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Everything posted by Nezacant
Last time I tried that in BF3 the players whose screenshots I requested were kicked from the server by PB. Admin tools still have a lot of problems, for example VIP slots don't work. I added your server to my favorites. Yeah the server tools are a work in progress. They are being worked on. The server tools are 3rd party but have the nod of approval from dice. (Talking about ProCon) Yup I found it. Added it to my favorites. I'm in the US on the east coast but I get playable ping to Euro servers. Well that's really sweet. Can I make a suggestion that EA/DICE remove this stupid artificial limitation asap? It's not like I'm now going to go "oh well, I was going to look at a friend/platoons stats, looks like I can only do that if I buy the game, well lets load up Origin n put in my CC details". I can see folks stats on xbox.com without needing XBL Gold, don't even need to sign in to see Steam stats. Uncharted 2? No problemo. But BF3? Obviously they're a special case. I have an origin account, that's what it wants, but I need a special Origin account. Which btw does the game not require Origin as promised or does the fact it's asking for your Origin account give the answer away? I know the game has no in-built launcher for anything, as the alpha/beta suggested which already has the lovely side effect of: http://twitter.com/j...456802302664704 http://twitter.com/j...457430605201408 Still requires Origin. It's origin that makes your Soldier's name. Because of this, you can only have one Soldier, which is my biggest complaint. Double edged sword though. This method means that if you are banned for hacking you're screwed. As for the Stats. Most BF games always show stats within the game (in their past in game browsers). So it's no surprise you wouldn't have access to Battlelog without owning the game. However, if you wanted to see stats then this battlefield will also follow the tradition of 3rd party stat tracking websites which were always better than the first party. http://bf3stats.com/ - Still a work in progress. It should be released today in fact.
I tried it a bit. It's like hoard mode. You have the stop the enemy advance. Hold the line. The only way to play it is on hard. Has unlocks separate from the multiplayer. (I've only tried one level)
EA's Response: It isn't a bug. It's a Halloween themed feature.
LOL That gif was hilarious.
Like wise Dex. We can actually help each other out by helping populate each other's servers. We have some UK guys too that would love to play on a friendly server.
God Yes! Punk Buster had a function that allowed for an admin to request a screen shot from a client. It was a way to check for wall hacks. Unfortunately, the shit never worked. There was talk that they were going to make sure it worked for BF3. I haven't tried it yet. I'll return with that verdict.
Punkbuster wasn't enabled by default so many servers don't have it running yet. It was up to the admins to install the PB mod if they wanted it. We have it running on ours. Even still, there is no such thing as a hack proof system. If it follows in the tradition of BC2, then a few weeks down the line when the kinks are worked out with PB, then we would be required to run it to be a ranked server. Punkbuster has issues every time a game supports it at lanuch. This time around it magically kicks people for no reason. Has something to do with some clients PB not auto updating. I use Chrome. It saves my log in info. I never have to input it.
Dead or Alive: Busting Heads while Busting Out
Why would you be sympathetic toward any of them? They are the 1%.
Yeah they aren't missing anything. We were able to turn ours down. Makes a huge difference. The downside to running anything outside of default is that our server will not have those who click "Play Now!" The only way to connect to it is via the server browser. Mason, Spork; I sent friend request via origin.
It's an interesting concept but I don't feel as if it would work. At least not in an FPS. I think most would skip over it. I do remember server admins in BF 2 would use client tools that would prevent someone of a certain rank to play on their server. If they only wanted experienced players, they would lock out the lower ranks. If it was a noob friendly server they would lock out higher ranks.
Yay the game is released! If any of you are looking for a server to play on, you would be doing me a favor by connecting to mine. The server name is Mount the Frak Up! Conquest 24/7 RevolutionFinale.com. At the moment we cannot change the number of players required to start a match, so it's stuck at 8. The more I have connecting the easier it will be to get games started. See you in game!
@Johnny Yeah you are right. There were Rambo Fuckers before CS. Most of them were LPBs (Low Ping Bastards) that had access to T3 internet when most of us were running 56k. Sigh... the good old days.
Rambo fuckers started in Counter Strike. Not CoD. The lack of commander doesn't bother me much. I loved playing as commander, but the problem was that if you had one team with a commander and if no one took the roll on the other team, then the game became very unbalanced. So rather than use a commander, give squads the ability to call for artillery, fly UAVs, etc. I do wish they would find a good way to implement it again though. As for squad beacons, this isn't the first time they've done this in a BF game. 2142 had them too. The problem with BF3's version of it is that it's completely stealthy. in 2142, when you spawned on the beacon, you would drop from the sky in a loud ass rocket pod that would give away the beacon's position. You knew right away when there was a beacon in the area. In BF3 you just pop in, and the beacon just lets out a faint beep for you to identify it with. I found in beta that good players will notice that people were getting to a base very quickly. As a squad (I play with clan mates and use Ventrilo) we'd split up and listen for a beacon. So this just may be something players will adapt to as they always do when things change. I feel as if Johnny's feeling toward the game is because he hasn't had the time to put into it as others have and also hasn't played it with a good group of people. The people you play with, if you work together as a team, really changes it's dynamic.
Just add each other's names in the Battlelog and you can connect directly to one another's games. That being said, my name will be Nezacant so please add me! My clan will have our own 40 person ranked server running conquest maps. I invite all of you to come join us on our server. EDIT: For those that were concerned about the review embargo, I wouldn't be. BF is primarily a multiplayer game and logic would say that they would want reviewers to be able to experience multiplayer before passing judgement on the game. I would imagine they opened up some private servers for the review copies they gave out as has been done in the past. (And I don't think they wanted them to review it based on the beta either.) Tons of reviews are coming in now which shows they didn't intend on outright blocking reviews until after it's release. No offence to Mini Wheats, but comparing the release of Skyward Sword to the release of BF3, two completely different types of games with completely different technological challenges to be met and therefore would have to be reviewed differently, was silly.
@Yantelope I've never seen that video before. Have you ever seen something you feel as if you should have seen years ago... Like a funny picture that makes you laugh your ass off only to find out everyone on the internet saw it years ago. Then you get hit with that feeling of being late to the party? I just had that moment. Thanks for sharing that. EDIT: I forgot to mention about how Nintendo created a monster. Nintendo had a deal with Sony to manufacture a CD-ROM drive for the SNES. (Think Sega CD) They even showed the device off at CES one year. The day after they showed it off Nintendo backed out and went to a different company to create it instead. The head of Sony at the time was pissed at Nintendo for this and the company retaliated by creating their own console. Nintendo lead to the creation of their own competition.
When I was young, I had my Atari, my NES, my Genisis, and even an old IBM Basic (Didn't have a commodore). I loved them all but Nintendo was always #1 to me. They had the games that I couldn't put down. When they went to the SNES they further solidified themselves as my #1 choice of go to gaming pleasure. The point that started to change for me was during the N64 era. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED my N64, there were some great games on that system. But when I got a Playstation for Christmas, several years after I got my launch day N64, I began to realize the limitation the N64 had with their stubborn refusal to move from silicon game cartrages to compact disk. The cartrages were more expensive, held less data, and was what started the trend of 3rd parties moving on to different hardware... which is where that whole issue with Nintendo started. Final Fantasy back in the day was always associated with Nintendo. At the time, no one ever thought they'd see the games on any other system. When Squaresoft started to develop FFVII, it was being developed for the "Ultra 64". They also assumed that Nintendo would be going to a better media format. Needless to say, when that wasn't the case, a game the epic size of FFVII couldn't possibly go on the platform everyone came to know and love it on. That's only one 3rd party developer story. What I am getting at here is that the whole lack of 3rd party support for Nintendo started long before the Wii and gamecube. It caused gamers to migrate to other systems to play the types of games they wanted to play. This console generation has been an odd one. One where I believe history will not be able to "declare" a winner of the generation. (The real winner of this gen is IBM) Gaming has become less about hardware and more about the games themselves, which is great for the gamer. You get better games this way. Nintendo saw an opportunity to tap into a market that was going to make them a shit ton of money, however while doing so, they alienated a lot of third party devs (again) which in turn alienates a lot of their original fan base. The casual market is a very fickle one with a short attention span. The Wii U will have a hard time capturing the same audience they did with the Wii. I believe, if the Wii U doesn't do well and the 3DS continues to disappoint, Nintendo will go the way of Sega and become a software company. Lets be honest. The hardcore gamers are the group that will keep coming back, the casual will not. The Casual market is moving away from game consoles all together and going to things like their iPad. Nintendo would have to have a console that blows everyone out of the water AND turn a profit AND all the while competing against 3 of the largest companies in the world. (Sony, Microsoft, and Apple) They have an uphill battle ahead.
...and have had sex with a lot of people's moms.
Ha! That was awesome and sad at the same time.
Commo rose is coming back?!?!?! YES! I laughed when you guys started joking about Camaros. As someone who owns and drives a Camaro I'm shocked I never looked at Commo Rose as Camaros. EDIT: Apparently this is old news and I never got the memo. They confirmed it back in August. Too bad it wasn't in the beta.
The interface to bind actions to a mouse is there it's just not working. Mark that as a bug that needs fixing.
Ahhh. Ok. Yes like Maritan said, it works like BC2. Q is the default key.
As in dart gun tagging?