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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. Cyber Rat


    I've picked up Chime and had all the other "dirt cheap" games that were on sale already. I'm waiting for Super Meat Boy to be on sale either during the Treasure Hunt or the Xmas sale.
  2. It looks like a Motorstorm snowboard game. I have no complaints about that.
  3. has made this week's 200k payment! Capitalism, ho!

  4. I am guessing that if it's the future, they found out some way to stop London from sinking. Maybe a Mass Effect generator or something.
  5. If it's the same engine with the same lazy design decisions like Oblivion, I'll end up hating it as well. I seriously can't believe that the same people who made Morrowind did Oblivion. I want mounted combat so horses are at least SOMEWHAT useful. I want animation that doesn't look worse than some PS1 launch titles. And I don't want stupid lazy level scaling and all caves and ruins coming in one of four layouts unless they are tied to a major quest. Oblivion was so fucking lazy. I can't believe it sold as much as it did (I could say the same for Fallout 3...).
  6. I can't decide on one, so I'll post my top 10 list (in no particular order): Where Have All the Flowers Gone (2002) - it's the equivalent of a live action FLCL for me (and FLCL is my favorite anime ever). The Truman Show (1998) Man on the Moon (1999) Sin City (2005) Machete (2010) Scott Pilgrim VS the World (2010) The Set-Up (1949) Pulp Fiction (1994) A World Without Thieves (2004) Die Hard (1988)
  7. What game(s) are you currently playing? Feel free to comment how far in you are and what you think about it so far. I'm playing Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale for the PC at the moment. Got to week 4 and am having fun so far.
  8. God Hand is one of the best games ever. Here are 8 reasons why: 1) The game is hard, but fair; 2) It only wants to do one thing: "PUNCH PEOPLE IN THE FACE" and it does that FLAWLESSLY; 3) The move customization is simple and effective; 4) It has fruit for restoring health; 5) It has dancing; 6) It has this as its ending credits song; 7) It was made by Shinji Mikami; 8) It was developed by Clover Studios. Show your love for God Hand in this thread.
  9. I'm Cyber Rat. I will be (Internet) famous one day.
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