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Everything posted by Pheermee

  1. Jack just get it. Love to play with ya. Saw you on the other day when we were playing I wanted to invite you to party but you went off line. Chew, They have made many changed and balances to the game since you really played last. Also the general skill level has gone up and per map tactics have changed. Maybe you need to try a new class
  2. Posting this again cause I never got an answer
  3. I am 6'1" 1.85 meters 0.001001 nautical miles tall
  4. Oh, Is there any way we can get a notification if one of our posts gets a pos or neg rep? It doesnt have to say from who. I am just gaining points and I dont know where from.
  5. Losing my mind/intellegence is a big one for me. If I lose what makes me... me. I dont want to be a husk of the man I once was. Just a shadow to remind people of a better me.
  6. My family are expert cooks, and learned many different styles from our travels. So I picked up how to cook jsut by exposure. I will eat anything but I tend to be a bit judgmental of peoples cooking. Learning to cook to really justing knowing what seasonings and spices work together, and being able to follow a recipe.
  7. I like odd weapons. I love DOT weapons. Makes me a threat far greater than I appear to be. In quake I liked the Gauntlet. Unreal, the bio rifle and flak cannon. Bioshock, All the melee weapons. FEAR, the Nail Gun. Dead Space, Plasma cutter the whole way. You get the idea
  8. ... do you know how to hard boil an egg? Or add cooked ingredients...
  9. I like my Ramen dry sometimes. but I like Mama brand better. It is the Ramen of Thailand. Come with seasoning, HOT spices, and oil.
  10. Thats a Tanooki. It is a Spirit that loves Sake. Usually seen carrying a MASSIVE jug of it. AND yest it has elephantiasis of the nuts
  11. Gyar, it is up to you. If you cant answer it I will give the answer. And I will claim Champion of the thread
  12. Needles. I have gotten so many injections for my travels. Most when I was a kid and some freakin painful ones. Not one where just the needle hurts but like for days after too. By extension I hate IV's and Giving Blood. Last time I gave blood for insurance purposes I had a seizure. I can't even watch it on TV. Thinking aobut it makes my skin crawl and I get phantom pains. Lol actually my armpit hurts just thinking about them. FUCK NEEDLES
  13. YUM! I saw the episode of Good Eats where Alton Brown made his own. So cool .. I have made Beef Jerkey his way. It really works, and it is safe. Plus IT TASTES AWESOME
  14. 5,6,7 are already out of you are a pirate. 8 is supposed to be released in Japan sometime in 2011
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