I disagree with your opinion and here's why:
At the starting "town" in borderlands, roughly 50m from my character there was a bandit/outlaw/badguy/ that was only 3-4 levels higher than mine. I was like: "Oh, cool, I'll just shoot him in the head from distance and get extra exp". I shot him, only to find out that it didn't even make a scratch to him and he responded with a shot from his handgun that killed me in one shot. Whut just happened?!
After several failed attempts to kill him I decided to ignore him and move on to smaller fries.
Eventually I got to the first boss. I went behind him and lulzd because his head was at my aim 2feet from me and I had a shotgun at that time. I pulled the trigger only to find out that it took VERY little of his health.
I left the game and uninstalled it followed by throwing the disc in the garbage.
Don't get me wrong, just because I think the game is garbage, doesn't mean that it is to someone else.
P.S. I love Fallout3, and F:NV, so I can make some sense when that situation happens there because I'm actually against a Deathclaw, and not a hobo human that isn't even aware I'm there.
Now back on topic.
Don't you hate it in RPG's when you're level 9001 and here comes an enemy that uses instant death spell and succeeds? (Persona franchise, I'm looking at you!)
also, I hate random encounters. Battles should be my own choice. Walking down the corridor....there's the door! Please, please, just 2 more seconds! ABOUT to press a button to open a door BOOOM, YOU'VE ENCOUNTERED AN ENEMY. God fucking damn it : (
also, sidequests that require you to fetch something. You're an allpowerfull human/alien/machine/whatever, yet you have to do those silly sidequests. Why can't I command someone from my crew/gang/party to do it for me?!