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Everything posted by Dee

  1. You sure can take it off my hands.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV7EMl2Px2Q
  3. I'm watching Level E. I was mildly interested in it and decided to give it a try. So far it's pretty funny, silly humor. I think I'll watch this one.
  4. I look like a dork: But maybe because I try to.
  5. Casablanca (1942) I cheated. North by Northwest (1959) Sums it up GREAT.
  6. Mmm, a little more news on the Uncharted 3 front. This article stems from a Naughty Dog announcement. I suppose we can expect a 'big reveal' here soon, though about what we'll just have to wait and find out. Check out the interview between Greg and Colin here: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/113/1139558p1.html
  7. I will play just about anything so long as it is to my liking. Though the main genre I stick to are Survival Horror, Action-Adventure and RPG. There are other genre sprinkled about randomly depending on my mood.
  8. Half a poppyseed muffin and string cheese.
  9. Yeah, they showed up in a magazine and whatnot, but those were grainy and just not as good. I thought I would pass along the HD shots in case anyone was interested.
  10. New screenshots for Uncharted 3. http://wccftech.com/2011/01/16/uncharted-3-hd-screenshots-surface/
  11. I am eating this burrito and watching TV. I'll probably play some U2 later, too, but now its time to relax.
  12. Dayum. He's skinnier than me. I'll reserve my judgment until later.
  13. Stupid. Cold. We got a pitiful excuse for snow with some flurries that hardly stuck and then freezing rain. It's still falling a little bit. I don't know what it'll look like in the morning, but I can only hope it sticks around.
  14. Am I the only one laughing at the fart noises?
  15. Cold. There's a possibility--fingers crossed--we'll get some snow in the evening commute tomorrow with freezing rain, etc. It'll most likely be falling overnight and, of course, temperatures will not be rising much by then. They're forecasting it to come in pockets, but not too bad by Wednesday afternoon. I am so hoping the school calls in a 2-hour delay or a cancellation (the latter would be best) 'cause even though I'm not a student anymore, I still loves me some snow days.
  16. I put more than 5: The Giver - Lois Lowry Farenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury The Ambassadors - Henry James American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis Strangers - Dean Koontz Youth and Revolt - C.D. Payne Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger Oryx & Crake - Margaret Atwood Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes The Tennants - Bernard Malamund Wigfield: The Can-Do Town That Just May Not - Sedaris, Dinello, Colbert The Big Friendly Giant - Roald Dahl
  17. I have to move my legs or rock at night to sooth this irritation/weird tingling sensation in the middle of my spine. It's weird and I've done it since I can remember. I'm usually also moving a leg, bouncing it up and down for instance, if I'm sitting.
  18. Speaking of popcorn, I had a jelly belly that was hot buttered popcorn. It really did taste like it. Kinda weird.
  19. I had yummy chicken with basmati rice and aloo paratha, spinach pakora as well.
  20. I couldn't do the contacts. I tried them for a bit, but it was just something I wasn't willing to get used to. Glasses are so much easier.
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