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Everything posted by pocoGRANDE

  1. yeah, i brought out my move and SC last night for a friend who'd never used it and we were both still blown away by how accurate it is. the mechanics in all the games seemed really good and well thought out (except maybe volleyball), but i just could never get over the characters... they're such absurd stereotypes it actually takes me out of the game... a french girl who's a ballerina? a black guy who plays basketball?? an asian guy who races cars??? a pacific islander who wears facepaint and a grass skirt???? who said this was okay in the 21st century?????
  2. yeah... the one i forgot to list was skiing, and i guess an updated version of the archery too. SC2 actually has jumped up towards the top of my most-anticipated releases. here's the announcement trailer, and you can see a bit of each game in action oh, another thing that isn't mentioned in the trailer but seems to be a possibility is customizable avatars! (you can see each person in the commercial is playing as themselves) this would get me really excited. the first SC is great, but my two problems with it were 1) weird choice of games (who need video bocce?) and 2) terrible and pretty-much-racist characters... so if they've solved both those and kept the nice tight gameplay i'm totally psyched.
  3. @elev3n: oh geez i really love that lil' machine. it's so damn shiny! also, having never owned a psp i get to experience great games like Patapon and Tactics Ogre for the first time. it's the first time i've ever early-adopted something and i'm definitely glad i did.
  4. i actually just ordered a sharpshooter, a pistol attachment and House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut. i already own 2 move controllers, a nav controller, Sports Champions, The Fight: Lights Out, and Killzone 3. i'm pretty excited to try out a light gun game on the move. i've heard good things about HotD, and it was very cheap on amazon ($15). it was a toss up between this and the Resident Evil Chronicles psn download, but this was cheaper and brought back memories of playing the first game in arcades. it should arrive tonight, maybe i'll post my thoughts on it here. also, i picked up the Fight a couple weeks ago in a bargain bin ($7), and while it's definitely an imperfect experience it does offer some worthwhile things. for one, it's a surprisingly tough work out. i generally do about 2 or 3 fights a night and i am bushed. the move controls themselves are almost painfully accurate. you've got to throw punches with real velocity for them to register and do damage. i've found it's significantly easier to play imagining someone standing in front of you rather than looking at the screen. that being said, the head tracking hasn't worked once no matter what lighting configuration i use, and it's incredibly easy to mess up the calibration. also, your boxer can take permanent damage, and the game starts out at a pretty high level of difficulty. lots of these kind of problems, but the basic mechanic is very interesting and mostly well executed. more than anything i'm excited about Sports Champions 2. i mean, boxing, golf and bowling? based on the quality of the first one i have some high hopes here.
  5. helloooooooooo... i'm pocoGRANDE. used to be pocoGRANDES on kotaku (yet another rat swims from the sinking ship). let's see here, i am a big JRPG fan, and actually just a big fan of RPGs overall. i'm currently playing Demon's Souls on my ps3 and Dragon Quest VIII on my ps2. oh, and Gravity Rush on my vita. so yeah, i guess i'm partial towards sony products but i promise i'm not an asshole about it! hope to be getting to know all y'all. and hi again, kotaku commenters.
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