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Everything posted by Dee

  1. I suppose you could say I work, but I don't get paid for it. I student teach. Actually, I'm at the tail end of it--thank God. Those middle-schoolers are a fucking nightmare. I wish I could be back at my high school placement. Now that was one hell of a great experience. Anyway, I hope to, in the coming months, be able to finally get paid for that with my own classroom...or at least a sub job.
  2. Recently, after some trade-ins, I bought: Dead Rising 2 Prototype Lost Oddysey
  3. Heavy Rain Alan Wake Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Red Dead Redemption Star Wars: Force Unleashed II Final Fantasy XIII God of War Mafia II Splinter Cell: Conviction
  4. I'll admit, I'm not great at multiplayer because I don't play it much. Bottom line is, I stink. Sure, I could probably kick ass if I played constantly, but that just ain't my thang. I think I prefer single-player games because it's just me and only me. Although I do enjoy a good co-op every now and then.
  5. Dee


    Himi's win period.
  7. I may or may not. It depends on my mood. And the fact that I am lazy.
  8. What friend? Anyone we know? We want NAMES, goddammit! He's new-ish, too. Iamaquaman ring a bell? His name is David.
  9. I made some four cheese ravioli's with leftover cream of peas from last night. It's got Parmesan cheese, too.
  10. Dee


    They sure are. 'Cept I think Jak may have some Siamese in him as his face is more defined and not squished like Kitty's.
  11. I have been known to troll though not out of any intention. I embraced the title, however, and I kinda liked it.
  12. Seinfeld The X-Files Kids in the Hall Upright Citizens Brigade Mythbusters Stormchasers Curb your Enthusiasm The Office 30 Rock In Living Color Futurama The Simpsons (Note: referring to older seasons) House M.D. Eastenders Friends Iron Chef America
  13. The last good movie I saw was probably the last Harry Potter film. Although it was a bit slower and ended with a cliffie, I rather enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the last film next year.
  14. My favorite series are: Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Neon Genesis Evangelion Paranoia Agent Welcome to the NHK House of Five Leaves Monster Samurai Champloo Ergo Proxy Darker Than Black Cromartie High Trigun Cowboy Bebop Unfortunately, I'm really picky about my anime. I've seen quite a lot, but I tend to drop things or just don't even bother. I've been looking for a good anime to watch, but that's where the pickiness comes in.
  15. I got money, a gift card to H&M and a pair of leopard fuzzy slippers (thanks, bro).
  16. Dee


    I have two cats: Jak (he is almost 2 years old) and Kitty (she is almost 7 years old) Kitty Jak
  17. Seeing as how I've been looking for a new forum to browse/chat/troll/whatever, I doubt I'll run away just yet. Though the option is still on the table.
  18. hyperminimalism If you're going to add me, just give a heads up on where you got the name from. Otherwise, I won't accept.
  19. Xenogears Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Silent Hill Final Fantasy X-2 (God, I hate that game, but the music ain't so bad)
  20. It's actually pretty important, at least to the extent that they can understand the need to play certain video games. While I am not as big a gamer as some, I do play them and they are important to me as a favorite hobby. I don't care if they don't like to play, but respect and understanding is important. Of course, I would prefer if that person did play video games.
  21. Hello, hello. Name's Dee. I was linked here by a friend. I've yet to browse, but I'll do that after I post. ....All right!
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