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Everything posted by Keywork

  1. http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/632/feature/5573/WildStar-PAX-The-Deepest-MMORPG-Ever.html Great article about the game and what it wants to accomplish.
  2. You have no clue what its like to be in PXoD/Loltakuites chat for about 2 years and have not a soul play MMO's sans EVE with you. Shit gets to you after awhile man. One of the reasons i broke my noforum mantra and came here to pay a visit
  3. No clue as of yet, Personally i would like it to be subscription based. Microtransaction F2P models are not for me and unless you build a game like guild wars its kinda hard not to have income after the initial sale. Its a matter of how you like your content delivered to you but meh, anyway we should be geting more info sooner rather than later. They got the MMO community interested and they gotta keep dangling that bait and let the hype grow.
  4. Not much to go on with those 2 yet, the gameplay they showed was level 2 to level 3 in the game so its EXTREMELY early on, Lets hope we get some Beta Keys!
  5. Thanks for telling me your impressions, makes me hope even more that we get put into the beta. Really excited for this one.
  6. Keywork

    Guild Wars

    I think its worth getting for the PVP alone, i mean the first Guild Wars is worth it for the PVP. Hell you can buy the pvp on its own if you like. If you havent tried it its worth a chance. But then again not many others beside myself in the community are a fan of Hotkey MMO's
  7. Keywork

    Guild Wars

    From the looks of it i sense mid 2012 to fall, seems like the best option for them to release it. It looks as if its pretty straight on its track and its not gonna falter. They are releasing the good bits of info as confirmed features. Lets hope im right, 2012 is gonna hurt my wallet something fierce, SWTOR,WoW,GW2 initial purchase+possible PVP items, Firefall and Wildstar Online. /cry
  8. So i heard alot of people rage quit kotaku and flocked over here due to the razer blade? i think its pretty damn silly from what i heard about joels article*I don't visit kotaku, im the original notakuite btw*. Dont care if its $2800, those with cash to spend are gonna pick it up. Lord knows if i could spend 2800 on a laptop i would. Thing is sexy. Gonna make due with the SWTOR Keyboard with the LCD panel and 10 LCD Hotkeys. Anyways Kotaku Rage Rage Rage grumble Rage Rage Rage! *edit*Ooops, kinda missed the last page and saw razer rage was the last topic. Its Queen hate on magic bitch currently, well.....shes annoying but im not clicking anything of hers. Not gonna support her in any way. Rage Rage Rage Grumble Rage Rage Rage
  9. Developed by Carbine Studios Published by NCsoft At this years Gamescom we finally got to see what Carbine Studios has been up to the last few years. Wildstar Online is a new MMORPG from alot of members from the original World of Warcraft team aswell as Tim Cain of Fallout fame. It is a hotkey based MMO such as WoW and SWTOR but where it differs is in its art style and the player path system. When you create your character you are given a choice of being either an Explorer, Soldier, Settler or a Scientist. Depending on what you choose can change the quests you get completely. its still early on and details are scarce but they came full force and even had it available to play on the showfloor. I signed PXoD up for Beta but if you wanna do it yourself to up your chances click here.
  10. Keywork

    Guild Wars

    MMO with Dedicated PVP servers, a first. Now the first one wasent so much an MMO than an instanced RPG but i will tell you what the PVP was fun. I saw Totalbiscuit has alot of footage from the game from gamescom, like him or not its good footage PVE PVP
  11. Unfortunate for you because I think they just changed the beta sign-up to allow not using Facebook, as long as you had a Funcom account. Although, on the plus side, maybe you can double your chances? Wow thanks, off i go to the internet! WOOOOOOOSH
  12. Deus Ex:HR=Perfect Dark Zero 2011

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Keywork


      IDK, i guess im just weird. It just feels this way to me. Guess i should keep it to myself >_>

    3. excel_excel


      Its fine to give your opinion Keywork. Just assume that when you give an opinion someone will give their opinion to you as well

    4. Keywork


      Im well aware they are gonna respond with their opinion, I just never knew that it was that far fetched for others that it would make me look like im trolling.

  13. The only thing that could dethrone wow would be either itself or Project Titan, the MMOFPS by Blizzard that i am pretty sure will at least be teased at this years Blizzcon. As for the game i enjoyed the week i had in beta, i decided not to continue playing though because betas take fun out of the full product for me, at least for an MMO. They are taking the required steps to coexist with WoW such as limiting the game at launch. The reason they are doing that is because servers get overloaded due to them hyping the game so much and it causes alot of bad experiences when you first play and more than likely will lead to subscribers to cancel thier account. This was the case for alot of games such as Age of Conan, Rift and even Warhammer Online. I already have a guild setup for the empire, I'm more than ready to pick up my imperial agent and go to work. *Edit* I linked alot of gameplay in the Guildwars 2 thread, thought i would do the same for here, Totalbiscuit went and got alot of good play throughs of the game Sith Warrior PVE Smuggler PVE Onstage PVP End Game interview Trooper PVP http://youtu.be/luKynXnf378?hd=1 http://youtu.be/k1i_bxfXUSw?hd=1
  14. I signed up last year for news on beta when they first teased The Secret World, it may have been when i bought Age of Conan way back when. All i know is Age of Conan had some interesting concepts and features i enjoyed but the game went slack after you got out of Tortuga*Or w/e the first 20 levels took place at*. Funcom is using an original IP*Pretty sure of this, might be wrong* so anything can happen. Also, needing facebook to sign up for beta made me sadface. I had to use my Shariffa Bonqueefa fake account since im not the biggest fan of facebook.
  15. Watched the whole first match this morning and dozed afterwards, Was amazing! Pretty hyped up now
  16. Keywork

    DOTA 2

    Not sure if legit but sounds like it. http://www.betacake.net/2011/08/dota-2-gamescom-2011-trailer-more-info.html "Special Steam Client: Valve has given special ‘unlocked’ version of steam clients to closed beta testers which can be accessible by certain users. DotA 2 Game Modes: There wil be several modes in DOTA 2 along with Classic DotA mode: Classic Mode: None of the changes, 100% WC3 Dota Normal Mode: Orb updates, bug fixes, etc Easy Mode: No EXP loss from deny, no gold loss on death, etc All Random All Mid: I give you 1 guess. Fortress Mode: 1 team is attacking while the other defends, defending team can buy traps, attacking team can buy creeps. Arena Mode: FFA or teamed death match Wild Mode: Random heroes with random skills. Free Mode: No cool downs with no mana cost on skills. Commander Mode: When you die you are changed into another hero with the same items and same level. The first side to run out of heroes or to lose their base loses. Improved User Interface: - The new UI aids the user in last hitting creeps, especially for meelee heroes. - Shop layout has been beautifully designed inspired by Heroes of Newerth. * Auto Item Buy abilitiy depending on your gold. * Item Suggestions will automatically popup with you go nearby the shop. Game Duration: - The Classic mode game lasts same as TFT DotA. - Easy Mode average game goes to 20-30 minutes on most cases. Improved Mechanics: - Orb effect system remake. - Animation Cancelling remains the same. DotA 2 Heroes & Items: - DotA 2 will contain all the heroes that are present in current version. Similarly, all the items have been ported with different names (For e.g. Sheepstick for Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse) * Some Hero Models have been modified but easily recognizable by their look and abilities. DotA 2 Maps: - There are 8 maps right now tho some of them only really work for their modes (like the All Random All Mid map). - 3v3v3 Maps for fun. - Ganking style maps. Free-to-play or Micro-transactions? This is still a mystery, Valve currently has a in-game shop for skins and other items for DoTA 2. However, it’s still undecided whether these items can be gained using achievement points or real money. DotA 2 Beta NDA ending date: DOTA 2 NDA is set to be lifted on 17th August and GamesCom will be held on the same day. We can expect a playable Demo or public beta start. Legal Issues: Valve/IceFrog are worried about DOTA trademark and they are deeply concerned about ideas being stolen by other RTS game developers. DotA 2 Graphics: The game over all looks bright, the map has nice contrast to the heroes and it is east to see units on top of it. The units over all have vary complex models that look great if a little on the dark side. Techies (who I play the most) is now a cart with 2 goblins in the back holding a bomb and 1 goblin in the front. Their spell effects look really good too. Phantom Lancer looks much more like a lion man and is a darker blue. Pit Lord is fully redone and looks like a huge hell dog with two heads and dragon wings. Overall, the game indeed looks great. Regarding Images: Unfortuately, still no Dota 2 gameplay video or images are available. DotA 2 for beginners: The game has more organized in-game guide/coaching system for beginners, It contains guides & video tutorials for each and every hero available on DOTA TV. DotA 2 Launcher: - The game launcher has full support for community forums, achievements & clans tournaments. If you are organzing a tournament, you do not have to write rules, hero bans and modes every rule and regulation is pre-selected by Valve. - Fully automated tournament system based on player/clan rankings. - Spectate live public/league games using DOTA 2 TV with detailed statistics of every player with clean UI. - In-game video maker. - Seek replays to any point." Sounds legit to me
  17. Keywork

    DOTA 2

    Pretty Excited for the game now, Seems like quite a bit of fun. Since its Steam enabled there are gonna be alot of People hoping on regularly. Knowing valve and them introducing the steam trading i can see alot of cosmetic items in this game so you can trade with TF2 and maybe Dawn of War 3 if they go the MMO like route they plan on. Excited in general, Lets hope for a 2011 release.
  18. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Uggies Feel free to add me
  19. Hey Girl Hey! Finally made an account
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