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Everything posted by Mal

  1. It's never complete until Tactics gets a PC treatment. Might be hard to get it to work with a mouse though? Edit: Seems like this port will have a speed up toggle like the FF VII PS4 port has. Nice.
  2. For $5 for a beat them up classic, I say why not?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQgAJe_0XGw
  4. Oh geez, I wonder why Triad Wars failed...

    1. FMW


      I thought it was pretty solid honestly. I didn't love it, but there wasn't anything wrong with it.

    2. toxicitizen


      I just hope this means we can finally get Sleeping Dogs 2...

  5. I gave the games that FMW gifted me a whirl. Dokuro is a mobile port but it's nice and cute. Gonna see where our skele-knight takes the princess. Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe is pretty awesome and I think it's my first Adult Swim published game. Really polished. Not what I was expecting (Mario versus Tetris). Then there is The Long Dark. As a bit of an outdoor-y person, it's a bit odd to see gamey fatigue like this in a survival game. The sped up time and the distance traveled isn't lining up in my head. The distance and elevation gain I did was a simple day in real life. Sure it's cold as hell and there's snow on the ground but I think it's doable. Morale might take a huge dip but it's physically doable. But yeah, that sped up time jacks up my perception. The game physics too since I personally have a tendency to go up (and down) on ridges to get a better view of where I'm going in real life. Sometimes in less than ideal slopes. Not really possible here so that's a bummer. With that all said, this is a game and I like what I see. Time to Brian Robeson this shit. Edit: Chew killed me in my desperate attempt to kill him for food. I don't think rifle rounds work on bears...
  6. As part of a balance breakfast, I got The Long Dark, Dokuro and Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe from Frosted Mini-Wheat! I can get to relive the long, dark and cold night where I (along with the rest of the class) nearly froze to death! At the same time I can shake Mini Metro with SPPD and Dokuro. Deep dark fantasy.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHuXSZv6Tqs You really got to give it to folks who can act while in green/blue screen or being motion cap for something not (quite) human. It's kind of like voice acting.
  8. The more I look, the more I think Chew is really a bear who can bluff his way into sentience.
  9. I couldn't resist after watching someone stream this game. You build a metro network with the normal failure state of overcrowded stations. It's simplicity and art direction pretty much screams mobile game but it works and is released first on PC. One reason I got this is because I get the mobile version when it comes out. After sinking in two six hours of game time, I think it'll transition into a great mobile game (average round of 15-20 minutes).
  10. They did it! So what happened is this: They got a real live run to work.
  11. If I recall correctly, KOTOR is canon but for only light side choices... I think. I'm get conflicting information here and there and at this point I think it is safe to assume it isn't...?
  12. I just got done and yes I did get spoiled on both things I came across. Overall it was good, easily top three. No complaints really. I'll dig into the thread later and post a better write up. This movie is such a fucking tease.
  13. I just watched Summer Wars after meaning to for ages. It's a odd, cute and fun movie. The premise of it is odd enough that I'm not sure what to make of it but it's entertaining and I think it is worth watching at the very least. I suppose I can say that it makes me feel optimistic like a younger self would've felt again?
  14. I should just embrace the spoilers since I may have been spoiled.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan
    3. TheRevanchist


      I won't even have time to go see this until next fucking week. NEXT FUCKING WEEK! Damn, I hate everyone.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Dean spoiled it for me this morning by tweeting that Bruce Willis was a force ghost the whole time. THANKS DEAN!

  15. More here. Another proposed option is to go to Phobos, which should be a captured asteroid, around Mars and grab a (smaller) sample of that. It can showcase that, yes, our new spacecrafts can get to Mars, land and come back. Not sure if the asteroid deflection part of the mission would be on the table with that since there could be a risk we just send Phobos crashing into Mars... I think we got the physics all worked out so I don't think it is necessary. Edit: Maybe I should mention that deflection of an asteroid also can mean the towing of one which some are worried could be used as a weapon. There is also the thing of grabbing a chunk of it and bringing it into the Earth's neighborhood. Maybe humanity is not meant to colonize space.
  16. Mal

    English vs English

    Topping? Never heard ketchup in that context to fries. Salt and pepper, and ketchup are just condiments. Toppings in my mind could stand on their own.
  17. Mal

    English vs English

    Ya'll uncivilized! Salt and pepper is the one true way to go.
  18. Spoiler tags should be fine. Speaking of spoilers, I got smacked in the face with a clip from the movie. Nothing big, just Rey talking. Stay safe... Edit: I might have gotten spoiled? Hard to tell since it is kind of easy to come up with anything short like LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER.
  19. Well it does have great core gameplay so it can't be helped...
  20. The announcement wording is a bit vague which leaves room for hope. As for Del Toro, that shit is going so happen. Maybe not a horror game, not yet anyways, but the website makes me think giant robots in space. Both dude love giant robots/mechs. Not-Zone of the Enders incoming. I wonder what will the studio do about a game engine. Not-Zone of the Enders would be a good opporunity to make a new engine or get used to an exisiting engine. On a completely different note... fuck I could really use a PS4 for Earth Defense Force 4.1. Watching a stream of it is too much. It's a bigger and better EDF 2017, my guilty pleasure!
  21. Kojima, don't forget about the PC market. Sony has a decent relationship with PC so I'm hopeful. Exoskeleton/exosuits for days... wait. Tallgesse?
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