caved. I bought Cataclysm. Don't judge me.
  19. Really Blizzard... Fix your downloader.

    1. Shadowstep


      Is it stuck on "applying non-critical updates?"

    2. AcidCrownie


      No, I'm getting like... 4 kb/s

  20. Tonight's Yoga X night in the P90X Classic universe.

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