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But if vgleaks is right and there's the 360 Mini, which also acts as an add-on for the 720, and doesn't have a disc drive so only plays downloadable games and is therefore always on (in a way), it would make sense where the rumors came from (i.e. they're not complete bullshit) without them necessarily having to be 100% accurate.

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Did any of the actual rumours (rather than commentors making assumptions) say that always on was related to DRM? The Wii had a literal always on connection (i.e. even when in standby) or equally it could just mean it has stuff pushed to the system (updates, social etc.) rather than you requesting them. Always on doesn't have to be a bad thing, nor compulsory.

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i just think unless it has been explicitly stated (even in the rumours) then it is massively jumping to conclusions. stand by and push updates are things you can do with an always on connection, as examples other than for DRM.


By not compulsory I meant it could be turned of if you don't want to use the features that require it (eg the auto updates, and social aspects), it would only be compulsory if it were required to play games. I still don't think MS would bring out a system on which you cannot play games unless you are connected to their servers, and I won't believe it even if an "always on" connection is confirmed. Not until they explicitly say that is what the connection is required for.

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Always-on means it's required to be on.  That's just how the term is used.  Of course it can be connected all the time, because this isn't 1993, that doesn't need to be specified.


If MS is using the term "always-on" just to mean it maintains a constant connection if it's available, but does not require that connection, then they're even more retarded than if they actually do require a constant connection, because that's just not what that term means.

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Why they continue to be silent confounds me.  I get that you want to announce a console on your own terms, but being so tight-lipped while Sony gets all the positive buzz AND you get all the negative buzz really isn't going to help you when it comes time to build hype for your actual machine.  There's a lot of enmity building up toward Microsoft, and even if the rumors turn out to be fake that kind of bitterness won't just disappear in an instant. 

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Surely instead of saying it's an always-on connection, if it was any of the the other things then it would be rumoured that next Xbox will have "push updates" "social media" etc, not "always-on".


For example the PS4 is able to do internet related things while in stand-by (and can be disabled), but this is not "always-on". You are not required to have an internet connection in order to carry out tasks such as playing games or media, which "always-on" connatates. 


edit: the silence is unnerving. This isn't the silence of a "we want to hype the launch" this is the silence of "oh shit, the PS4 is crap tons better than we expected" (it blew away pundits too). The 8GB RAM has been mentioned as a secret Sony kept very close to chest (even from devs), and will have shaken them. This Always-On thing really should have been refuted if not true, and also taken by the horns to really show it off too if it's a thing they believe in and as a core part of the next xbox. Instead the silence sends a message of them not being too sure in it, which is not a good stance to have with an expected launch in less than 8months.

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I'm just pointing out that if this guy was located in Redmond it probably won't be an issue to find something in greater Seattle.


Big Fish hires all the time, Valve is there, as is ArenaNet, Bungee, Gas Powered, Monolith, PopCap, Runic, Uber, and (heheheh) Zynga, just to name a few. 


I would never try to go into the industry right now, as I don't know how many of those studios will be around in the future, but I doubt this guy won't be able to find a job. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Xbox event coming up on May 21st. As a consumer, it's in my best interest to see Microsoft knock it out of the park. But what I want from my gaming consoles, and the direction they seem to be heading in.... I'm not going to get too excited. I forsee a PS4 and maybe a PC or a Steam Box sitting under my TV for the next 6-7 years. Prove me wrong, Xbox! 

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