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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. That latest gameplay video killed all of my excitement for the game. Too generic.
  2. Yes, you can find the book if you look into your sex drive.
  3. I've heard some very bad things about DS2, so I'm just sticking to trying to finish DS1 for now. FDS is right, I would probably wreck the Gargoyle fight now, but it was a really brutal wake-up call for a first playthrough.
  4. I'm playing through Dark Souls 1 for the second time ever. First time I ragequit in Undead Burg with the Black Knight. I'm enjoying it more than last time, but I think I almost broke at the Gargoyles. Like, seriously, fuck that fight. Nothing in the game has enraged me as much so far.
  5. I had no idea someone already made a topic for this (and here I thought about making my comeback with shameless self-promotion). Anyway, I heard the concern about Amazon exclusivity and I understand it. The first step I did was trying to get the digital version on alternate channels. You can find the book on Libiro: http://www.libiro.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1467 (And it should be DRM free) It's available there in both .epub and .mobi formats. I'll see what I can do about adding a .pdf choice, I just need to find the time. If you enjoy it (or if you don't end up enjoying the book), feel free to leave a review on its Amazon page or on Goodreads The print version is on Amazon and CreateSpace only at the moment. It's gonna take up to a max of 8 weeks until it's available in other stores.
  6. 76 messages since my last visit...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      What do you guys have it set to notify you it on? 76 messages for me would take an active status update or a fair few months.

    3. Mal


      I get nadda. Gais... anybody there...? ;_;

    4. Hot Heart
  7. That Xbox One reveal was so underwhelming :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I wasn't even whelmed.

    3. TCP


      I, actually, was overwhelmed... overwhelmed by boringness.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I was overwhelmed by how buzz wordy it was (the actual conference.) It was almost satirical.

  8. Hey, PXOD Writers, I have a draft up after many years of hibernation

  9. Dead or Alive 5 is amazing. It's free on Euro PSN+ atm. Get it and let's play :D

    1. Luftwaffles


      Vanquish for US PSN. :(


      Although, this game is awesome so far. Not sure why I haven't played it yet.

    2. Strangelove


      Vanquish is definitely the better game.

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      We had Vanquish on the EU Store in January.

  10. Have we been getting any new members here?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TCP


      Maybe we need to be friendlier?!

    3. Baconrath


      Maybe that Baconrath guy should stop being a douche

    4. Chewblaha
  11. I love BlazBlue, but the story mode made me hate words. Guilty Gear was much more to the point, thankfully. Although MK9 has the best fighting game story mode so far IMO. Finished Asura's Wrath. It's like all the good things from TTGL and Heavy Rain in one. The "Part IV" DLC was a bit repetitive at times, but otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  12. Wow, a week ago, I was considering buying Dead or Alive 5, and now I find out it's on PSN+ for March. Awesome :D

  13. Don't worry, I expect good ol' Randy will tell everyone how they're shit for not liking Colonial Marines. Same as with DNF.
  14. Raptr just informed me that one of my friends now outranks me in the Walking Dead. What? Did they cry more?

    1. Vecha


      They just took longer to beat it. That means they suck. ;)

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Isn't it just a matter of play time?

    3. VicariousShaner


      They obviously no-scoped way more zombies than you did.

  15. Trying to beat Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed. I need to S rank all tracks and it's much harder than I ever recall kart games being...
  16. I just checked the original post and it says I can post hardware. Thank you for ruining my joy, Tenshi!
  17. Didn't this thread have a "Hardware too, I guess" description as well?
  18. PlayStation Pulse headset arrived today
  19. To beat Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed, I need to S rank every stage... Fuck

  20. To beat Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed, I need to S rank every stage... Fuck

    1. CorgiShinobi


      Yeah, it's kinda an unforgiving beast when you're not purely racing.

  21. Yea, I'm expecting it to be a grindfest, but a friend wanted and it wasn't that expensive.
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