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Everything posted by FMW

  1. Radiant Historia. An old 2011 DS JRPG. Goddamn fantastic. I want to love JRPGs, and I love the basic gameplay loop to them with the leveling up and dungeon into boss into new town into dungeon formula. But the stories are just... ick. I don't operate on that emotional register. They all come across as incredibly melodramatic and silly to me and take me right out of the experience. Same with anime. So mostly I just play no story and low story JRPGs now. I would LIKE to play JRPGs with stories too, but my apparently high standards of "characters must act like actual human beings" basically rules that out. Except this one had a story that was pretty good! It took an unfortunate turn to genre cliche near the end, but that was only after 20+ hours of quality content and even when the cliches kick in the characters didn't get all angsty about it. When the big reveal happens the protagonist just says "Yeah, I'd figured that out. And that also means that x and y doesn't it?" Not being dumb, not losing his shit, just talking about the information and making connections. Add in some strong portrait art, good music, and a combat system that's everything that FF X should have been and this was all around a good package! I was very happy with this! Pity about that old Atlus stinginess. This game would have benefited a LOT from some more money put into graphics (both sprites and environment), more musical tracks, more environments, and another UI pass. Atlus makes games cheap though so I've learned to deal with a lot of that stuff. For the quality of the substance in this game it was worth it.
  2. I don't have a PS4 either. I do have access to a PS3 though. So I'm waiting to find out what the version differences are between PS3 and PS4. The game was originally a PS3 game so I'm hoping I won't be missing too much. If it's just loading times and giant TV resolution then I'm fine with the PS3 version.
  3. Yep, there's full party control. It's confirmed in footage released over this past month. You've got the full menu for each character. In general I wouldn't worry about questions along the line of "Is Persona 5 going to have potentially alienating annoyances ironed out?" Persona only got big when it got accessible, and Atlus has way too much riding on this to risk losing people because it's hard. Super easy mode, full party control, a non harsh death penalty, you'll get all of that and you'll also get waifus and a ton of anime cutscenes and mad production value. On my end I was worried that the core turn based gameplay systems wouldn't hold up because of all the focus on other elements of the title. Fortunately now that we finally have news on how the game systems work it's looking good on that front.
  4. Okay, I've been taking a "wait and see" approach to Persona 5. I'm one of the cranky guys who always felt Persona 4 was a step down from 3 so I wasn't necessarily on board with the direction the series was heading in and no amount of high quality art stills was going to sway me. NOW I'm on board though. I have waited and seen, and now this looks amazing. The reasons: 1. The enemies are now all the SMT monsters. This is good both because the SMT demon database is amazing but more importantly this is a fix from the real lack of unique/meaningful enemies in Persona 3/4. They desperately needed more enemy variety in those games. This will have that. 2. In the old battle system you just spammed enemy weaknesses and knocked them down and it was all offense all the time. In the new one they still have the weakness into extra turn mechanic, but now you can spend that 1-more bonus turn to convey buffs to a party member of choice. This is an upgrade in strategic turn managing from the past games. 3. The main story dungeons are all fixed designs which means there can be more specific puzzle/environmental content. But now there is ALSO a giant randomly generated dungeon you can hit up for grinding/side questing/whatever. This is again a fix from the PS2 Persona games - the randomly generated story dungeons often blew and there wasn't anywhere else to go. So now let's get hype! Not because "IT'S PERSONA 5!!" but because it looks like there are some smart fixes and improvements over the previous games. Hooray!
  5. Opinion: The new Ghostbusters song is super corny and embraces that in a good way. Just like the mega corny original.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I agree, it's just kind of there, not terrible but nothing special.

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      The song is garbage. I never liked Fall Out Boy in the first place.

    4. Pojodin


      I do like some of Fall Out Boys songs, but this was a travesty. Not really planning to see the movie though I used to be a big Ghostbusters fan as a kid.

  6. I went back and got hooked on Mario and Luigi Paper Jam. Kind of a good game.

    1. Pojodin


      Those games do have their charm.

  7. I don't know why Arbok even exists. Gamefreak kinda messed up because Seviper that came in a later gen is literally the exact same thing but better. Same type (poison). Same snake with fangs design. Almost identical move pools and usefulness. The difference? Seviper has better stats and looks cooler and is literally in every way the same thing but better. Normally they do a good job of having one creature not just "replace" another and giving each creature a niche. But Ekans/Arbok have got zero going for them any more.
  8. Never mind. Thanks for responding, but it turns out there's a dedicated sub reddit for this feature. Because of course there is. Why actually interact with people when you can reduce the game to a faceless pursuit of them min maxed monsters?
  9. Who here, if anyone, currently has a completed (beaten Elite 4) Pokemon X/Y file? I wish to TRADE with you. Not that I want to collect or give anything in particular. No, what I want are all your tasty endgame friend safaris. If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's fine. You don't need to. The process of being online at the same time as me and trading a pokemon will get us access to each other's friend safaris which means we each get access to fun exclusive pokemon. I currently seek cool pokemon that can be accessed only in friend safaris so I will trade with all of you until I get what I need. 0602-6436-1971 is my 3DS friend code. My time zone is CST (Wisconsin). I do not work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday of this coming week because my life is awesome sometimes. Send me your code. Send me a time. I will be there.
  10. Question: Do we know what Michel Ancel's team is up to over at Ubisoft? They put out Rayman Origins which was pretty good and then they put out Rayman Legends which was great. I feel like it's been long enough that we would have heard about their next project by now. It's been almost three years since Legends came out. Question 2: Do we know what the Child of Light team at Ubisoft is doing? It's been two years since that one came out and unless they got promoted to big AAA budget then I would think that we would know about their new game too. Especially if they're building on the established UbiArt engine again. Where are all my good Ubisoft games? =( I'm not super into their open world franchises (Far Cry/Assassin's Creed/Division/whatever) but I'm a big fan of a lot of their smaller stuff and I just realized that we don't even know what that side of the company is doing, much less when those titles will come out. Did I just miss some headlines?
  11. Overwatch seems cool. I've learned my lesson though. In two months everybody still playing will be so far beyond me I won't be able to complete.

    1. Eleven


      Hell, a pretty good Hanzo player was wiping the floor on Monday night. I managed to kill him and we captured the point for a while until he got in position and started thrashing everyone again.


      I hate Hanzo more than a Bastion with Mercy combo. And a Hanzo with Widowmaker's super effect will just kill you through any kind of wall. :(

    2. CorgiShinobi


      I feel like Overwatch doesn't have that high of a skill wall for entry. It's very much objective-based, so as along as you play objectives, you don't need 5 player killstreaks.

  12. I don't see myself ever buying VR gear without trying it first, and I don't foresee demos being available in my small town Midwest USA.

    1. FMW


      I feel like VR is a city slicker thing and I don't trust it.

    2. SomTervo


      "city slicker"



    3. FMW



  13. I dunno. This is the problem with companies keeping their creative talent under wraps. I don't have an identity for Retro Studios. I don't see a through line. They made Metroid Prime, it was good. They made Donkey Kong, it was good. They made Metroid Pinball, it was good (weirdly so). They worked on Mario Kart Seven, it was good. I dunno. They're adaptable if nothing else. But they've never done their own IP. Working on ancient Nintendo properties from day one. So I have zero clue what to expect from them on an original project.
  14. Question 1: Does Dee still hang here? Question 2: So, uh, how about that Uncharted 4?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SomTervo


      And the 'spectacle' argument is apparently less relevant than ever


      How's living under that rock, MEth?

    3. TCP



    4. TCP


      Also props for thinking of MEth.

  15. Big news: Shovel Knight Plague of Shadows is amazing. 100% more invested in Plague Knight than Shovel Loser

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      ^^^^ Agreed

    3. FMW


      And I finished. That was lovely. I have trouble imagining replaying shovel mode now. I think Plague Knight's kit is more fun.

    4. FMW


      However, I can now say with certainty after 3 full playthroughs in various modes: The ice level in this game sucks. A lot.

  16. Fire Emblem Fates is pretty good. The story is not good. It only functions because the protagonist is pants on head stupid at all times. But the strategy mechanics and map design have gotten appreciable upgrades. There are more classes and they are more varied and a larger percentage of them are viable than in the past few iterations. Definitely recommend skipping up to hard mode though. The default Easy isn't just easy... it's kind of ludicrous. I have had strategic breakdowns where the bad guys break though and get to my back line healer and it turns out they can deal 0 damage to her.
  17. I feel like the narrative justification is waaay stronger for choosing to play the Hoshido/Birthright campaign.

  18. Oh, did you think I was done? Because I was NOT done. I have now ALSO beaten Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. General Consensus is that A Crack in Time is the good one and I should progress to that ASAP. But my experience with these games has always been that the new game plus replay is at least as much fun (if not more fun) than the first time through. So I don't think I'm quite done with this one yet.
  19. I beat two games last night. Both RPGs where I had just run out of steam before the final boss. 1. Pokemon Y isn't very good. Some Pokemon games are good, some are bad. This is a bad one. But I beat the elite four finally! My team was: Raticate, Linoone, Furret, Bibarel, Watchog, and Diggersby. 2. Dragon Quest VIII is very very good. Not Dragon Quest V or IX good, but that's like complaining that Zelda Twilight Princess isn't Ocarina of Time or Windwaker good. Some franchises just have absurdly high quality on average.
  20. I HAVE BEEN CHEATED I caught my first ever Shiny Pokemon, an Inkay. I used it as a trade chip. I wanted to play through Pokemon Y using a team of the six worthless route 1 normal type Pokemon to celebrate Gen 6. One worthless waste of a Pokedex slot per generation. Ratatta, Sentret, Bidoof, Zigzagoon, Patrat, Bunnelby. It's a dumb thing to do, but I wanted to do it. So I offered my friend one shiny Inkay in return for a random Patrat and a random Ratatta because those cannot be found in Pokemon Y. He agreed, he was trading away nothing for something. But the game doesn't actually let you do 2 for 1 trades. All trades are equitable. So I traded my Inkay for his Patrat. So far so good. Then I traded a random lame guy I found (smeargle) for the Ratatta... and it came through with the nickname "ETHANSUCKS" My Name is Ethan My friend had all the leverage. He already had what he wanted. I can't change the nickname because you aren't ALLOWED to change the name given to a pokemon by it's original master. So I'm stuck with it. Leveling up ETHANSUCKS. He's level 75 now and I'm so so bitter.
  21. My secret santa was FLD! He is a coooooool dude. I thanked him on Steam chat but that doesn't count. He deserves public adoration and praise. After all he loaded me down with not one, not two, but THREE gigantic RPG experiences. We're talking Valkyria Chronicles, we're talking Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky and we're talking about The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. I could seriously do 100% of my gaming for the first half of the year just working through these games. It is madness. It is a gift of like 300 hours of game. It is the best.
  22. I've barely even played any 2015 games. I give my award to Xenoblade Chronicles X because it's basically that or Undertale in terms of games I've played from this year and Undertale sacrifices mechanics too much for the message. Which would be fine if the message was something more profound than "Killing bad, friendship good". In terms of the game I played for the first time this year that's my favorite it's definitely Dragon Quest 6. Whatever, I'm a nerd. I accept it.
  23. My Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030388471/home/ My Steam Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030388471/wishlist My Nation of Residence: United States of America General criteria: Nothing too hard please. It's not that I can never get into a demanding precision action game but it's... rare. Turn based and/or simple controls for me and/or easy are good targets to aim for What are your favorite genres? JRPG, Platformer, Metroidvania, Open World usually, Puzzle (I have played a TON of shatter that I got in this one year), games that make the player smile What are your favorite games? Final Fantasy XII, Metroid Prime, Zelda Minish Cap Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Nah, Steam is cool Will you take games not on your wishlist? Of course! What sort of asshole would be all "How DARE you go to the bother of looking at my wishlist and this post and then extrapolating out a game that I don't even know I want?" Giving me something not on my wishlist is a sign of putting more thought/effort into finding a good gift, not less. Any other information you think relevant? Nothing super violent please. That's just now where I'm at in my life right now. I don't do well with horror/gore. Other than literally seeing human bodies torn apart though (which kind of rules out a lot of video games honestly) I'm good.
  24. Should I buy.... Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky On one hand, I like JRPGs and supposedly this is a good one. On the other hand, I don't know WHY it's a good one. The promo art looks very generic anime, the screenshots look very generic 16 bit SNES JRPG, nobody's talking about the game having an amazing combat system or anything... Everyone seems to like this game, but I don't know why. What makes this game good? Sell me. Or alternately confirm my sneaking suspicion that it's generic garbage.
  25. 2015 was a down year for "games I like". Next year looks SICK though. Dragon Quest AND SMT AND Fire Emblem AND Bravely Default. An awful lot of quality JRPG.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      This year had Trails in the Sky SC. All other JRPGs are irrelevant.


      Oh and Cowboy is right. There is no fucking way FFXV is making 2016. Lol.

    3. Vecha


      We got Xenoblade this year...but yeah, next year is looking better for JRPGs.


      Can't wait for Persona 5

    4. FMW


      AND the new Mario and Luigi game looks sick. Those are honestly some of my favorite JRPGs. All the good parts of the formula without the anime bullshit.

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